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SC205 Tutorial 5

1. Construct the NRZ AMI format for the binary sequence 011010110.

2. Consider a random binary sequence where bits are statistically independent and equally
likely. Determine the power spectral density of the binary sequence with the Manchester
format, where 1 and 0 are represented as in the figure below. (a2 Tb sinc2 (0.5 f
Tb)sin2(0.5πfTb )

a a

Tb/2 Tb Tb/2 Tb

-a -a

Pulse shape to represent 1 Pulse shape to represent 0

3. The overall pulse shape p(t) of a binary PAM system is defined by

 t 
p(t) = sinc 
 Tb 

where Tb is the bit duration of the input binary data. The amplitude levels at the pulse
generator output are +1 or −1 volt, depending on whether the binary symbol at the input is 1
or 0, respectively. Sketch the waveform at the output of the receiving filter in response to the
input data 001101001.

4. A computer puts out binary data at the rate of 56kbps. The computer output is transmitted
using a baseband binary PAM system that is designed to have a raised cosine spectrum.
Determine the transmission bandwidth required for each of the following rolloff factors:

(a) α = 0.25. (35kHz)

(b) α = 1.0. (56kHz)

5. The binary data 001101001 are applied to the input of a duobinary system.

(a) Construct the duobinary coder output and corresponding receiver output, without

(b) Suppose that due to error during transmission, the level at the receiver input produced by
the second digit is reduced to zero. Construct the new receiver output.

6. Repeat problem 5, assuming the use of a precoder in the transmitter.

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