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Very useful idioms

1 Interview two students using the questions below. Make notes of their
answers and write them in the table.

Student 1 Student 2
Are you a bookworm? If yes, what
books do you read a lot?

When do you find that you pick up the

most new words in English?
Can you describe a typical teacher’s
Which subject is your best one? What
could you give someone a hand with?
Which area of English do you need to
brush up on?
How do you learn things by heart?

If you went on a quiz show, what

would be your chosen subject, one you
know inside out?
When you don’t have a clue about
something, do you make a wild guess?

2 Write a paragraph for each of the students you interviewed using your
notes from Ex.1.

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Very useful idioms


Aim: to provide further practice of idioms of learning from the

vocabulary page. This worksheet is designed to be used in
conjunction with unit 7.
Time: 40 minutes
Materials: photocopies of the worksheet for all the students

1 This is a whole class activity. Ask students to get up and find two
other students to ask their questions to. The questions are all set
for the students to ask and the aim is to practise the idioms in a
context. Monitor while the students work and encourage them at all
times to expand their answers. Ask for class feedback at the end of
the activity.

2 Encourage students to use their notes from Ex. 1 to write two short
paragraphs about their partner’s learning. This exercise can be
done for homework so either collect the written work for marking
at the end of the class or at the start of the next one.

Ask students to use their notes from Ex. 1 to write two short
paragraphs about their partner’s learning. Then ask them to swap
their work with a partner and to check each other’s work as a peer
correction activity. Go around the class monitoring and give
assistance if necessary. Ask some students to read their
paragraphs to the rest of the class at the end and get feedback.

Copyright © 2006 Pearson Education.

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