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Life and Society

By: Elizabeth Anne Leishman (10/09)

Life, it has its ups and downs, twist and turns. We grow up in a society that feels so
wrong. What happened to diversity? I think people try and try to be like one another that
we have lost ourselves in the vast pool of bullshit. When did it become acceptable to wage
a war for reasons that no longer exist? At least with the country we are fighting right now.
When did it become okay for our government to push aside its people? Wasn’t it
supposed to be “For the people, By the people”? There used to be a time and place when
common citizens like you and me that would stand up and speak out, even if it was
against the government.
We as a society have lost our ability to stand up and say… “We do not agree with
what the government is doing.” What happened to the protest and the civil rights
movement? It’s about time someone stood up and said “WE WILL NOT TAKE THIS
ANY MORE”. We should have a government that cares more about its people than
waging wars to boost profits. The government should be worried about their taxpaying
citizens. With all of the money they have spent on this so called war on terror, should
have been spent on its unemployed, education, and homeless. They should provide full
medical for all, no matter how rich or poor its citizens are. I’m just sick of a society that
acts like a bunch of robots, and seem to care more about what famous person is f**king
another famous person. Why we are so blind, or is it that we just don’t care.
I look around today at all of our kids and teenagers growing up that have no clue
about standing up and having thier voice heard. If society continues to move in the same
direction it has been then these adolescents will never be able to appreciate all of the
struggles and the heartache our earlier generations had to endure, and all of what they
worked for.
So… With life, no matter how many twist and turns, ups and downs we may go
through it is up to us to stand up and say when things are wrong and to actually do
something about it.

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