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Niall Corish Media Evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge
forms and conventions of real media products?
From our basic
research we
discovered that
low level lighting Make Up: the use of
would be best for blood in our project
our film to follow was key to conveying
basic horror the genre of horror,
conventions For this scene, we filmed it in this made the opening
natural daylight but altered it sequence much more
in editing to add a dark effective and shocking
nightmarish tone to he audience with a
death so early on. The
We also used a red blood stained use of blood made it
colour in editing for the scenes clear to the audience
inside the church to amplify the that a death had
setting occurred.

Niall Corish Media Evaluation

Costumes: we used simple everyday general
clothing for our characters to show that
they were just average teenagers which
created a sense or realism and danger. The
realism made a connection between our
target audience of teenagers and the events
on screen.

Music: choosing the right music for the film opening was vital to setting up the genre
and drawing the audience in to the film immediately. We decided to use the creepiest
music possible, and wanted something that resembled a children's toy box that
would play nursery rhymes. The music we used had certain spoken messages that fit
the scene perfectly. For example as we see Aletta dead, Sam falls to his knees and the
line spoken is “Do you want to play a little game” this helped to further draw the
audience in to the experience of the film.

Niall Corish Media Evaluation

We followed typical horror conventions in that the female character is
the one in distress and first to die, whilst the male protagonist is acting
as the hero here. However, we challenged the genre by having the hero
not succeed and the female character dying early on the film. We felt
this created a lot more tension by first following the conventions only
then to challenge them and shock the audience.

Niall Corish Media Evaluation

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