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Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Usher Raymond are very different in many ways, but

have similar experiences and emotions. They both are from different time periods obviously.

Usher is still alive today in the 21st century unlike Henry who died in the 19th century. Both time

periods have different media, style, technology, historical events, and people. Both have

different influences around them. Usher lives in a modernized world where we could push a

button and the work is done. Henry lived in a developing, colonial time period when slavery was

still in presence. The fact that slavery was in Henry’s time totally differentiates Usher’s type of

influence. Usher is a hip hop singer while Henry is a poet. Henry’s style is formal and literary.

Usher’s is more fragmented and casual. Usher’s lyrics have music to them which totally creates

a different mood and tone between the authors. They both had similar events that influenced

some of their key pieces in their career. Usher’s stormy relationship with supermodel gave birth

to the song, “Burn”. Henry had a similar experience, he wrote a book called “Evangeline” it

showed his insight for love and how he had bad romance in some points of his past life. Usher

and Longfellow both are similar authors and both are infamous to our time. They both live in

different time periods and have contrasting influences.

Works Cited

Burton, Paul. "Usher (1979-)." Newsmakers. Ed. Laura Avery. Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2005. Discovering Collection.

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (1807-1882)." DISCovering Authors. Online ed. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Discovering
Collection. Gale. COLUMBIA COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION. 30 Apr. 2011

Ford Henry. “Hip Hop: Usher”. New York: Rosen Publishing.2001.Print.

“Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth”. Poetry for Young People. New York, NY. Sterling Publishing CO., Inc. Print.

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