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Researched and Written by Mrs. Neely·s First Graders

(Better Known as Neely·s Newts)

Crestline Elementary School

April 2011


Coyotes are awake wen you are asleep.

They are nocturnal. They have yellow
gray fur. They live in difrint places. They
eat fish. They can bark. Some live in
grass land. Some live in deserts. Some
live nere peple. Some eat food peple
leave out.

 Sources:

Co tes B Patricia Whitehuse

˜ ˜

Seals feel with their whiskers to hunt.

Seals eat squid fish and krill. Seals have
big eyes so they can see in the night.

Seals have skin and blubber to keep

them warm. Seals have flippers so they
can swim. Seals live in oshens and seas.

 Su:

R T 





áunnies are born with no fur. áunnies

leave there nest after a weeks. áunnies
can eat greens when they grow teeth.
áunnies can hear from far away. They
have strong back legs. They like to dig.
áunnies sleep in warm nest. Soon they
open their eyes.

 Su:

Bui B C

 S t



]ebras have strips on their mane.

Lions and hyenas hunt zebras.
]ebras eat grass growing on the
savanna. All zebras live in Africa
too. They also need to drink
water every day. A zebra·s eyes
can look for danger all around.

 Su:

Z   C thi Ipiz 



anatees have two fins in the front of its

body that helps it steer. A manatee will
eat by curling its upper lip around the
plant. A manatee·s teeth grind and new
shining ones replays the old broken ones.
A manatee sticks its snout out of the
water and breaths. He has flippers that
are shaped like a paddle. A baby
manatee can soon eat after birth.

 Su:

  t B Su  N ti


]ebras see very well for ther

pretiters. ]ebras are the meber of
the hours family. A babby zebra is
called a foal. A babby zebra can
walk one hour it is born. A zebra
driks water and eats grass. They
have black and wite stripes.

 Su:

Z  B A
i V Zu h


ccccc eerkats live on the contnint of Africa. They

play in the sun and rest in the shade. eerkats
eat creepy crawly bugs. eerkats also eat creepy
crawly rodents. Some eerkats live on green
grassy savannas. eerkats can also live on dry
plains. eerkats can stand on their hind legs
straight to look for pray. eerkats can dig with
they claws. They also use them to dig for food.
They also use their claws to dig burrows.

 Su:

 t  J R 



c cc

A baby dolphin is called a calf because it

is a cotdy pie. Dolphins hunt for fish
under the sand. A baby dolphin driks
milk from the mother body. Dolphins race
through the prety shiny sea. Dolphin has
a blowhole so the dolphin can brethe air
like pepole do.

 Su:

hi  V
i J. W

þ cccccc


Ducklings learn to swim the day they hatch.

Ducklings have webbed feet to help them swim.
When ducklings are young they swim very close to
there mother. Ducklings beaks are cold bills. A
ducklings feathers are softer and fuzzier then an
adolts. Some ducklings live on farms. It takes
several weeks for ducklings to hatch out of there
egg. Juveniles are ducklings that are not yet
grown up.

 Su:

Du  A
i T i


A female and male lead the pack. They are called

Alpha pair. Wolves pack have four to ten wolves.
They eat big, fat oose, Elk and deer. Wolves are
called wild dog. Wolves howl to talk to each
other. Howling is long, loud sound. Wolves live in
forests, grasslands and tundras. Wolves try to
stay away from poepel and cites. Wolves have
bushey tails to help them stay warm in cold
weather. Old wolves help young wolves how to

 Su:c



Cheetahs can run 70 m.p.h.!!

Cheetahs acshley look like they are
wearing sungalsses. Cheetahs· ears
help them hear predators. Cheetahs
eyes can see any movement.
Cheetahs eat meat. Cheetahs live in

 Su:

Cht h  D h Nuzz



Giraffes yuos their legs to run away from

inmes. They alsoow yuos their legs to
kick inmes to kep ther babes safe.
Giraffes tongs are as long as your arm.
Giraffes some tims slep with owun iy
opin. Giraffes live in Africa. No giraffes
have the same patrn of spots.

 Su:

Gi   C thi Iiz 




Ducklings have webbed feet so they can

swim. A Ducklings wings are called
downs. Ducklings eat small fish and
seeds and insects. A Ducklings wings
are too small for it to fly. Ducklings stay
near their mom. Ducklings grow fast
soon they will be a duck.

 Su:

i B C

 S t



Dolphins love to jump in the water. They

cannot breath under water they haft to
go to the serfic of the water to breath.
The kid dolphin helps the auntie dolphin
swim. Dolphins hear a big huge grup of
fish and then they eat the fish. And they
live in the ocean. They like to swim to
gether to be safe.

 Su:

hi  K th

! ! ˜˜!

Arctic foxas
Crocodiles needhunt
warmalon without
and wet its
places to live.
Also crocodiles
mottrer. Theydon t have
eat ded many enames
anmals fish
when thay lie in water they look like bumby
and brds and limings. They live in
logs they swim fast after ther prey
the Arctic. They are soopr whte.
.Crocodiles have short legs and long strong
They are wite
and sleripery talsin the wittre.
crocodiles carryInther
in theyand
ther moths are brown.
put them in They hunt
shallow by
themther tals help them swim fast.

 Su
 Su:
C i
  K th

Ati F   Ei
R T 
Sea Turtles áy Tompkins


The mother sea turtle swims hundreds of miles to

the beach to lay her eggs. When they lay there
eggs they dig a hole and cover s it up to hide it
from predators. They all eat difrent foods. They
have a hole in there nostrils so they dont have to
swim all the way up to breath. There babybyes
look like them. When there babys hatch they
have to hurry to the water so a crab or a bird
doesn·t get them.

 Su

S Tut
 B V
i J. W


-ou can·t find a leopard. They blend

in. Leopards sleep in the daytime.
Cubs stay away from predators. The
hyenas steal males. At night
leopards hunt for mammals. Leopards
jump into water. They drink it.

 Su:

L   B D h Nuzz


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