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Project 4 Outline

Course Portfolio

I. Multimedia
a. Discuss the definition of multimedia through projects developed in the course
b. Describe examples of multimedia used in the class
II. Self-Evaluation
a. What I learned; reference to:
i. Rhetorical Knowledge
ii. Critical thinking, reading, and writing
iii. Processes
iv. Knowledge of conventions
b. Demonstrate learning in course
i. Cite one major writing project
1. Demonstrate how project helped learning occur
ii. Cite one smaller homework assignment
1. Demonstrate how the use of smaller assignments furthered learning
from projects
c. Discuss growth in that area
d. Future use of the skill
i. Course Outcomes
1. Reference to course outcomes from the course description
ii. Personal Goals
1. Relate to the reason I took the course and personal achievements
initially sought after

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