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meteor is the streak of bright light that can be seen from Earth when a meteorite enters the atmosphere.
The actual object entering the atmosphere is called a meteorite, and it is usually a piece of an asteroid.
The term meteor refers only to the image created by this entry – a bright light cascading from the sky –
often referred to as a falling star.

The bright light of a meteor is a result of heat produced by the meteorite entering the atmosphere. Rather
than friction, this heat is produced by ram pressure: the pressure exerted on a body moving through a
fluid medium. This pressure heats the meteorite and the air around it to such a degree that the image of
the meteor can be seen from earth.
Semi Detailed Lesson Plan
Science and Health 5
At the end of discussion the pupils will be able to:
1. Identify the other members of the solar system: the comets, asteroids, meteors and
the moon.
2. Describe the characteristics of the comets, asteroids, meteors and the moon.
3. Give their opinions on what might happen if the asteroids hit the earth today.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Identify the other members of the solar system: the comets, asteroids, meteors and
the moon.
B. References: Science and Health for the New Millennium 5 by Zenaida L. Ranay and Dr.
Amelia F. Pascual ., Adriana Publishing Co., Inc. 776 Aurora Blvd., Cor Boston St. Cubao,
Quezon City, Metro Manila, Phil., 2002 , page 242-244.
C. Materials: Pictures, Visual Aid
D. Values Integration: Being Aware in day to day living.

III. Procedures:

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