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Construction of the tower began in 1173.

Began to tilt even before its 3rd storey was finished.

Engineer Bonnanno Pisano failed to consider the consequences of designing a 185-foot tall tower
with a ten-foot thick foundation.

Base rests on soft sand, rubble, clay, which is not firm enough for a 16000 ton tower.

To make up for the tilt, builders made each new tier a little taller on the short side, but each
additional stone only made tower sink more.

When completed in 1350, tower leaned 4 feet and 7 inches from vertical.

Weight of bells caused structure to tilt even further.

By late 20th century, the tower was leaning more than 17 feet toward the south

Thus, engineers removed soil under the north side of the tower to even out the differences in

Now, the lean is reduced by more than 15 inches.

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