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FY 2009-2010 Continued Run 11/16/2009 4:29:15 PM

Everett School No. 002

PROGRAM 97 - Districtwide Support

budgeted amount for OBJECTS OF EXPENDITURE
the '09-'10 school year (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (7) (8) (9)
Debit Credit Cert. Class. Employee Supplies / Purchased Capital
Activity Total Transfer Transfer Salaries Salaries Benefits Materials Services Travel Outlay
11 Bd of Dir 610,443 500 22,320 3,571 600 578,946 4,506 0
12 Supt Off 409,374 0 202,838 127,393 68,886 1,600 6,657 2,000 0
13 Busns Off 1,646,886 1,000 0 1,128,102 330,146 49,500 120,119 8,019 10,000
14 HR 1,464,211 2,600 269,708 735,198 284,355 20,500 134,600 7,950 9,300
15 Pblc Rltn 355,632 3,900 0 211,310 57,815 15,332 66,375 900 0
25 Pupil M/S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
61 Supv Bldg 774,635 0 0 599,540 161,295 7,100 4,700 0 2,000
62 Grnd Mnt 846,362 0 508,886 205,915 61,061 54,500 1,000 15,000
63 Oper Bldg 4,484,286 0 2,939,302 1,232,484 250,000 32,500 0 30,000
64 Maintnce 3,538,662 5,000 -63,100 1,249,897 413,905 749,582 1,147,378 1,000 35,000
65 Utilities 4,324,629 0 0 0 0 550 4,324,079 0 0
67 Bldg Secu 269,251 0 95,319 33,432 0 140,000 0 500
68 Insurance 988,739 0 0 988,739 0
72 Info Sys 2,309,432 900 0 45,001 769,223 210,589 54,200 1,175,519 11,000 43,000
73 Printing 32,063 0 -29,329 0 41,282 14,781 5,329 0 0 0
74 Warehouse 123,076 0 0 0 87,879 34,647 0 500 0 50
75 Mtr Pool 251,821 0 -8,000 0 95,941 35,680 18,000 90,200 0 20,000
83 Interest 0 0
84 Principal 0 0
85 Debt Expn 0 0
Total 22,429,502 13,900 -100,429 517,547 8,611,592 3,087,501 1,233,354 8,864,812 36,375 164,850

FTE PROGRAM STAFF 3.400 165.871

Form RP-195-G9 Page 24 of 26 GF9- 97

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