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“Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it.”

~Salvador Dali

Obsessions and compulsions are about control of self (mental) and others
(interpersonal). People with the Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
(OCPD) are concerned (worried and anxious) about maintaining control and
about being seen to be maintaining it. In other words, they are also preoccupied
with the symbolic aspects and representations (with the symbols) of control.

Inevitably, OCPDs are perfectionists and rigidly orderly or organized. They lack
flexibility, openness and efficiency. They tend to see the world and others as at
best whimsical and arbitrary and at worst menacing and hostile. They are
constantly worried that something is or may go wrong.

People with OCPDs are constantly drawing up and dreaming up lists, rules,
orders, rituals, and organizational schemes. They demand from themselves and
from others perfection and an inordinate attention to minutia. Actually, they
place greater value on compiling and following rigid schedules and checklists
than on the activity itself or its goals. Simply put, Obsessive-Compulsives are
unable to see the wood for the trees.

Moreover, they are convinced that only they can get the job done in the right
manner. Yet, they are not very efficacious or productive.

Socially, OCPDs are sometimes resented and rejected. This is because some
OCPDs are self-righteous to the point of bigotry.

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