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Look Your Age—Or Younger!

It pretty much goes without saying that smoking cigarettes and frying your
skin in the sun make you older, so kudos for quitting and slathering on the
sunscreen religiously. But if you're trying to turn back the clock—or at least
slow it down a little—don't overlook these other habits that may be sabotaging
your efforts.

1. You keep your college bedtime

It's not uncommon for superbusy women to cram a day's worth of around-the-
house to-dos into the late evening hours, a practice that pushes back bedtime
into—eep!—Late Night with Jimmy Fallon territory. The problem with this is
that too-little sleep is proving to be really, really bad for your health: Research
links it to , diabetes, weight gain, and even just looking tired and older.

Act your age: We're not saying you need a perfect 8 hours every single night,
but make sleep a priority more often and your body will thank you. Everyone's
sleep needs are different; to find out what yours are, sleep experts
recommend you turn off the alarm clock when you're well rested, and see how
long you naturally sleep. (Most people need 7 to 8 hours.)

Instant Health Boost: 12 Quick ways to better your mind and body today!

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