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Ralph Davis

Discover a Relationship

Objective: The students will understand that the lengths of the sides of a triangle correspond to the
type of the triangle,
2 2 2
ex. a b =c Yields a right triangle.
2 2 2
a b ≥c Yields an acute triangle.
2 2 2
a b ≤c Yields an obtuse triangle.
It is kind of the triangle inequality.

Stage 1: Experimenting (also mini experiment)

The students are grouped into three's and given:

A circular piece of string with markings on it that are 1 in. apart.
3 push pins.
A styrofoam board to push the pins into.

The students are instructed to make triangles with given side lengths. They will be asked to
categorize the resulting triangles based on the types of triangles and the squares of their side lengths.
The students should draw squares on each side of the triangles.

1. a=4 2. a=3 3. a=6 4. a=4 5. a=2 6. a=1

b=3 b=7 b=3 b=4 b=6 b=5
c=5 c=2 c=3 c=4 c=4 c=6

Stage 2: Reflecting and Explaining

The students come together as a class to share their findings and explain their reasoning. The
teacher should help the class by asking questions leading them to understand that the only time time a
right triangle triangle can exist is when the sums of the squares of the sides of the triangle are added
together, they are equal to the square of the hypothenuse.

Stage 3: Hypothesizing and Articulating

The students are led to the understanding stated above by the teacher. The teacher will help the
student where needed to get to the needed understanding.

Stage 4: Verifying and Refining

The students try to disprove their hypothesis by trying to make triangles that do not fit their

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