Church Slavonic Russian English Dictionary of Saint Tikhon S Religious Center

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South Canaan, Pa.


KparKiil cnoBapb uepKoBHo- cnaBqHcKaroq3HKa HsAaerct ca ysKo - nDaK.

T[qecKofi [tnbrc : aarb nocHnbHoe noco6ie socnxraxHHraMt Cs. T[xoHoBcKo[
a,vxoBHoliceuunapil npu usy,renil uMll uepxoBHo- craBrHcKaro,3brKa.
Bt atAy orpatnlesHocrl.r tisrarejlbcKltx! cpe.qcraa, croBapb cocraBjteHa no
Tl{nv BoKa6ynspiq, r, e. yve6naro C,rOnapr, nOutulaeMarO o6H,rHo B.b xpecTo-

Ueqxolno-,- cnaBsHcKifix pyccrifl Tekcr.b croBaps cocraBrrra flpenotraBarerb

ceutuapia B. M. Kauexcxifi. Asraificxifi [epeBo.rb cAt,raan nlrouuu cevrHapiu
6parra : carueHnrxt Maxaxar Kapacl x KaHAn,4ara cBsulercrBa HHKo;an


The Short Dictionary of the Church Slavonic Language is being published

with the practical aim in mind to aid the Students of St.TikhOn's Orthodox
Thcological Seminary in their stutly of the Church Slavonic Language.

In view of the limited alloted funds, the dictionary has been made in form
o[ a vocabulary,as is usually found in a grammar.

The Church Slavonic and Russian text of the Dictionary was compiled by
V. Ir{. Kamensly, Professor at rhe Seminary. The English translation was done
two of the Seminary past students: Rev. Michael Karas and candidate for Holv
Ortlers Nicholas Krras.
.isIr T OT q a Cb dir€ctly, instantly, at oncc,
straightway, prcscntly
imr oTeua father
irnrqr qTHEHOKA lamb, lambkin
itr utcro uyleHir hell, a place of tormcnt
and suffcring

4urnri focnoal nof, Eort the Lord is ny God

izz fl I
rxi.gic+r (Hect.mrbHHf,, - xsaae6xoe "not ritting," a rong of
ntcson*uie prairc
ixn raxt, xaxr 6u how, as, likc
rr< capaHqa;trpeBecHaq KoPa urH a locust, grasshoppcr
TpaBa bark or grass
rarrir.rg cocyas ltsa aae6acrpa alabaster vcs,sclor dish
uir<.rur'r ntryxr a cock
r,rxi'rn .ryBcTEoBaTbroloaa to hunger
utnatit xsa rre Focno,4a hallelujah, praisc yc the
iagt aalQa, nepaar 6yrra rpet, alpha, thc fint later of thc
anoaBnra;raqaro Greek alphabet; bcginning
ran16rr Bo3BhruJeHHoe Mtcro a raisedplace, tribune
lnfinr IICTHHHO truly it ir, indeed
ialo, i,rnomr KYJIA where, where to
lrr,l6ri& cro?'rb ca HaKroHHof, noBepx- a table .or stand with a
HOCTb() sloping surface
rni4lanl npoKnrrie a curse
inrr,rr BtcrHsKa m€ssenger, a bearer of tid-
ings, spiritual bcing
lurf'ffi NJICM'HHIIKf, nephew
rn'rn161r {Iapb 3a aaPa), qacTr npo- "gft for gift," a piecc of
cQopt, pa3.{aBaeMHf, nocr6 bread distributcd aftcr the
auryprir completion of thc Liturgy
nn'rr,mtintl (BMtCTOrrpeCTOnbHHKa)
- nJIaTl "In Lieu of the Aha/'
cr neo6paxeriexr no,roxeHic Corporal; a cloth having
ro rpo6t lucyca Xptcra, na xo- upon it the representation
TopoMbcoBepuaercalxryprir of the Deposition of Christ
in the tomb
rn'rn,!inr (nporxBocr[xat. Crrxll xst "counter Vcrses
[ca/'rMoBt, KoToPHe nonTcfl no- fmm the Psalms, which
nepeMtHHoHa xrfipocaxb are sung in turns by two
choirs (Kliroses)
rr'6'vni.rr Hautcrnuxt, fipoKoHcyna viceron administrator, vicar
rnori,rvtl'ntr orxpoBelde revclation
tnoFroit (nocraHxHfi) messenger, envoy

rtxi rrttr rnaBHHfi noBapa; HarrarhHlKa the head chef,cook

rtxirrttryfirr aoeHaqaIbHt,|Ka general, commandcr - in .

.ttrilyIrrdrr| HarranbllKb cfiHarorr the hcad of a sfnagogue
rrtri.riK'roHr aPxrTeKTopa, cTPoHTeIb architektor,buildcr, con-
r pacnoPflafirenb nsps the arranger or manag€r
of a feast
rr ot,fi ry6Hrenb a destroyer, miner, undocr
ilnT4r saoBnrag gMti a poisonous snakc

ntijih NeJrKasMoHera (l cerrr) a small coin (pcnny)

r, na3yT.rxK[, corrrleT8x sPls, scouB

r{r416nr 3aAHifl [poxo.{a back passage way, anul

ir1ll EC,'IH if, whether

irg r-iqr t4 - 1 1 both...and,vcri l y
,iqr lrirqr BtpHo certainln trul6 exactly
ifin*6oc NOIHHb wormwood

srrleniql OIe)KAA
TeMHOKpaCHat purplc vcltmcnt

cine nrxflsu'l'ii cB. KpeueHie the holy baptism

rId'nr 6oapcrBoBarb
to be awake, alert, vigilant
r13164il pa3cBtTa dawn, daybreak
rr3nlrdl'rnui He acryn[Buii Br 6paKr one not married
sl36ru'mo HatllocTb, HecKpoMHocTb impertinence,immodesty
rr3nprriru ycllnefiHo, HenpepHqEo continuously, unintcrrupt-
edly, without ceasing
sr3nplmnor,innui xecnoruxanulif, cs, neco6,ras- one not tempte4 se-
Hsrouif,ct duced

cr3r'rf,4ir 6e3crsracrEo shamelessnes, impudcncc,

ntp,nd 6 p e B n o ,6 a n Ka beam, balk
e,fitegr xelrqyr} pearls
sarroroainil [06poxenarenbcrBo, nn6oBb benevolence, affcction, we ll
wishing, kind ,love
ailtoaonhlrtl o,{o6Purb to approvc, to deigr\ to
cond€scend, to wish well,
to favour, to feel kindnes

6irrorndr6iflsui KpacHoptqHBHf, eloquent, fluent

snrroBri t'tit xopouee apeMr, cnyqafi a good season, occurcnce

snrfot'os{arr cTpauxrEcs, 6orTbct to fear, to dread, to bc
afraid of to bc filled with
awe, ro revere, to vcnerete
E,rrroAi|rf, MrnocTb, 6naroBoneHie gracc, affection, bcnwo-
lence, bencfactioq abund-

[^rrolda'rI 6aaroraoprrl to perform works of char-


t this is good, that is good
KpacoTa, oTJ[tqHoe yKpaueHie
8,raro,t,{ni, b€auty, a distinct adom-
ment, clegance, magnifi-

F^rro1|ornturfirynr,i nPeycntBaT6 to prcsp€r, to thrive, to ad-

vance, to succeed

snrroriJittIltufi xopoluo Pacryqif, growing vcry well

R^rfotosrnNi etrsucrbtfi branchy, with thick foliage

Eiuro!n{A|Il 6hrrb cqacrrfiBu b, 6.naroyc- to bc happt to flourish, to

n+UlHHM'h thrive

6,rrrordhhuri npox3Bo.qqqif, rycryn t*Hb well - shaded, shadowy,

Elrll'O!rl'lrlllA 4o6Po alms, boon, bencfaction,
gift, donation, good
tr/urotBd'r^nso condesccnding, granting,
8,trrot'Tt6si, Ao6pora cepaUa, xlinoceplie
the goodness of onc's hcart,
E^rro[YA6r(H* BecbMa ucKyclto very skillfully

S,lrtxli1rfi ae,'rxqaTb,nPocJIaBJIrTb to exalt, to glorify

Irr3ntirI co6na3HflTb to enticc ,to seduce

6/|fl#it rr'A 6necrtTb, cBepKarb to glitter, to gleam

snrqlinir 6necKa gleam, lustre, glimrncr

E/r1!Fni co6nDAarb, xpaH[Tb, o6eperaTb keep, to guard, to pr€Eerve,

to obscrve, to watch ovcr
EO 16o, norouy vro because,for

Eolo/trIArl, nosHarie rafiHt Eoxiuxt an understanding of thc

mysteries of fu
sofo^rgrfiHNi 6oro.renoat,lHLtfi pertaining to Godman
Eorot'BdT^t|6Nfi nper,roraruulifi Eora rr ycau. entreating God to hear thc
utaxilo uoautsbt
ttinL BofiHa

sri'rfl, Eoti, s6rruB BoeBarb, 6urbct to wagc war, to be at war

Itiurho r|rtuta, cHt,[b food
sti ra TqxecTb heaviness, weight, Ioad
ttihi, rpr36 rnud, dirt, filth
Btrqri, Errrg, BrrfiiuJh sa6otrtlcl to car€, to be solicitous
sto3li (nr. 3r,9) HaMOpJIHXKt muzzlc, bit and bridlc
sf,1n s(,r,r IICTHHHO truly, let it be
s8* 6€syMHHft idiotic, foolish, insanc
e86 cTpys, BonBa billow, wave, storm
r drair TpaBa grass
sd,4nrxr yBtqHLr[, onHopvKit lanq crippled, a pcnpn
with one arm
r{ailurxr Kpacrnblr|nKL paintcr, dyer
ri4r'rt KneBerarb, o6gtttqrs to slander, to accusc
eiil atrar naaruu, nep6u palrn branches
drr (fi*. 16, l'. cbtHl 50n
r.ipt xapb, sHofi heat, sultriness, ardour, hot
ragi'rr, rrpi'rr rrpeaBapltTb,flPetruJecraoBaTb to prcvent, to precedc
rrrr,lrirxr 3M+f, dragon
arrIf,3rKrnl HaqalbHfiK',b3Jrbrxa,qyxoBa, the prince of the evil dcm-
KHs3b 6tco8cKit onll
sll,u<[trtirp Baa.rrr,,Qxnxrif, cxoe 6oxecrso Phoenician dcity
rrarsf,4r Bep6nrcIa carnel
rrara{noryr Benntie, BenrKontnie magnificencc, ma j esty,
rral;,{rrnsrr xBacTaTb,XBaJIHTbCt to boast, to brag

stntt'['lflsUli MHoropt'{nBHfi, roBoprl{BHft talkative, wordy, loqoa-
w^iira HasBaHieAiaBora; 3nofl cvil, a name for thc devil
niaTri BenxKifi great
srahnri cunbHo, BecbMa mighty, strong, exceeding-
rigsir sep6u, larr palms, willows
sipna BepeEKa rope, cord
nrpr,i 3acoB'b,3anop6 bolt, bar
rip,rr, rlp.rorli6e caat garden, orchard
rrp.rinr 1Ieuepa cavc
nlprorl,igapa ca.(oBHHK6 gardcner ,sower
Kirf, cereHie, .{epeBHf, settlement, village, hamlct
rirrpe o6tAl, yxsar supper, dinner
6r.rrfaT{ o6t.[arb, yxHrfiTb to supper, to dinc
Rrr,r,1i'r [oqyBcTBoBaTbxaxly to thirst
zgieznx B3ArlMHO mutually, together
n3r,uci'rrr,r. qyBcTBoBaTb
ronoaa to hunger, to ycarn for food
a3spirxufi Kptnxii Ha Bof,Ht a strong onc at war
13r,u,i.rr 6parq tslxarr to take, to gathcr
83fiMATHCtr rroaHrxaTbct, EoScTaBaTb to get up, to risc up, to
B3HcKalde ascataorarie, ronpocr questioning, rcsearch
aflHi usnurenie, o[paBAagie excuse, apology, guilt,
fault, blame
mr.ri,rnrrqr xEJlriue, KaapT[pa dwelling, lodgings
a| ]rrrh BnHOrpa,4ap6 a pcnon caring for the
rrcfn4 BMtcrt, Bh colnacin in unisorl togcther
r,rariarqr MtluoKt sack, bag
r,ulurr BOXAb,pyKOBOAHTenb leader, lord
rairryrr sraatrr to rulc over, to poss€ss
r,ria.rrrn MyqnTbcr, TeP3aTbct to worry to tormcnt onc-l
6itaTll BJII{BATb to pour in
ra{no'rf Ba Kpacory, flpllcrof,Ho in decorum, beauty, decerr-

r,nia4 Bckopt, BKparUt shortln briefly

rurli KOrAa ec when, iI

rn13inf, HeqatHHo, BHe3anHo suddenly, unexpectedly

mrt' r1r813 EHyrpH, [3Hyrpn from within, from insidc

rttfurri'rn aHtMaT6, CJtyUaTb to hear, to take heed

an484t' cHapyxF, xssHt from outside

aornrlrirt CHHH TPOMOBH the sons of thunder

rorpHgi 6pocrrb, KnHyrb to hurl, to cast, to aband-


r64nufr'r1f,1r 8OA'HKA dropsy

r63r ea, nxtcro for, instead of

ro3epnti'rn yaepxaTb, oTXJToHHTb to hold back, to avert

ro3uirnnqr no,4y[Ka, [3roroBbe pillow
ro3rn{.rn'rn 3axeqb to kindlc
ro3Aorinn BHKOPMrrT!rpy]lLrc weaning, to fced one by
way of breast

so3AUtriBi, 6e3noKoftcrao, TocKa anguisl4 pain grief

ro3t{'nr noaHrTb, nPoTrHyTb to exten4 to spread

ro3nr, xeJlaTb to desire, wish, long, to be

ro3angi ao3JIe{L, to lie down upon, to be


so3,r, 4yMaTb, cqnTaTb to think, to count, to mean

ao3mori'nr yKptnnsrbct to strengthen one,s self

ro3nrnqrmi'rn 3aKnroqHTb,
noayMaTb to conclude, to think

ao3nrrrri npoctaBllTD, to glorify

ro3gnnorinr norpsceBa shaken up

n6fi BOlrHt soldier, warrior

rorirrrrrt' cnpaae,qnxBo,TottHo rightfully, accurately, truly

K6,rrtq'n xorbTb, xenarb to wish, to want

rtiana uepcTb wool, hair

n6,ltrrr MyIPeUr a wise man, a sagr

eoariu,r KoJr|oqat TpaBa prickly or thorny grass

K6HL sxH. e,[. om OH'b acc. frorn hc

66}|L,|tt erx. e,q,ora HXE acc. from which

Kon.i 3anaxa srnell, odour

80rlrrKi HanpoTflat contrary

Kofl<rOHinir ne.ranb, cKop6b griet sorrow

60!t(rrr;ltit B03craHie resurrection

Ko,Rlh^i no,{oJlb nJlarbr, Rpaft, oflyurKa the tail of a garmcnt

Korr6rrt|trTrl oratr{Tb, orBre'tb to separate, to abstract

KorTA,3oBi'rfl HcnHTHBarb, pa3cn+.[oBarb to investigate, to inquire


Eorqr; HanpacHo in vain, fruitless

El^\ilh npHBpaTHtlKb portcr, door keepcr

8t;tInqr, rpy6ac o.qexla a rough and coursc gar-


Brr+i 6pocut to fling, to hurl

8,t<1ih 6.rxor, noaat bcsidc, near

6fl(f,h noqeMy why

Krn,irTr nasaar, o6parxo back, back again
fiitg. HanpacHo, TuleTXo in vain, urelesr
6rAKu, coBeprueHHo,Btp8o perfectln exactly

sToton;rK6[i nepaufi nocat rroporo thc first after the second,

the latter
B.rflni{fl onpetrtlnrr, Ha3HaqHrb to desigratc, to assign
sirf Bceraa, nocTosHHo constantly, continualln al.
rfirnp BBepxy, KBepxy upwards, up, in thc air

Biur (dK.l, 3) cHaqaJIa from the beginning, origin

ndrulur BHlllE higher

sie uet neck

r{,r,*.rn 3HATb to know

r{x4n ptcHnuH, BtKl{ rna3HHs eye lashes

r.["riri, r't'rfe oparopa, RpacHoptqie orator, eloqucncc

r{nj:qr Btrepa wind

r*'rFi,ro napyca sail

6YI'OHT aopotas TKaHb a rich texturc
r16B;^[{ B03Br,lllleHie elevation, raising

rirrffit 6oatsur ranrpena gangrene, mortification

riAz nnaBarcUiqxIBoTH6rr, npecrrhr- reptile


U nopnqaHie,yIIpeKa blame, reproof

rr3dtrilrt npopI,|uaTenb foreteller, prophet

fa3o.[Y^dKia coKpoBtqHrua, Ka3HoxpaHE- treasury

rthfi , ra.[aHie; TeMHar ptqB fortune-telling

ri+H uapoBaphr, HllxHee flr'laTbe wide brecches, an under-

neath garment

ft,EA Mtcro Bt.rrtHx'b MyqeHiii a place of eternal torment

and suffering
rnraH3nr HaqaJto the begi nni ng, ori gi n,
f,t,taoIA.i(x roIoBHat [oBq3Ka headband
fATTONT cnoBo, ptqb word, talk, werb
rn,r16drTB roBopHTb to speak
rittfl|rll 3BATb to invite, to proclaim, to
call, to convoke
riru,iTn 38aTl,, Ha3hlBaTb to summorl to name
r,u3ha noabtxKa, [qTa ankle bone, heel
ffl6ii HaBO3t, yAO6peHie manure, dung, pus, mat-
ter, blearedness
roE3oarTn to abound in, with, be in
r3o6rnoBaTb, Xt{Tb Ba Ao-
BOJIbCTBt great plenty

fo6,iAo 6HKa; cra,[o KpynHaro cFora bull, herd

ro,\r, roA]tHd BpeMr, qaca, nopa time, an hour, time period

ro^|.o{[4 qeperb, ronoBa. fopa oxo,ro skull, head, a mountain

Iepyca,raua close to Jerusalem

rOn,llli qacrb Horx ort, KoJltHa a part of one's leg from his
knee to his sole
Iot,4ilHA rop,rlocrb pride
Iot,lHtlt, rony6esorr a small dove, pigeon

rot]rrno fieqb AJIS lrraaneHig Mera, a furnace used in melting
r6turii xyaurift worse
ror* BBepxr upwards, up, upstairt
rot'rrixhnr<x coaepxaTenbrocTr-tHHl.tuhl keeper, proprietor of a
rrri6nr oxepelre, utnl necklace
rt'rnrisr xocHoq3brqHHfi , MeIrreHHo- a person who stutten or
t31,lqHHfi stammers
rfliqr rycnrcT!, fycnrpa dulciner-player

A' 'rro6u; rorga so when, in ordcr that, let
,rro6br Hl| pa3y, ,rro6br HxKornr.
An Hr Kfl<(' no! even once, not ever,
qro6br HliKaKb
Ar Hr r(orAil not in the least

AirKr aaxe, qtM'b, Hexenl even ,with what, than

6afirt 6orte tro,rro, npoAoJrxHrenr,Ho longer, Iasting

4ianurnr s n o fi ,4 y x G an evil spirit

ArNnirI4 yrpeHHrr saps dawn

6eggi'r,l. 6urt cutauut to be bold, daring

repsxoaenie cMtnocrb boldness, daring

ArrHflq, npaBar pyKa the right hand

,'{y.(HLrft amazing, astonishing
p[McKaeMonera (10 cex.) a roman coin (10 cents)
il,r4Kont KJreBerHrK!;,&yxrslo6tr a slanderer, a spirit of evil

4iixonr c.nyra; riaront servant, deacon

ArAtitrllu ,4BofiHarApaxMa a double drachrn

{tH rgbrqecKoe 6oxecrgo 3eaect Zeus, pagan deity

AMtllItll/A HaayTbcr, roPAnTbct to boast, to be proud of

Alrrrf, ceroaHfl, SToTa .[eHb todan this day

AOK,rr|rfl .[OBOJIbCTBOBATb to be content, to be sat-


troa,r{'rn 6urr,(osoatHuut, Aocta- to bc contentcd, satisfied,

TOIIHHMS to be enough, sufficient

Aofi^lrqr KOpMrnuqa foster mother, wet nurge

,qo KaKllxanopl, AoKont to that time, when
,[ouoynpaBnTenb a house keeper, one who
AO Orrtoitrrnl
managesa home

A6nirx, noKa,,[oKort, ro roro BpeM€- until what time

HX; KOr,4a

.[oKont until when

oxpauqe blft (xonteHocuat'lr) protected (by spearmen)
cepe6prxna*uonera (10 cen.) a silver coin (10 cents)
LfiK^e rasxo, Htxoraa long ago, oncg long since

i,trKo^rt romr, ay6le cudgels, clubs, sticks

cnyrHxKr| fcllow - travellen, militia,

body-guard, wife

l,rac/, n rloMpaqarbct,lt,'larbct nac- grow dark, obscurc, to bc

^osirf MypHbrua darkened, be clouded, bc

481r rfprnr atrepr aocrovxufi the eastern wind (stormy)

Aqrrth, Aqfil ,40qb daughter

Ar#iqr ,4orqeqKa a small plate or board

Atrarb, coBeprxarb to do, to accomplish

e14i KOUa, nOTOMyqTO when, because

eAi ,nn, ttln, xe-an? is it, or isn't it?

e4i rir<u &JIH KAKA

or else how

e,lr,rn pa3Bt does,? perhaps,? then,? un-


e4nnirr panxuur o6pasovr likewise

elrinoto pa3olra
oAHax.46I,OIIIr.rM',h once, one time
on the first day after the
so egfrnf 6 rfssdlrr Br flepBHfi ,u,euunoc,'tA cy66oru Sabbath

€fit con3a - cro6br so that, in order that

ext utcronuenie om HXE a pronoun derived from

the word "which"

o3epo t}te Cana

€t(TtHra MoreHie,Hacrofiqseoenpouertic praying, a persistent asking

€K nO'tll|,ririi crr.rxr Ha yTpenH[ocrc a verset aftcr thc Canon
KAHOHA (matins)
e^iri onlBKoBoe Macto olive oil
e/|irtr oneHb, cePHa decr, hart
roti ropa Macnrt|a <mount olivet

erir(Au cKonbko pa3a, cKorb qacTo how many timcs, how often

Gi iKq' cKonbKo how much, how many

€,rwt 6oxe uofi my God
e,t|iTl| 6parb to take, to seizc, to handlc,
to apprehcnd, to arrcst

Gn,HAyrr BePxHe€ruraTbe an outer garrnent

enfrKonr Ha6nrc,(arenb; enlcKorrb obscrvor, bishop

enfllrr. ii ryxoBHoe BsHcKaHie,garagaxie a spiritual recovcry pun-

6jecr rolxr, aoxHoe yvexie doctrine, falsc teaching!,
partial truth

e6olirar np,tHa,{texauif, aticry bclonging to a ltorl

epro4iri atcT'B, IIanIt

stork, heron
6rrnr oceHb fall, autumn

eranvprir.rinr cMtuJaHHHnco cltltpflon mixed with myrrh

el'rrgrs6 IIpr{po.{a naturet essence

64r uf,pa cunyqxxr r*.rn a measure of capacity (for

dry substanccs)

e44r,|'i oTBepStlcb be opcn !

e;ri4nr s,4oB[Tas sMtt a poisonous snakc
evinrr,lTr 6rarortcrie good tidings, gospel
evprafilurnr oroaocrovnufi sirept a southeastern wind
evtrrltrrie 6laro.lapenie; TaltHcrBo cB. thanksgiving, The Sacra-
npnqaueHir ment of Communion

nrli,rn xax.4aTb to thirst
x,r,i'rn u rrin48 yTonrTb xaxtry to qucnch one's thirst
niatt'rrce cKop6tT6, neqaJrHTbct to be in a state of gricf
and sorrow, to woc
miryrar xHeqa rcap€r, harvester

xtfo.r{t orl|rMt crpa,(anurif,nuxopa.[Koft one suffering with fevcr

xrt|iT6r 6paxr, csaat6a a marriage ceremony

E{rrroKo6dr*nNfi HenoKopHHfi,
ynpauull stubborn, hcadstrong, hard-
t$86.Ir xfi3Hb life, Iifetime
filuosrinr iy,[erHnnb, iyA€fi Judean, Jew
i{rit onpeAtneHHar, Ha3HaqeHHaq the mcasure of brcad, of
qacir xrt6a whcat, of corn
nriBftl auaxt, yaiat sign, lot, share
xr,.rfl npHHocrrb xePrBy to bring a sacrificc, to of-
fi8nrnr ctpa brimstonc, sulphur

si^i 3EJICHb grcens, vcrdure
gniKr aepronoe pacrexie cereal
g^Os6rGn$ft 6es6oxxhrfl onc not believing in God,
or believing in falsc deity
s^ft 3JtO, TIOTO evil, cruelly
sd.rr cHnbHHft powerful
st,rd, cltJlblto, Becb a, oqeHb powerful, strong
s{aulfi crparxHHfi, yxacHHft rnightily, very
terrible, dreadfirl

3rsaf4ri'nr yKroHHTsCt to deviate, to eludc, to err
3mi4r envS jealousy

3r,1,{'rn rrpxHy,(xrb,SacTaB[rb to compel, to forcc

313n1,i'nr 3aMt.rarb,ocy:Niqarb to observe, to judge

3136Jn.rn sautrnrr, ocy,{tlrr judged

'rbserved and
3r31t'rr yroaurr, aantvarr to catch, to observe, to

3*ononolorsri.rn yqtrTb to instruct, to teach

3rronono,roxri'rr ysurl rptutxnxoal nyrn to instruct the sinners on

;orptuiorpn,urnr n8'rri the right way

3lrcorndnir 3aMe,Inerie,oxaaAtlsaHie delan tarrying

3rKto6t rafixoe, crpxroe xtcto a hiddcn, covered spot

3r/r,lr'rot{|rtl cocTapnTbcfl, BospacT]| to grow up, to 8Tow old

3rri, 3rr;r(, u6o, notouy rrro, TaKb KaKb bccausc, for, as

3rnr.|;q'rTfir,i 060-.HaqlTbcr, onpeAtanrtcr to be markcd out, desig-

natcd, dcnoted, scaled

3rnsniBit ntTa heel

3mflnitrfi ynoBl,lTb to catch (up), to snatch

ginost^L noaeritxie, npxrasr order, command

3r.rino Haqaro origin, bcginning, rcurcc

3Ad KPbrua, ao[a ,xfinrlue roof, house, dwclling

3,rt 3atcr herc

3rlqi,ro 3epKaJIO mirrow

3ar.rriqr 3oIOTaC UOHeTA a gold coin

39ixz Bn,4a, o6pa3a form, sight, appcarance

rino lr, aaxe and, cvcn, for

nri,uwnr HaqatbnfiKl, Boxab commander, leader, chicf

riro flpxo yokc, burden, load
n4{xl r,qt, K(,rra whcrc, when

nn1,ln8 orl H3|HATH, laronn to banish, to drive away

ira,e, nxt, 6xc Koropufi, ar, oe which (Masc. Fcmin. Neut-


a3r,trrsori'rr y,q,ocroBtprrb,raep,lo yatparu to assure of, to convince


r{3an;r ,rpesutpxo, 6oate excessive, cxtravagant

n3^{{N! (nr. 48, 8) BbrKytTb redemptioq ransom (trea-

n31i4nufi ornfiqHHft,.rpe3BbtqafiHHft extraordinary unusual, prcr-
r{3c;r.rn, n3r1nf,.rn BLTCOXHyTb to dry dry up, withcr
rin4t st fiHout xtctt in another place
rint'at x3a Apyroro Micra, ca Apyrol from another placc, from
cTopoHH another sidc
rrxorri cHa{aJIa from thc bcginning, al

flrKglllinl, HcnHraHie,npo6a test, trial, tcmptation

ftrn6.rnr noJtHHfi full, cntirc, completc

xrr.rdhl, paspyuenie, nr6ear destruction, ruir5 decay

nq6lr BHXOIa,Haqato coming out, appearancc,

rr[6tqrt nePeKPecTorcb cro$road!

Iirnrrr tujxa, qtHHHn kaneHb jarpcr, a valuablc gtonc

tttoar craryr 6oxecrBa idol, a statuc of a deity

*fih CB'IUCHHI{KL pri6t

le1{cuhnr extrrrlue xnpar; lepycanrm "thc city of pcace," Jeru-

lnc{ct rsr eap. 'leurya, lerouya -
Ixdrnr o6pasr, noprperr, Kaprrxa pictur€, porrait, icon, im-

fr<orr (,lorf,r . noxBanLHacntcHb laudable, praising song,

cBcToMyrrnl| npa3,[HHry (de-voredto a Saint, feast)

Lr,uril,nr oIex'qa clothc!, attire

lrrrirct (cBrgbt . nep8Hf, TponapbBa firrt tmparion (junction,
ntcHx Kanona corurection, liason)

xinrrnrxr cKoneqa, eBHyrL cunuch, a castratcd per-

xixto KAKL how

ximro Kyas whcr€ to

xi.uurr KAXelllel(a stones,pebblc

rrnAiao catva, aaxna,{a a candlc, a lamp burning

in front of an icon

xrntiltr npaBsno: 1) npaauo lleprat, nrlc, principle. tl Thc

2) coeaxxexientcHefl sr Church Laws, 2l a com-
crpofiHHfi pr.[a bination of arranged songs
rinlqrr xepTBeHHrlKb a tablc of sacrificc, a tablc
of oblation
xrrrf,r npsnHoepacrenie spiced vegctablcr
t(lrr, irrid\ <<cxo)KJteltic>:uprrocr,, n,ta nt,- irmos sang by two joined
lllJt Kol0ptro cxoltrTc9 !Ba <hoirs (in the middle of the
Knrjpoca tcmple)
r(;rrrh ue3apb Ccasar
riiri, r(ia, l(6r KaKOi, ntKoTopbui which, which one, any onq
tflnr!6fls noaaTb tax, tribute
Kri4, KaNeHb stone, rock
l(ntKt;,rr (cooTrlyuleHHrK'b>i cocnyxH- colleague, fellow assistant

K^.{'r6.| IIpOK,'rtTle curse, malerliction, oath

I|( r fpaMoTefi, yqeHbIfi, To,'IKoBarenb a literate person, an ex-
Cs. IlrcaHis plainer of the Holy Scrip-
tures, the scribe

K6Kr Bogcraflie, 3aMhIce,'Irb rebellion, plot

r<o6.rir(rqr gulHXb a box, chest, casc

KoAr;Hq'r MoHera, l/4 accapin a coin

Ko3nornrrosi it 6egquHHHfi Kn{qb an unbecoming shout or


K6Kourf, Kypnua hen

Ko,flirfiAo KaKb - Hn6yAb somehow, anyhow

KOntiKw cKoJtbKo how much or many

trtl Masb aJtt rra3a an ointment or salve for
tie eye

K6no Kpyra, Koneco circle, wheel, ring

l<O,,lliir'ri rtur therefore, so much the


K6,rh Ktirhl cKoJtLKO pa3a how many times

t(olrAiKr KparKaq fltcHb B'r, noxBary a short song praising eith-

cBqToro xr'[{ rIpa3,[rrHKa er a saint or holiday

KOH66I basin, wash basin

Kontr yKpon'b, aH|lc'r, dill, anise

Koti6^rqs ,toAKa, cy,4eHHluKo boat

t(ot6,ilra uepKoBHan coKpoaHuHflua the church treasury

KotK;nt aapr, npanourenieEory gift, offering to God

Kor/$i,ro,r(otirri^qa pynb,npaBHno rule, law

K6rxu, Me,4/reHHO slowly

K6'r-sr qKopE anchor

r6urro x6tunrqr xopo6t, xoporxa basket, hamper

nonsence, buffoonery, blas-

xo1fnr ruyToBcTBo,BSaopa
xlll8r6arnuft loJrara€MLrftnoA'b yronb a comerstonc

xjimoat BosMyqeHie, Bo3craHie revolt, mutiny

rlinirnr ,ro6xuft of the forehead
xpictnt npiarxufi, xenaHHHfi desircd, wished for, pleas-
ant, beautiful
xlirrrar nePenena quail
x1,i'rr pa3a once
r lllz.nis a lily
rpoan{u-rnirl HapyxHbrfi, BH+ruHil external, outer
xt' rniyr |lAOJIA an idol, false god, pagan
xt',nt scTaHb rise, stand up
rfna pr,(t Bo3nerabuHx'b Ha nrpaxb heap, a company (rt
xf,nnni TEPHOBHUKL thorn-bush

xf,n,ra TOploBJIS trade, business

xf,nnqr eirtcrt together

r<8ndat KynanbHc bathing placc

xfgrwtia. Kapaynb, crpaxa guard, sentry

xf,qu laraTKa, uaTepa tcnt

xvmriar My3riKanbHbri l.tHcrpyMeHra a musical instrument

ry,ninr TMT-|HA cumin, caraway

Rv9r rocl|oAHHa, rocy,[aPb sir, gentleman, ruler

airco,tr noKorb; eBp. utpa A,rrHu elbow, forearm, ell, cubit

,lnrriryl uleKa cheek

ai,l'rr,lr 3JIOyMHIlIJ'leHHUKa on who is plotting cvil

IrtruJHx orpr,4l Br, 6 ttrcqqt eonHog't, Iegion, a detachment or di-
vision of 6,000 men
ain'rir{, ln'rionr IIO,lOTefltle a towel
ainryn ]UC,'IKA'I MOHCTA a small coin
tic'rt o6o,rsuenie seduction, allurement
arnfi.rr eerxo:asttHbrfi cBrrueHHfi
K.b a priest in the Old Testa-
ment) the member of the
Levi tdbe
,rxrrmirnufr caM03BaHHI'Ifi a pretender, imposter
a t'tt<r x o p r, c o 6 p a n i e ;,ru x o e a ri e; a chorus, a person, rejoic-
Jrr-ruo i.g
arrrii BceHapotrHoe oreHie sHt a public prayer either in
xPaMa lr,'IH er nparoopt the entrance or on the out-
side of the church
arrrf pr'i.r. (o6ulecrBeHHaqcryx6a>. Eoro- "a public service,"
a divine
c,ry)reHie, Ha KoropoMb coBep- service in which the Sac-
uaerct raHHcrBo llpnraurenin rament of Communion is
,riXsn pocm, npu6n,rr, flpouentb size, profit, percent
It nro6ocrqxaHie, M3,qouMcrao, usury love of gain, grcedi-
Kopbrcronn6ie ness
ntar, ntat cbrpofi rcxHufi BtTep'b; rora a damp southern wind,
airirrr cMonxcToeaepeBo,c'b KoToparo a resinous wood from
nonyqanTa ra,(oH5 which incnse is prepared

QyHTI a pound
ntKt npuual,rexaruifi oryuen- belonging to a freed man

nr,&orrr(I,ronr cM. raBBa0a,Bo3BHueHie elevation, raising

utnoBaHie kissing
a6snol , utcro, rAt npoH3Boarnacb a place whcre executiorur
KASHb were carried out

nositr6r ctTr,, noB'b,ao6r,r,la trap, snare, prey, capture

game, hunt

,torfittfln yrpo6a belly, abdomcn

BtTah a grape vine
.|o]to ntapo; la3yxa intcrior, bosom

,rfrintlorr.rn AlrftcroBarb nypHo to act foolishly, badly

at'rirnw TUIeTHO,
HanpacHo in vain, uscless

at'rcirrrui: xETpocr6, o6MaHa slyness, cunning, deceit

at'rriql 3 a B o a b ,6 o n o ro creck, moor, swamp

airron airnr fo,'reHb,JrbrTKa shin(-bone)

ttt riqt o6MaHunKa deceiver, cheater

ldno.rr Kpacora, flops]toKb beauty, grandeur, order

,r4'ra, a&rr 6r'rr BIaCTb; BJIaCTLeCTb; nO3BOIe[O power, might, permitted

.r&i ps,la, rprla row, series, line, lot

/tnsonr;3i4Ht'r6rHnuli rn6aui[ npas,ltrecraa one who loves to feast

,ltoslil aro6osr love

a6ry4 yxacHo, TrxeJro terribly, awfully, heavily,


.nAAErt 6erpa, norcHa[a, vpec.ra hips, loins

,uar,q,ratinr ypoxeHKaropoaa Mar,{anu a nativc of the city of Mag-

lrunlKiri tr3H+xeH8Hf,,cna6Hft weak, effeminated

lrmtbnr tlMtHie, 6orarcrBo ProPerty, wealth

arinnr r,no cie ecrl?>; xnt6a He- Mannah, "what is this,"
6ecnufi heavenly bread

firtinr r,o,i <l-ocnoar npiaaenl "the Lord will come"

aic'n Ma3b, MacJIO an ointment, salve, oil

.nt'|('r,of,i^ria vexnaetie, cnnna the back, spine

a,.t<, JroruaKb,Myr'rt a mule
//ttagta (noMagaHHrKa>; Xptcroct "The Anointed Sovereign,"
,nrryihTs noKaqxie ct rroKroHaM[ ,(o repentance, with bows to
3EMJII,I the ground
Mt ri,fn 6pocarb to hurl, to thror{
*rxi'rr xMypxrb, rqyplrTh rna3a to blink, to screw up onc's
dsli Harpa.(a, Bo3.(arHie remuneration, salary, re-
ward, requital
,r.rtaOril4r'rnOrr.|.rr qyBcrBoBarbcocrpaAafi
ie to have compassion, pity
A[,toTt oneqbq ulti-vl)lt, Ty,1yn} sheephide, skin
/rtfiHliTB IlporlTH to pxss,to omit
/! ruoHera ($yHr,b cepe6pa), lluHil a coiu (a prund of silvcr)
n ri'li uer brr if, a srullcr, shortcr
ArHiri, m;ltulfl MeHt e srrrrllcr, less

6o,rr,rxgoctr chlrttcring, loquacious, talk-

^tflorof^,tf6/rHia ativcncss

.rlnoroo6ti3n,I pasxoo6pasxo in varied way, variously,

ororir.rlt,I MHOfO pa3a many times
qacTo oftcn
/rtonKi poqor-b, cMqreHie, aolxexie a revolt, agitation, gnrmb-

pu6o,roaxar ctrr a fishing nct

ArJ r<toarfl KpoBoxa,(flbtf, qeroBtKa a bloodthirsty pcrson
uaapt (,repnufi) ne8!oo, moor
fltBeua a singer, poct
IllUrnOi/i,ltqt nrcoquiil IIocrHAHyro npr6rr,m one who workr for shame-
ful profits
hrqirh c6opqnKl no,qarefi a tax colle€tor, publican

,firi||rr r{.1 Mtcro ,(rq co6upaxia noruJlt,txa a tax or customs offic!

MycKyrb; pyKa musclc, sinew, hand

^t h || rtllt
Ar'Iu|||l1r Menkar MoSeTa, JIenTa a small coin, mitc
atcu, ropovuc,ro rtcont a pair of scalcs, balancc
MCHfl me

Ar;,fl(t M'TA a mint

6"raroaonnag Ma3b Lt3a rraxy. mprh, a fragTant, arcmat-
^lYto .l.rxr pacrerifi ic oil made out of swcct-
s€nted plants

lrrN,\,ITfi xpa HTb, coaepxaTb to save, to keep, to main-

fl,|lii,\n't'lt rlo3iryrl-tTr}'trpfiBecTHah aBHXe- to stir up, to disturb
xrKi,\x t{r KJIEBCT HHIT A a slanderer,calumniatcr

l{rirnou'rr alrficroBarb ,4ypHo to act foolishly, badly

a{rcirnur TXIeTHO,HaflpaCHO in vain, uscless

afrirlruir xrrpocrr, o6uaxr slyness, cunning, deceit

,rt'rriql s a a o a r,6 o a o to creck, moor, swamp

,rirrnooair.rr foJIeHb, JIbITKa shin(-bone)

arrriqr o6uaHuuxr deceiver, cheater

a{nsru KpacoTa,nopr.(oKb beauty, grandeur, order

,rd'rr, a4rr 6nrr B,JIaCrb; B,tacTb ecTb; no3BoneHo power, might, permitted

a{;r psAl, rps,4a row, series, Iine, lot

,rmsonli34nr.mlnnlrl nro6auill npasauecraa one who loves to feast

amsdl nro6oBr love

a6'r* yxacHo, Tsxelo terribly, awfully, heavily,


.ri*6It 6e,(pa,noscHHqa,,rpecna hips, loins

,Urr4f,rtirti| ypoxeHKa ropoaa Mauanu a native of the city of Mag-

fl|,|rKili sgHtxeHHHfi, cna6Hfi weak, effeminated

fir,nrirnr rutHie, dorarcrBo prcperty, wealth

aninrl <vro cie ecru?>; xat6'r se. Mannah, "what is this,"

6ecHHll heavenly bread
/rr.tinr rnfii <locno,4t npix.{em> "the Lord will come"
airnrr Ma3b, MacJIO an ointment, salve, oil
nafiAof,i,ni. vexuevie, cnxua the back, spine
n3n<t IolllaKb, MyJl! a mule
frtSaat.A (noua3aHnlKa>; Xpncrocr "The Anointed Sovereign,"
,urryinir noxasnie cr noKJIoHaMH
ao repentance, with bows to
3eMrIlt the gmund
,ng'ri.rr 6pocarb to hurl, to throw
,nxi'rr xMyptrTb, ruypfiTb rna3a to blinl to screw up onc's
HarpaAar BmAaqEie remuneration, salary, re-
ward, requital
alnaoril4r.mora"rn qyBcrBoBarb cocrpaAaHie to have compassion, pity
onr'!bfl l||t(Yplt,, shcephide, skin
rr|l]rsTr np()llTll to pass,to omit
/ttlt tt8 uoHr'ra (QyHTb cepe6pt), MfiHil a coin (a pound of silvcr.)

nleHbuiii a srn;rllt'r, shortcr

^Uriri ^r;ruiti
eHt e srl;rller, lcss
^rltiii, ^,rixulH
i IorOr/rnr6nrflit 6oarargoctt chirttcring, loquacious, talk-

pa3Hoo6pa3Ho in varied way, variously,

^rxorootrr.i3n,t manifoldly
mflorotifTh'[ irHofo Pa3b many times
/nHo'$t rl t 10 qrcTo oftcn

ponora, cMfreHie, solnenie a revolt, agitation, grumb-

^ro,tRi ling

rrfl{t prr6o,roarar ctrr a fishing net

l,fir r<to6,rH KpoBoxaAHHfi ,{eaondKa a bloodthinty pcrson
uaapr (repHurl) negnoo, moor
,rltririti ntBeua a sing€r, poct
4rtut^oli/$rqt n06qulifi nocru,qHyro npx6urb onc who workr for shamc-
ful profitr

ith c6opuluxr notrarefi a tax colloctor, publican

Ari,r'l tt(i Mtcro aJrq co6r.rpaxia nourtrHr a tax or customs officc

/trhlu|l{r Mycxynt; pyKa muscle, sincw, hand

tlt|rr1,r MeJrKarMoHeTa,Jlema a small coin, mitc

,rr4:rx,to Btcu, KopoMHcnoBtcoBa a pair of scales, balancc
M CHg me
fi;,t'Kn MqTA a mint

,flyto 6aarosonHasMa3b r{gr naxy- myrrh, a fragrant, ammat-

,ruxr pacrexifi ic oil madc out of rwcct-
scnted plants

I r1i,\'(Tfi xparHTb, conepxaTt to save, to keep, to main-

lr, i,i,lnit'll rlo3 yT'|Tb, [p{BecTH B't ABli)|(e_ to stir up, to disturb
xrKi,\xfll{r KJT e Be T HlItta a slanderer, calumniatcr

drlr ltblue, Kt ()\'cr-,supct. ulJ

nrr6n34 ,lo,lfoe r!pe!tt a long time

tlr3Aitrr, Ir3fiAi't'H cTpoHTh to construct, to crect
]rr3ltti'Irl cropoxxrb, Ha6nrcnarb to guard, to obscrve, to
Dt{ni.rt naa6o,rte, 6olr,ue acero most of all
]r,|<13ifii, racraaaerie, noyveHie instruction, teaching
||r,rrrti.rfl rtcuttt4 xa,reratl to squeeze, to press
lr!,raqji BaTCHyTt, to stretch, to tighten
x;na HA HCTO on him
xirAr pacreHie, n36 Koroparo [oxy- a plant from which is ob-
qaercq 6aarogoHHoe MacJro tained aromatic oils
napa<ori'rn onpeatnnrb, Ha3llaqHrb to determinc, to designate
qi.rr Ha3HAaTb,npoctrTb to namq to pray, to beg
up6rr cpoKr, onpeatneHHo€ BpeMs time, te rm, a definite time
nap6rn'rerri r3BtcrHHil well-known, famous, rc-
nown, purposive
natf,qrnuft Hyxnbni,(ns cyuecrBoBaHit necessary for existing, liv.
naf,rrri'rn ros6y,{tlrr, no6yaurr to excitg provoke
ha6^[r neQrb naphtha, oil

nlriao, nlri'rorr Haqano,ocHoBaHie the beginning, origin, foun-

narrninir ,[Gno a deed, act
n,ui'rx HAHqTb to lease, to hire, to take
xlvrarip aaaat,reur xopa6aa the owner of a ship, vcssel
nr,1f,rr 6ont3Hb sickness, malady, infirmity
ttl,l.tarnui BocKpecHbrfi Sunday

nixl ,rro6tt He, HexenH than, not only, so that


rrrr3raar6arnnufi HeBHpa3rMbrfi cnoBaMH unutterable, unspeakable,

nlrr3prrittui inexpressible, ineffablc

nlrrrrfroelirnar 6ea6plrxan unmarried, celibate

nrrrrfro,ufxna,r. He 3garoqaq Myxa not knowing man

nlK,totiant 6e3flone3Hbrf,, Hero,4tlt,tf useless,worthless

nr,r;r'rhNi 6erxrrpocrHr,rii, HenyKaBr,rfi one not crafty, artless, sin-

I i^{orfL 6o,r'li:xr, c.la6ocrt sickness, weakness

,n^6tN 3aMyxHsr, He uMirouar A+Tefi a married woman without

childrcn, barren

hrnotrti6HLtfi rerornufi , 6e3no,re3Hbrfi useless, worthless

fi,nqrfBi'r{ {ylraTb, npeanonaraTb to think, to presume

nrt4t ti I htti npe3Hparoulifi one who despises, scorns,
listless, neglcctful
fl rtr,trirl'fl, n,ttA{TB He yBaxarb, np€3l{paTE to show no respect, to de-
spise, to neglect

rrrdK6,t{Hil TBepIbrfi KaMeHb a hard stone, rock

nrgA6sh rpy,{Ho difficult, hard
n'.ri,irfiir orvaanie, neloyrrlf,rie despair, doubt

]rrArNq'L IIEJIUXAH'b a pelican

Hfl't(i r{ He, Hr and not, neither, nor

xfi3t' BHllsl, BHr{3y down, below, undemeath

l | t(, t<or(, nxroxu, o6pasoua, HxKaKb by no means y'Et at all

nnroarirxt HHROTAa nevcr, not cvcr

nriqr HaKnoHeHHHfi nuuout Ea 3eMJlK) to bc bowcd with the facc

to thc ground
nnrrrtirxr HTqTO nothing
nrri,rxr xHqtMa, HqKaKa way, by no means

Ilt.t'fo'tt HNqTO nothing

Hflq!Fri rrxeJrHfi Tpy,[a, rope, cxop6l a heavy burden, gricf, sor-

npinr $rarrtl a horn-owl
ndl Hac b us
nirpnql HeHace,'reHHoeutcto, pasna,nrna an unpopulated place, ruin,
r{rrt or rtxoropour, utcrt in a ccrtain spot, placc
n't6p f ly Tpo, na3y x a; 3anHBh the interior, inside, bowels

0 u,
oean6,ru cb o6tHx'b cropoHr from both sidcs

23 Ho, ToJrtKo, o4xaxo, xpolrt roro but, yet, just, morcover,

$sritr,ih 'rapoAtfi, 3axnflHareJlb a magician, sorccrcr, con-


tU6Artnr;'rI BHltMarL,nprMtqarb to remark, to heed, to


uar'rrxitlll odBerularb to grow old, to decay, to

be wom out

ur6;qrnflKt yqacTHrK'L, roBapnua a partaker, colleague, fel-


urEfifi8trnJ/li yKnoHrrbcfl, ycrpaHlTbcq to shun, to avoid, to re-


X' (UBflHf,,dTA cBo6oAHo,cMtno frre, at libertn bold, dar-


6n,laqu xe6eca the sky, heavcn, firmament

tus,rnrri'rr ocBtTfiTb to light, illuminatc

(uEO,rrirB BO3peXarb,cnopnTb to contradict, to oppose, to

osp6r<r coaepxauie, xa,toBaHbe maintenance, support, sal-

rr)6rroa'rfl oKpyxaTb to enclose, to surround

urst'rtryn c,4tnarbcq 6esrrycHlnrt, to bccome dull, flat taste-

pflTb cuny less

drnqrnnnrr yqacTHlka, ToBapfiua a Partner

trrsuuri,lurr oKpyxu86 ot(pyxxnll Itrebrew ldiom, to empha-
size the verb: to enclose,
to surround, to encircle

tur'(rrr.rn noBtcflTb to hang (up), to suspend

oni,uo ryaa, TaMr there

6nrnr 6apaH6 a ram

oKr lt, o6rtL oueqiii sheep's

oKI, OK||ltl rHoi, [pyrofi different, another, other

tot,tllri'r'rr HACTABUTb to instruct, to teach

tu,1ttr,r,('trt oTyqHtrb to grow fat, stout

tu,1rpn.i'r'rr {)Kpyxl.trb, oOHqrb to enclose, to embrace

tu,lrnrfro no rpaByro cToPoHy on the right sidc

o,\||r'I,r'tra <oyTeBoa}|TeJb ltuit> "guide," leading thc way

n 3^osninit TentclrbrfiTpy.(], Hecqacrbe a burden, ill-luck, misfor-
ur3,r6s]tryl| !,trarl a,no, rpe.rrru to harm, to injur€
t!KrAnflui repnrqifi, crpaxayurifi, re- cursed, damned, cnduring,
c.racrHHfi unfortunate, suffering
urKiaEarirr o6BrHfi Tb, gJtoc,'roBltrb to accusc, to slandcr
6xpru oToBclotry from all parts, from wcry-
urrr6n;r <ocbMr|tJlacHtKat thc book of cight tones
tr.r,nirr nocnt,[Hsg6yxra ar rpev. the last letter in thc Greek
rrQaBxrb alphabct
o,ri.r, Kpafi, onyurKa thc cdgc, bordcr
onirpr ,qxxifi oce;n a wild ass, donkcy
6n** TATI therr
onrriqr KaKofi To, Htkoropufi a certain rcmcbody
urn^13iKt no6onurlrufi curiour
tun,16.rr nreTeHt, qacToKoJrb wattled hedgc, stoclade,
palisadc, fcncc
urno,rtliryrrl,l pacnonoxHTbcrcTaHoMa,cTaTb to camp, to pitch a camp
tonpi'rrre onepeTbcr;yaaPH"b to lcan againsg to bcat, to
urnt*,$6Kr nptcruf xat6r; iyAeficKat unleavcncd bread; The
nacxa Judean Passover
otiTfl naxaTb to tiu, plough
ojrinr Kroapa,apQa,qr?pa a organ, a harp
of drfirt IIIHT!, Meqa a sword, shield, arm, arms,
wrihIr cnaceHie salvation
oli,rmiri ocnfiHHfi ass's,ass-like
urKarrnfllrtl npecTynnTh to violate, to break a law
to ddilc, to prophane
orK6tAr l{HcTpy}renTaKaMHeTeca a stoncrutting instrument,
tUtKfr,4r'H KOHqHTbCS to cnd, to exhaust, to run
orn,i ocena, uo,to,qof, ocreHoKa ass, donkcy, r young ass

Ototrll|Iflttl 6htrb oAHoMy to b€ onc, alone, yrle

o166L oco6o, HaetrHHf alone, in private, irclatedly

t(,, 9r nst, no npn,rtxt, Jurs, nocpelrfi from, motive, reason, for,
til'rrfi rafiHo secretln in stealth
ur|rn;^fl,rr, ur.rni^4rrr ca rtx'b noph Kaka from that time
tu'rfl 64{rrt., urrofi 84grr, orKy,4a whence, from where
u,tm6lr aoo6r{e, corctut, coBepueHHo without exception, all to-
gether, entirely, generally
u,'ronSAg orry.(a from therc, since then,
to'rjirrn tu'rjisn copt, or6poct, ovrcrrx dirt, filth, refuse orctqb, yHfiqroxllrb to cut off, to destroy, to
abolish, to reject
o.r10ri orrr, pe6eno*r a child, baby
6'rprnqrr MarLqtKa, ,[rTs a lad, bon child
t(,Trirrgrn R3BeprHyTb to cast out, to throw, to
produce a sound
trl.r"r6at KOI,qa,KaKA ?OJIbKO,CHaqa,'ra wherl as soon as, in the
ur.npFIri.rn npHqrHHTb BpeAa, y6hrroKb to causc harm, loss, damagc
6qr.rr yKcyct vinegar
tlq*x4i'nr flPoqtt(fiBarb to filter, to strain
rirurnsr xBocTa a tail, skirt
ururfm no ntByp cropoHy on the left side

nr4inir nopaxenie defeat, blow, stroke

nixnqr nacr6sqe, ,ryru meadow, pastutr

nignoK'rr KONbITO a hoof

nirr oqqTb, cHoBa, eule again, anew, onc€ morc

nrKflsu'rli rospoxrenie, o6Honaesie rebirth, regeneration

nirosq'r naxoctl, nenpiarxocrs dirty trick, trubble

nianqr xegna, Tpocrb a sceptre, stic\ canq rod

ninr' rtKx crpaxb, Boopyxexruf, nalruefi a guard, one armcd with a

nrflrlxltAr (BceHoutHoe 6n+Hie) ; Mo,'re6Hoe "Vigil Scrvicc," praycrs for

ntHie 061 yMepu[xb the dead

nrtrrlrra <[oc,'roBrua), (rrPHTqa),HpaBo- "proverb," "parablc," mor-

yqurenbnoe utcro Hsr Cagu. alistic parts of the Holy
flncasis Scripturcs

nic!, (npoxox,(eHie M[Mot, npa3il- "passing by," a holiday

HrlKT Passover

nrg.rfrnr nsyTnHa; qePBb a cobweb, spidcrs web,


nt.|t 6onte, ny.tue morc, longer, bettcr

nr/|inI notHHb a wormwood

nrhry K6r'ria rgTl{aecsTEHqa Thc Pentecost

nfr31ft nareua a fingcr, toe

nrtrTh, n,tt|rfttt nepcTeHbr Konbqo ring, (ornament)

ntlcn rpy.(b the breast, chest, bosom

n6rTa,u81r 3eneHoBaTHt Myxt{ greenish flies

nfimHl pacrenie pyra a hcrb

nnlA JIOPOXHaTCyMa, KOTOMKa a travcling bag, wallct,


nn* firparb Ha cBrpenn, QnefiTt to play on a rced-pipe,


nir.rfrr BtpHHfi, Heno.[,[tnbHHfi faithful, truc, gcnuine, real

nit6t 3o,'rorucrhrfi, xenro-6+nbrfi of a golden colour, a yel-

lowish white

nli'rr nocKyrt Marepifi a piece of material

n Ir4l illl rl t 1I noroTS0 lineq sheeting

n,ttat MflKnHa, COJIOMa chuff, husks, straw

n/|r6filt nneBenH, copHas Tpaaa wceds

n,rrnriqr qtnb, B€peBKa a chain roprc, chord

n/lrm, noAouBa, nepe,(Hgt rtacTt the solc, ball (of a foot)


n,urntiqa caxAa,'riq,noAouBa, npuBfi- sandalcs, straped

3aHHag PeMHgMtl

n,rrqri IIJIEqO the shoulder

nn0'rirnl TtnecHbrf, bodiln corporal

no8inIirn Kpacnrb to paint, to adom, to whitc-


nosmt;hit orpacKa, o6MagKa dying, painting, to stain

norr.r{nlt 3aKOHt thc law, the order

noaftrn cnereHarb to swaddle, to swathq to


noKt|rrli rortra, nocat Toro KaKr when, after that

noBtrqri 6pocarb, noBeprHyrb to hurl, to throw down

noAfitr ,rullHHar o.{extra iyaef,cxr.rxr a long garment used by the

nepBocBsueHHHt(oBax uapefi Judean high pricsts and

noAoBo4fti4r,nI nMtlourif, cxo.(Hbrc qyBcrBo- to have likc fcelings


nolt'r'rfiryr HaycKarb, nnyutrl,y6e,rxrs to suggest, to inspirc, to


noArat;lt{nIKr no,IarpeMHhril, pa6olif, cxorr under thc yoke

nor,tfiKtr nocKonbKy how much, how far, as far


n634{ no3,4HO late

no3oriTrl noKneBaTb to bitc, to nibblc

n036tnql, eptnrqe, ptcrannqe a spcctacle, scene, race-


noK6fiqrr,noK5fi ycnoKoeHie, THuLtHa rcst, to sct at easc, tran-


noK168r xpbrua a roof, cover, lid

n6^Kt BoficKo, narepb a regirncnt, army, a camp,


non^|i Ha .qBoe, ABt qacrfi to split in two's

no,|rrKift xaayutif, ar uoaf adj. field, of fields

no.r.ri,{.& cnycrr Manoe BpeMr, BcKopt soon, shortly ,immcdiate ly

no,nrnf,.rr BCNOMHrtTb to recollect, to remember

nori xorr, no kpafiHefi Mtpt although, through, at least

noHirKt rroroMy rtro, c} Ttxb nopa Kaka becausc, from that timc

nonourinTr ynPeKt, yKopnsHa reproac\ reproof, censurc

nontiq'fl ooTonTaTb to trcad upon to tramplc

Iror|rrF, pa3cToffile Bb rHcqqy r aroBb thc distancc of 1000 steps

not4vrr oaexaa an outer festal garment


not;.tg no noPrjlxy in ordcr, filc

nor.lyurflrso6r'rlt csflatrerucroearr to testify, to witnesr

not,r4Iri [ocn+, HaKoHeua after, finally, after all, in

the end

norndulrrrrKoKrrrfl coatfi crorarr, noMortrt to assist, to aid, to hclp

norrrA;[ Mex,{y between, among;TH Bcryntrrb sT 6parr to partake in matrimonn

ro marry

noTtisr Ha,[o6Hocrb need, wang ncccssity

nortrBi,rfl Hcrpe6xrb to exterminatc, to destroy

noTtpirrIrA, craparbcfl, nocntlrutt to cndeavor, to strivc, to


n6[0rL x€naHie, crpacrb a wish, desirc, passion

ntiTr yAapsrb nnrofi, Tonrarb to hit with one's hccl, to

tread down, to tramplc

nrrsriTiTI nePecerrTbcs B! Ipyryn cTo- to settle in another place,

poHy, y6trarb, cnacarbct to flcc, to cscapc

nrfBdrrntrHflifi caMbrfi BucoKifi the highest, suprcme

ntrtKrrri.r'11 x,qTn B[epea], npe,4ynpelnTb to go beforc, to comc be-

fore, to preccde

nrrArtndqrii Bbrculif,, ItpaBHTenbcrBeHHr,lfi higher, govemmental, ad-

ministrative, sovereign

nrlli Bnepeiur beforc, infront

np4nrjrqri npeaonpeatnx?b to. predestin, to prcdetcr-

mtne caaTaTb,coelllHrTbcg to seek in marriage, to un-
ite, to match
nm6'rr njr4tuspt' cMepTbcoeanHgeTct ct xn3HbKl death joins with life

ntrAr4A;nir, repaoe uicro a placc of honour, the first

nrrxArBo3^rrini, or highcst seat or plilcc

nrr,4'ri.r. lIpe,]luecrBeHHt|Kr forerunner, predccessor

nrrs{.rnNi npeBocxo.(HHf, extraordinary cxcellcnt,


nri3, vepe:r, xpout over, acros!, cxccPt, bcsids,


nrr36trtl60KrlIrl rop.[fi Tbcr, npeBo3HOCr.rTl,Ct to boast, to praise, to ex-
ntrfi366l'ro,rJrTsit npex3o6flnie superabundance
ntri3ilttr, BeCbtlaCIJIbHo,tIpe3NtpHo very power{ully, excessive-
ln exceedingly
nfrH^r{rrfi npeBocxo.(IlTb to excel, to surpass
nrfr<or^oEir nporlrBoptqie contradiction, inconsistency
ntrniriTrti turIioH'b, cornflnaTtfi a spy, scout, observer
ntf,raFr[6rti HBbtjl, co-
6ayxaaroruiii, o 6i\raH,.r erring, deceptive, temptinq
ntr,rfrt-h aa6.rryx.[eHie an error, mistake, delusion,
ntt,toiriHi, nepelrtHa, npenpauteHie changc, transformation
n, r,.rttHhrri cBepxecr€cTBefiHlrfi,
cBepxa supernatural

ntf(urof. iryfl He clyuaTr,cq, He noBHHOBaTbCtnot comply, not obey

ntrn flTirf rl nuTaTb to nourish, to feed

nfrno,\6trTt cB9 T OCT b holiness, sanctity
nprnoion;nit no,'loBfi Ha, noJIOBTHHAq qScTb halt middle, a half piece
ntflro/otrittrtl aocTHfHyTb [to,roBHHbr to reach the middle, half
n ffnf,[fiit y6tx^(eHie conviction, penuasion
ntrnp;,\.1 :u. flOPOl,lPA purple
r lEfiiv tt',92 <craptfiuifi>; cBruteHHriK6 "the elder;" a priest
rr t f r l rl ra t.tlt r HI ht H cBepxaecrecrBeHHbti supernatural, superessential
l| lPrtiorit,rn o6parNrr to turn, to direct, to revert
fl t r't'rir-tl Ha ka 3 HBilT b to punish, to chastise
nf tTrfl roK;Iir, n tr.rL (i]tit co6na3H'r',npennrcraie stumbling block, seduction,
temptation obstacle, hind-

ngEr.rbl?. cyaun UIe, cyae6toe utcro tribunal, court of justice

n$'t'lr'nl pacnunrTb to saw up
irrf lr i ri t y rp o s a ; s l n p e u e u i e a threat, menace, prohibi-
tion of some sort
nft|trritrt'Or<c npr6brnb, BLrfoAa profit, advantage
nf,rFr(?Ktlta y(pllfl,,reBoe MlrcTo,siluuTa a fortified place, defense,
hiding place, refuge

nrIl r,r'.i'rx npe6brBarb to remain, stay
nrn6, ,liH;HJtrdtTfl cpaBHqTbct to be taken for, to be com-
pared, likeness, to bc cqual

nplrrlio3,!ti (IIc . l l 8 , 1 2 0 ) -

L ro ru rron my flesh trembles for fear
n/lturnt ,ttoa apoxar'raoTT' c-rpi'x.t Kt Te6l, of You

nrH3frIq'rt Bsr,'laHyrb,o6prxllrb B3opt to look at, to glance at

ntx/V\ri.t'ttrA cnyqr-rTbct to happen, to occur

nr||n4inriTlrJtr coe,(HHHTbcr,ITpHCTATb to unite, to join, to todge,

to put up

ntirHtu Bcelaa, 80 Bce Bpet\rfl,nocro- always, all the time, con-

nfri !H6ui cBofi, AoMauJHifi, ponHofi one's own, domestic, na-
ntrttrriH tltt npllcTaHE port, harbour, refuge, land-
rrfltJ'ft;ufitx Hc[yraHHbrfi alarmed, frightened
nri.r.u nocJroBriua a proverb
nfitTaotS KpbrToe Kpbrnbuo; IlepetrHgt a covered flight of steps,
qacTbxpaMa the entrancc of a church

nr'/".1,i.Tl, coeAaHeHie junction, union, commun-


nriflfi*tiTfl nepepacxoaoaarb, r{3aeP)t(arb to ovcr-cxpand


ntirio(trxH't noao6lto, paBHo alikc, similarly

npsoc.ri IlpoKonoTb, nPoTKHyTb to pierce through

n1o39'Irrir speHie,npeastqtHie sight, forknowledgc, for-


npo3,i.rnt'.rr nycrlrrb pocrKt-I, B3ofiTr to grow' vegetate, shoot,

sprout, germinate, spring

npor3riolinil cao6oanufi au6opr a free choice, sclection

npor.rxirir npoKasa leprosy

nprtinrnr <noanexauee>; cThx-r, l_t3,1, "subject;" a verse from the
ncanrrlp, nepe4t vteaielrt Psalms read beforc thc
aroclona rt IIapeMifi Epistle and thc Old Testa-
ment reading

nroltrtrYrHIh|l'l npe4cKa3aHHhtfi predicted, prophesized

nporori,li.lnrrr<t fna LUaTa
t a public-crier, town-crier,

n'onATI plcnrrTb to clucify

ntorxqi'rfl npopoqecTBoBSTb to prophccy, to predict

n16r'rr fiporqHyrHfi, npxuo cronutiil stretchcd forth, sprcad

nrgrr xy3Heqxlrb, capaHi{a a grasshopper, a locust

Ir8.\NUri HepoBHbrfi,
KaMeHBcrufi uneven, stony

nrfrKi{rr^ ,4ePraTbcr,Tep3aTbcr,ucKa. to jerk one's self, worry,

xaTbcs distort
nrgi{it capaHqa a locust, grasshopper

nt'Erllra cnoplrTb to disputc, to quarrel

nti cnopa, rrx6a a quarrel, controvcrsy
n$.rro'moli.rr npuroroaarr utcto to prepare a placc
nt'rrirr r;ry6txa depth, profundity
nt'rprnriqr pa3Be,4eHHatx€Ha a divorced woman
ndrexnnrl utHoguturr, Mtrq,ra a money changcr

ndna3r MenKasMoHera,,[nHapifi,ac- a small coin


n,flrf,nr ne,[arorb a pedagoguc, tutor

n{'rl,t IItryxa a cock

n4'r,rora,luirir ntHie [dryxoB] the shouting of a cocL

nAth Mtpa rxuxhr cubit, ell

pmnt, janrt'ri yqt|Ter'rb,PaBBxH,b teacher, Rabbi
pa.qocTt"BoCToprb joy, delight, rapture, ec-

jrxxinir ccopa, cnoPb controversy, dispute

ja3qary3nt reetpuufi unfaithful, falsc

yi3rt KpoMt, ncKnftt,taq,pr3Bt except, besides, then

orn{qle, OT[tnenie distinction, difference, sep-

li3rrrnror,l,rn oTJ'IttqaTbcfl to distinguish one's seU

1l3r,lis,rrnrxri, pa36lTbrfi [apanuqe[ft, napa- a paralytic, palsied


xu,ll,rule HeBHHHbrx'bnpapo- paradisc

t, (i nycrofi, HeroAHf,rft qenoBtKt a uselessman, worthlcss<, IIaM9THlrKb, MOHyMeHTA a mernorial, monumcnt

ti,ro [nyrb, coxa a plough

,i, nr TepHoBut Kycrt thorn-bush

,;^ro nJIego a shoulder

lalria.rrca nepeMtHrrrb rautpeHie, urtHie to change onc's intention,

opinion, to repent
jirnla pa3Hornacie, cnopa, pasae,llll- a controvcnn dispute

trJnE.\lrryfl paactarq pa3orHarl to disperse, to drive away

r*rrira pa3Bo,4Has
KHllra a book of divorcc

t d l fl6T rt aopora, ynxua a roa4 strcet, crosroads

parnutri.rnln yxacHo pa3cep,[xrbcq to bc really angcred

yc'rfirrn paspyurxrb, ocKBepHt,|Tb to destroy, to defilc, to pro-

fane, to rape

grrni.r'n PacKonort to crack, to cleave, to split

trIIoKltqr u e c rr,,[p e B Ko polc, pirch

pis,po peOpo; cropoHa ribs, edgc, bordcr, side

tranolTh peBHocrb, nbuKoe crpeMneHie zcal, an ardent cndcaver

Itnt Konroqas TPaBa, PenLe thomy grass

J,rltl cxasarl, o6traxrt to say, to proclaim

trri pxaBqrHa rust, dross

,Hrrtlrr cMonaapeBecHafl a trec tar, r€sin

gi'rorx oparopr, BHTis an orator, declaimcr, speak-


,o8rfiHltK8 KOJIO,[e3b a well

$rz pof'b; crna, aocToltHcrBo a horn, strengtlL worth

tcvx,rn poroBofi horny

,orfilrf [pyrbr, MonoAue llo6+rn twigs, young sprout!

poninr saocTpeHHLrfiKona, poraTtHa a sharpencd stakg boar-


pomiqr cTPyqeKa,uenyxa a pod, shell, husk

torriTfi!,f, KJI'CTbC' to vow' to culs€, to givc

an oath

jfri.nrre ra,r8 nrparb, pt3Bsrbcr Ba HeMa to play, who Thou hadst
(nr.103,26) made to play therein

1t'ni uepcTb; cKoueHHHfi nyrb wool, hair, a mowed mca-


turh 6apcr, pucr a panther

,|s|tbt|'r (MBoxecTBo>,(BoficKo) "multitude," 'army"
rorn6lh rr6rdr,0,r Ioeno.rl cr.rm thc Lord of hosts
r.6irr ct rycruxn siraaun with thict foliagc, branch-
3r*t Hacax,(€Hie;pacrexie, rycm planting plants, vegctables,
1448rirl <npaBe,[HHfit; eBpeftcKas ceKra "righteous," a Hebrcw sect
no Caaora named after it's founder

,iKKort BepxHee adxiepeficxoe o6aaqe- an outer vestment used by

sie the archbishop
t'utBYKl rpeyronbHHf, crpyHHHft lrH. a three-cornered stringcd
cTpyMeHTa instrumcnt

,rBtfuir o6yas; noAourga, nparptnaen- footwcarl solc, ticd with

l|ar peMHtMl{ straPs

cit|ih cepronr{Kb (xanem) a comelian stonc

e^gi:hnr cap,4eJrnb(xaneur) a prccious stonc
,rtAonygr cap,(oHnKcL (xauenr) a sardonic stone

.iTz Mtpa cHnyqnxa rtnb a measurc of dry substanccs

,{T4lti <npoT[BHHft), (Bparbr, <Kre- " opponcnt" " encm6"

AETI Kb) {HEHABHCTHIIKb) "slanderer," onc who hatcs
t[.ilt cflopa, ccopa a quarrel, disputc

rErrri|rtrr/|| cIIoPl{Tb to quarrcl, to dispute

,6!rirrflr/A ccoPxTbcs to be at variance with

mn,r,{nir cBH,{tTenbcrBo evidence, testimony

,Kfl'ATlr nrparu Ha cruptlx to play on a rccd-pipe

rsflTirylt cBtTarb to darn

r, r,u. cflrxa Ha yTpeHl a verset aftcr the Matins'
lrtrnol.rnailirt Canon

rKdqrndKr notrcBt'{ HnK'b a candlc-stick

a8,A3flr6 CBq3AHHbIft Y3HHKA ticd up, prisoncr

so rK4il|'^or.r.nxr
rBATu)(r nr neluxoatnnout cgqtnrflrut in the granduer of your
'r'r(oirlx 109,3) TsoeM'b sanctuary

aKATriTanItT60 cafl6 apxiepeq; cBaIIleHcrBo the rank of bishop, saintcty,

holines^,InnHi rpflrHqHHfi cBsrhrMa bccoming to holiness

ta BOTb thcrc, herc, sce there, lo

t,r\ia'rz aarycrf,fiu.tift inpcrial, royal

c,\iw, r,AMit+fl ceMb pa3a seven time!

.;nHHii floneBofi llelo-lll(c

ff,ld noae, nutnie field, ground, property

c,turtAtAa nyquaq nueH&qHagMyKa, the fincst flour

mr(/l Mipa Btca a measure of weight
tHno cl{JIoKt, BepeBKa ca fleTnefi a knottcd ropc, running-
snHdFjrifr co6paxie cotltaifi o npa3aulr- a collection of information
rt u,tn cartour of a certain holiday or
rfr'ronnft cAtnaxHbrfi ret apora (pacre- madc out of rccd

rripdrr <cir ptrrr, ro ecrr (r, e.) "thir hc said," that ir

tiqt TaKb, TaKlMa o6pagoMa so, this, in this way
lrqinr TaKofi such, such a one
lir<,igr y6ifiqa, 6aHAlrb a killcr, murdercr, bandit
cir<i1z xMtnbHHfi HanrToK'b Boo6ue an intoxicating drint
rr<ri1na fpqsb, Heql.rcToTa dirt, filth, uncleanlincss
rceprrorrax,i'rt,lrnufi Kopbrcroflrc6HBbrf, grccdn covctous
,KiHia, nanaTl(4,uaTepb a tent
lxnno.r16peqr ,utaareat naJraroKa a maker of tentr
rxrina BOLtrb a lousc
,K6tnia cKoPnloHr a scorpion
,KOTrht cKorcKifi cattle-like, beastly, brutish
n<9anii BrcoKb the tcrrplc (of thc head)
Jrttl116.r,rL aocKa ca nucbMeHaMl tablcs of thc Command-

,KtoKr cr(pbrToer{tcTo a hidden spot

.K{ lt q€penl{qa a tile

rKgAin6rflKr uu.rHrHH[ cocylh; roplueqHHKr a clay vessal; potter

,t(v14 tt JIbBEHOKb a young lion, cub

rnil,q4 c,IaJlKo,npiflTHo sweet, cavoury, pleasant

a^int coneHr,rf, salted

3^itlr rpaAt, aHMa hail; smokc

c/'islfh y,loBoJrbcTBie,Hrcnax,4eHie cnjoyment, delight,pleasure

cA,3fiTn onJraKrBaTb,cKop6tTB to cry over, to grieve ,to


,,rosonrdTnra cocTcSaTbcqcJIoBaMri,cnopr-rTb compete with words, to dis-

r^Aqri KPnBr.rTb,
corHyTb to twist, to bcnd, to turn

3^aqifi KpHBqulifics, ItorHyBruifics crooked, bent

.M^lit Lf,, cBtno - 3eneHHt lparoutHHbrfi a precious light grecn

KAMEHb Stone
,tllrrxriTfl couKHyrL, 3axMypHTL to blink, to close (one's

,Mrtl{Tr [3,(aBaTb Sanaxa to smell, to stinl

tnt6K6n Qnra, BEHHassro,(a a fig, a dried fig

,/uol(06}|liqr a€peBo, nPHHocquee cMoxBH a fig tree
a v lria apouarHat cuora .4rs KypeHis an aromatic resin used in
,rrsAdni noayvexie, coxpanerie issue, furnishing, supply,
,Bdrq'fl tcr6 crtcrr to eat, to consumc
cos,ri3Hi noBoA'b Kr rpixy, ,cKyueHie a reason to sin, temptation,
,oEnfiJrri coxPaBI|TB to preservc, to save
,o65tHqJ, co6panie, crxarora assembly, synagogue
,o6ont6rHflt(t cocTg3aTeJlb,
cnopurxa a competitor, a quarrel-
,ornA,U.rfl Trlarenbto o6oaptearl to examine carefull6 to
ro,trino qaura,6rpao a chalicg cup, bowl
,o ,tlr cTpofi,MHoxecrBo an orde, a multitudc

r6H,rurrr (r, . los6prrrlr) co6plHie asscnrbly
rorriqr {neiirHcru a flutr-player
,on,tnL Qrefira a flute
rnarS,ri.ropr cor.'rqaarail, crpaxb a spy, scout, sentry
Jntr.l orpsAa BoficKa, pora a detachment of soldiers,
tnol,rSrutg,rKosa'rfl csr,(tte.lltctsosart
to testify

tnora'hl,rsosi'rH cnt,[oBarb, conpoBox,(arg to follow, to accompany,

to escort

rnorndiurr.rnorl.rn noMorarb, co,qtftcrsosarl to help, to cooperate, to as-


anto,rarfii]rHr(, cornacHo,cootettctnexHo in harmonn agreeabl6 cor-


rnf,,1r x,rt6uan utpa (no,neeapa) a measure of corn

rgl,$o'ri 6esvecrie, nonoruenie dishonour, degradation

tt,r' rl(r nnaua; HrxHee flnaTbe, py- cloak, mantle, an under-

6auxa garment, shirt

rtfl,'ror(oK, uacrept cepe6paxxHxa,[t,Tr, silversmith

rpr,lol'r'[nit aperpala, cepeaBrr cTeHa impe diment, bar ,thc mid-

dle wall

JrfitTjrTflta c6trarrca, crexarbcq to flock together, to flow,

to crowd togethcr

lg{.rrnir ncrpt'ra a mceting

tt^i\rlrL ecrptla; rr6ear, cueprl a meeting; ruin, dcath

rr,i.rlt cocaT[, to suck

t,ri,ti, Mtpa ,4flfiHH Bb 125 [aroBr a distancc of 125 steps

r,r'.ir<,ttt 6nafoBoHHoeMacno an aromatic oil

lri,urre rnaHqnbrfi cocyAt Anr BnHa a clay coop used for wine

lr'.r'r'rip* MoHera aa 4 Apaxuu a coin worth 4 drachmr

r,r'rlrrd 6erpo the hips

J'r'f3a Tpona, yToInaHHaS AOpOra a path, a stamp€d path-


r.r'rrtrrip,r (crtlxorBopeHier, [tcHontHie "poem," music praising a

Ila qecTb cBqToro u,'trj npa3a- saint or holiday

r.r'rrrli.rrrra cTeKaTbcq to flock together, to gather

trilir ocHoBHoeBeulecr8o Bctxb the fundamental substancc
Tbn,b, BeulecreHHoeHaqaJIo of all beings, element

t'rK.t,i]rrqr cocy,(1 a vessel, platg dish, glass

g16rnr yntrua a street

rntbixr nocntaoBarerB rpe'{. +rnoco$a a stoic


116lnl 6ausg a tower, castle;r xenyaoKb the stomach

qroni c,rtra, uara a foot-step, stcp

c,ryiur'a crpaxa, TpextracoBoeBPeM9 a guard, a three hour per-

HOtln iod in the night

r.rprnnolisrqr rocrenpixunuf, a hospitable person

rrgrqrri cTepeqb to guard, to watch ovcr

mliryn cTprrqb to shear, to cut

grf,Ar cTH,116 sha,sre

rrt'4;riqr KOnOAeSb a well

c'rt'4o44inil pacnyTraar xr3Hb a dissolute life, a loosc life

lry8xi'rr TtcHlrb, 6€IIoKoIlrb to pres, to distub

lnt'miroqrin sparx, rtcuauie enemieg pressing ones

cryt'rxi{'rl yrnerarr, rtcxnn to press, to squeeze

s'r{nu TtHb a shadow, shadc

c'raxinir autnie, co6crrexxocrs ProPerty, estate

c'r,r.3inil cnopa, cocrrgaHie a quarrel, controversy

rfsstilm <[oKof;r, nHorAa (B€atnq, "rest" and sometimcs ,,a


rt'rf,sufi ,(BofiKoft double

ct sx cnPaBeAJ|uBocTb justice, righteousncss, trutl1


rf,4lpu rrnaToKb, roJIoBHoe noKpLlBano a kerchief, cloth, a head

lSrra6nnqr nycTocJloBt chatter-box, idlc talker,
rfr.nrni nycro{ vain, earthly-mindcd, fu-
lSnorri'rr Bparb, nPoTltBHxKa foe, enemy, opponcnt

rSrirp cl'!r eK'b knag, tnot (of a tree)

rVurilo xBopocT'b dry branchcs, brushwood

r(rri cyruiii existing, which (who) is;

real, truc
runono,loxinit ycuuon,renie, npnnarie nlrtcro adoption, taken in place of
cbrHa the real son

r*,1.i,rrHr qepxoBHbrficrxxa, Bo BpeMt a verse used in church ser-

KoTopafo rroxHo cx.ltTb vices during which one may
be seated
r{no cIoIa here hither
r{ne TtHb a shadow, shade
l{rr n o p a x e H i e ,6 l re a defeat, battlq encounter

lv,tlKoil 3HaKa, 06pa3'b; r{cnosf,aaHie symbol, a sign, form; greed

rvrrh uenb, HaHocHbrfi

necoxt a sand bank, alluvial sand

'r,lli TaiHo secretly, mysteriously

'rjr<o, .rirex,l,t TaK'b, TaK)|(e so thus; also, too

ryl,rirr.rr HtKoropbrfi Btca 3onoTa nnll a certain measure of gold

cepe6pa, TrnaHTa 3orrora - or silver
62,000 ao,r,r.,TanaHTacepe6pa 1 talent of gold-962,500
- 1,200 .qo,r,'r. I talent of silver-$1,200

TITh BOpl a thief, robber

ryilthRa BOp OBCT BO robbery thcft

'ria,rn TarTb, qaxHyTb to melt ,to thaw

Tft(q'urxa nlloTKltKb a carpenrcr

rtrrlrIt xoaloveepactenie thomy plants
.rnIi Teqb,6txarb to stream, to pass, to flee

'ri re6t from, to you

trr,n,trrir 6o,roro, rpasr mud, moor, dirt, filth

T I|f NO HaanHcb an inscription, endorsment

.rariryt noprfirb, xcrpe6nqrb to spoil, to damage

pxlBtrxHa, xcrpe6,reuie rust, extermination, de-


ry,ni MpaK'b;,[ecrTb Tucsqa darkness, gloom; 10,000

.rosri,lrqr Mtuoq€K'b a bag, sack

T6Kfl((, TOJIbKO onln merely, but
lIOifit((t, CTOXI,KO so much, as much
Tori3ifi Ka lr e Hb T o n a 3 l topaz, a yellowish semi-
precious stone
n6pr - .r6prnqr nnoruaab, pHKoKa a town square, public
place, market
.rorfi,lo npeccG ,qnr .(aareHir arHo- an instrument used to prcss
rpa'Ila grapes
roasro, xpout only, but, except, besidcs
6ucrpo, nocnturxo swiftll rapidly
rlmi3t cToJIb, nHqa a table, food, meal
g3brqecxifi xpaMb
'rpisnqrr a pagan temple

'rpis* xaao6Ho, norpe6Ho necessary nccd, want

'rpr3rfi'rnr,r' 6o,rpcrronarr to be alerq to be awakq to


'rpacp6anrrr Tperif 3Taxa the third floor, story

'rgflrriqflo,' Ba rperifi pa3a the third timc

rprrr<p,i.rrr TpHX.tnI three times
.rpitirlr <rpuntcueuu; 6orocnyxe6- "Tresong,' a servicc book
Har r(Hura orr, ueatal Mura- used from the Sunday of
ps +apuces Ao ne,qtan Bctxa the Publican and the Phar-
CssrHxt isee to the Sunday of ,,all
TtlrrTnTS Be,lbMOXa,AOeHaqanbHltKb a lord, noblg commander-
.rponipt ntcxontHie, Bb KoropoMb Bbr- troparioq a hymn in
paxaeTcq cylltHocTb npa3aHxKa which thc essence of the
Htx o6paot xH3Hl{ cBqrofo holiday or the saint's life
is expresscd
.rpor,rir rPocrHxKb; TpocrB, conoMa nrsh, reed; cane, straw
'r1f,,1r ycTanocTb;neqanb fatigue, exhaustion; labour,
grief, sonow
'r'pY,1xrrci.yrrrri no,(sHaq6o,rtsHt the dropsy
'r'pVx.1.i,r'n 6e3noKoIlrb to disturb, to alarm
'r'pY,vi,r'rrra rpyaxrbct to take pains, to work hard
'l'tYtx aeu,rerpaceHie,nolxetie an earthquake
'r'Y Tantb there
'r't'ri rpycrb, cKop6b sadness,gricf, sorrow
'r'Jxri'r'rr cKop6.brb to grievc, to mourn
Tl(Kx xu p'b; Tor'rulllHa fat, grease, thickness, size

'r8,lx BM'bcrrnxutecrptnb, Ka,'rqafla a qulver

'rYrrr AapoM'b,HanpacHo to no purpose, in vain

Td' t ht ll MoulHbrfi, cxnbHh|fi strong, robust, powerful
T1[df l | l nocnitrrHocrb 6hrcrpora haste, speed, quickness
.n;rr.ri cyeTa; noxb vanity; lie, falsehood
Te6q (acc.) you
3enneatneua, pa6orHnK'b a farmer, agriculturer
,ruraapa, 6y6erl, 6apa6aH't a kettledrum, tambourine,
a drum

o'i, u ri yxe, eue He already, not yet

0yi 3Ba ! cMorpr.r! cuorpn-xa ! look! lo!

oliro nTax'b, noToMy, H6o therefore, becausq for

oyr6riri Hnuifi, 6t.(Hbrf, poor, needy, begger, paup-
oyq{n, ryqtceqt cu. CVAAPb a kerchief, cloth
oyros3ri'rrra np{Hecrx o6n,' ,HLIe flnonH to bring an abundance of
fruits, to bear fruit
*il" v.neHr (vacrl) r"6aa member
oy,16nr nerKo, y.4o6Eo easiln convenient, suitable
oy,r,6,t ao,'IrrHa a plain, valley

o{'xr BepeBr(4,KaHaTb a rope, cord, cable

o|xnrl po,[.Hofi,KpoBHblft native, onc's own, relative

.tz, caa:u, oxooa, ufnr a bond, chains

oy3riarrqrr TropbMa a jail, prisoq dungeon

oyr<fri [onorHo, orpt3a cloth, cut part

oyr<9f;r KycoKa a piece

oya,ri'rr HaBO3a,nOMeTA,rpfl36 manure, dung, dirt

nyqrue better
upesptuie contemPt, scom
rnynbrfi, 6e3pa3cytrHHft foolish, stupid, monster
HaJIOf',b, nolaTb tax, duty, imposition
cepbra an ear-ring
KO}l(CAHl,lICb a tanner
cueprb; npa3.[HrjKaVcnenis 6. death, the assumption oI
oyrnirri: the Holy Virgin
oyrMiHt poT'b, nbrxrHie the mouth; breathing, gasp

oyr,r'i ne6o,ruuroeorBepcrie ry6a a small opening, the Iip

.yrgrgBflTn yaBoHrb to double, to duplicate
aYrlrtliTltt oraep.ntrr to become hard, to turn
qotrnS.rn otctv6 o6esraasrtl to cut off, to behead
ryrrinr cKpHT6 concealed, hidden
ryrnrpqinlr .qoRaSaTenbcTBo proof, evidence, affirma-
qirprnnnr.rr paHo BcraBarb,6oapcraorart to awaken early, to be alert
yrPoMb at dawn
otl"rl', pascBtT!, yrpo
dawn, moming
o'i'rlo no yrpy, paHo in the morning, early in
the morning
oynl6rr c . JIOXECHA womb
otl""l{ 3aBTPA tomorTow
ryrrnfinn Ha3Haqlrb, onpeaf.nurr to designate, to determine
lyqri4pn'rn cocrpaAarb, coxaatrl, yllr.r- to have compassion, to
JIOCT{BI,ITbC' pity, to have mercy on
ga1nfii <or,&tneHHbrfi
); npHHaAnexa- "seperated," those belong-
uifl Kb oapl|ceftcxofi cexrt ing to the group of Pharis-
r[la6nr BepxHee cBq[IeHHxqecKoe06- an outer vestment used by
raqeHie priests
,{i,i,rr qaua
a cup, chalice
{firircr, {triflr .(epeBo nnoaoBoe; nroab 3Toro a date, a date tree
;aara6drnr rparoutHnufi rauexs a precious stone
;aarolirinr maaHcrag rrttlt Lebanon copper
1a,lf,ra nrereHb, r3ropoab, 3a6opa a hedge, fence, enclosure
;5rpii uarepiaar anq nlcbMa; flepra. material for letters; such as
MeHT6, na[uPyc'l, tt IIp. parchment, pap'.rus
trr1o'r6nin pykoIIonoxeHie ordination
;rpt'nf,rr (Bbrctxifl aHrenbcKifiqHH.b] "the highest rank of an-
;n'rgiqr xyIoxHI{Ka, MacTepa a skilled person, artist,
;ri.rporrt r.rcKyccTBo,peMecno, HayKa skill, profession, science
;r.rd;nr Hl.ixHsq o,4€xaa, pyoaluKa an under-garment, shirt
[^rluyA'l naaq'u, uautia, enaHva a cloak, mantle
;aisr BOAOrraA',b,
BOIOBOpOTA a whirlpool, eddy
xrr6rlrr TbTJIJ back, rear, reverse

trfi116rr flollaaagHrxr the anointed sovereign

xtrr6,'|i.0,r aparoqtuuufi KaMeHb 3oJro- a precious gold-colored
rucraro ustra stone
lparoutHHuft KaMeHbxenro- a precious yellowish-grcen
ee,'reHaroqstra colored stone

tr846rr pa3yMHbrft, onHTHHfl, HcKycHbrfi wise, experienced, intelli-

gent, skillfull
nopauaxie; o6surexie blame, charge, accusation,

trf,, noHoc{Tb, ocKop6nsrb, IIopo- to slander, to offend, to

qTTb dishonour, to blaspheme
q{arinn BpaqeBaTb to treat, to cure, to heal
q't^oBiHit npr.ratrcrnie greeting, kissing
q'b,ro,u86pr cKpoMHbrfi, Bostrepxarfhrfi,6na- chaste, mcc\ temperate,
ropa3yMHr,rfi wise, prudent
q'Ini utHa; ,reHbrr.! price, money
rilqr ,[tlTC a child
r,ipu ao.mue6crro, (oJrroBcrBo magic, sorcery
rianir oxu,(auie, ratrextra expectation, hope
ria,t,l,r npl|cnyra servicc, attendance, ser-
rrpninr KPaCHarnPrxa red spun yarn
rrpnainr TenHo-kpacHHfi a dark red
rilrulnr KpacHbrf, red, beautiful, prctty
rrl,nnori.rrrn KpacHtTb to grow rc4 glowing, to
. rhlr.r
|, TyTOBOe,[Ien<OB[qHOe IepeBO mulberry-like, a mulberry
rrctir qero of what?
r:rrr1fiqrn B{eTBepo four times as much, four
times more
rr'rrrl'ronairrnorrrrn Bna,{tTb qerBeprofl .racrbro to govern ll4 of the land
rnfir nopa.uorr; aranie order; calling, state, ranh
rpiro BHyTpeHHOCTTI bowe\ womb
ylua ro a c n u u a ,6 e l p a thc loins, hips
r$x4onol{.rfirrar uutyutift ryxoro [xyueclBa one seeking property of
ruaq'i'rHr, rrryMtTb, 6brrb 3aHocqnBy to be noisy, to brawl
llr6rHt UIfiThIfi sewed, embroidered
rurnorynirr HaytUHHK'b, t6eAHHKa tale-bearer, slanderer, plot-
lX6flq' ntBar pyKa thc left hand
ur cornp:rssion:rtc,cornpassion
qt;,\tr co cT a ta T C J b Hb IIt, \fl 1 .' r o cep.'I-

ltrf,\t6.rr coxantHie, cocrpalaxie compassion,pity, rcgrct

h.\6nr ,q o :lltHa a plain, valley

tirxrrr<.t cv. VXllliA native, relative

nni t1x Teicltr,, Bo/1'15 a young ox, steer, calf

mn.triuriir vla:ruiii youngcst; younger
rito,\r,r6o 6e3pa3cy,lHocrb,rnyrocrb thoughtlcss, indiscreetness,
nr,l,inr orKpbrBarb,,4i,raft r:ntcrxulfl. to open, to make known,
to rcveal, to manifest
ir* aaxo, usatcrno, orxpr,rro evidently, well-known
n,\txro cHapna'b missile
*.1r1,r o6xopa glutton

n3tinrYr(r'rn 6rrrl 6xry n.rrerslrt to bc beaten with a whip

n3ilIix Hapo.{4, nrlerrrr; q3brK'b people, folk, race, familn
tongue, language
t"r3ilrr||r<s ne :xanulifi lcrussaro Bora not knowing the trle God
93fl 6o,'rt3Hb,rTpa,[xHie sickness,suffering
x KaKoii what kind of a?
rir<tu qTo, noTorry qTo,
KaK',b, how, as) that, what, be-
r6o, rro6ur, TaK'bqro cause, for, in order that, so
ngina ruepcrb wool, hair
ri llrr tcrb to cat
r,i'rr 6parr, n:lrr, to take, to borrow from,
to capture
rl-.i,ro,lrr n tc H b a Psalm, a song
l\ty3 b lKa Jlb llr ,[t ]tHcT p v\r e IlTr] B rl a musical instrument in the
p o ,( i a p ( F b r ; KI| r r r a co r e p x al l tl t like a harp, a book con-
IIc a itMl,t taining thc Psalms
,4,vrirrrrr 6,raronourtt,rii sweet smclling, fragrant

,6,rr,uii,lrr KvpcHie,xax,teHie ptrfumc, inccnse

y n lriot't <<lnurraxie>,n'lcHont,rriee-b "attention," liturgical song
opa3afll.iKxDnticro c l,aanbHoBr,
vrrolrirr Iace, countcnancc, person-
"||] t lo, . lllr t Hoc Tb
ality, charactcr, pcrson
y lrtirrrx rpilEit /'lnrl KPonx,la grass us':d for thc holy
watcr sprinkler
r.rdrrrrr,rri Ile cYilHb lr .l sandy

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