Ahmed Tawil

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Ahmed tawil


Eng 098 M/W

Journal 1


Nights preface and forward


Elie wiesel explained why he wrote that book. He kept thinking why he wants to write a book so


He talked about the holocaust and his childhood how did it change his life and the days that he

never forgets. Elie mentions how books are not that important as they used to be, his language

was not that good, but he managed to fulfill his dream kids in his age started to ask where is God

how come he is not helping us. He also talked about his father when he was calling him to stay

next him and he didn’t because he was feared he wondered will people forgot all about that will

it just disappear from human history aren’t those people going to really understand how the Jews

suffer no, no one will understand unless they were there in retrospect he talked about his life and

the book he wrote.

Reaction to what I read:

I felt deep sorrow to what happen to the Jews in World War 2. I put myself in member on one of

those family that deid, what if my mother,father,brothers and sisters were to die what will I do. I

couldn’t even imagine how will I end up I started to ask myself I can I still live after that will I

kill myself I don’t know what think of. I also felt how hard is it for his him to understand the

language like to be able to write that book as ESL student some of the word he wrote I didn’t
even understand despite the four years I study in high school. I think I was meant for him to

write that book and learn English as fast as possible because the only way people would read it is

to write it in English because English is the most popular language in the world.

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