Jacket Pipe 010001

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Thcrm3J end reactions can be pre~icted

for jacketed piping carrying a process

fluid in an inner pipe heated by st8:1m
b:.:f',jeen the pipe and jackGt !~ t4~"
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JACKETED -PIPING requires special stress anaiysis: Com-
monly used to convey very viscous pr~cess fluids in an


mner pIpe, neated by steam between the outer jacket ans! 0> I I)
inner pipe, thermal end reactions can be predicted. Vac- I I
cuum jacketing is also used as an insulator for cryogenic
fluicls and can be analyzed using the same calculation 1 ~
shown as a restraint

method for heated jacketed piping.

By example, stress problems occuring with this type
of piping system will be descrihed. The example assumes
a process fluid requiring const.1nt, uniform heat not avail-
able through steam or electrical tracing systems. It further
ass,:mcs-the need for a stainless steel Lnner pipe or core
I }- 3-in sch. 1055 core pipe

and an outer carbon steel pipe or jacket. Since both pipes I I

are rigidly attached to flanges in spool pi.eces and each I 1,-4·in, sch,40 C stl jacket
pire has a difTerent. thermal e~pansion _coefficient, ~xial
- str~se~ will be _an_a_ly_·z_e_d_._
Example. An isometric dra\',ing of the sample problem ~~~
is shown on Fig. 1. The construction is a three inch '" I I I
schedule '10 stainless steel core pipe with a four inch -( I I
schedu1e ,10 carbon steel jacket. The jacket covers the core I I
for its entire length and flanges arc used for system dis-
rnantlillg. The heating medium is 180 psi-saturated ste<\m;
proper collection and removal of condens:lte has been
assumed. I t has also been assumed that the core pipe
and j:lck~t pipe are at thenn:l! equilibrium.
Core/jacket stn:ss anaIJ~si". This ex:tIllple has a pro-
cess core pres,ure of.3'O'·[?sig";jwith jacket pressure at.J8CJ
psig, the.: core is su~ed to an' extern:ll pressurc of
150 psig. The core pipe must be investigated for col-
lapse or local buckling frolll the extemal pressure load,
COll\cntional techniques as outlined in the ANSI and
AS:\fl~ Coue.:s can be used.
Since the core is at the saine temper:lture as t~1<'jacket,
in this eX:lI11ple, thr only di!lcn.:utial exp:lnsion would be
expcricllccd fn.>lll the uifl""ll:IJ"': in tIll: coefficieJlt of cx-
pallSi",n hct\\cI'lI t!w st;liJlIt-" eof/.' alld carboJl steel
jad:t.:t. The cIJJllpn:ssi\'c :1Il<1 teJlsile stl<>:,('~ Oli b;; teadily

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