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MAY 01, 2011

“GOD SAID” Church Announcements

"And God said, 'Let there be light,'

and there was light" (Genesis 1:3, NIV)

When God commanded light to come forth, it came

—at 186,000 miles per second! When God
commands something, you can be sure that it's
going to happen.

Just like He commanded the worlds to be formed,

God has commanded that you be blessed. He has
commanded that you prosper and increase. He has
commanded that you be above only and not

As a believer and follower of Jesus, you are called

to be the head and not the tail. If you will get into
agreement with God and not let other people or your
own thoughts talk you out of it, then you will see this
commanded blessing take you further than you ever
thought possible.

Set your heart and mind on His goodness. Believe

that He is ready to take you places that you've never
dreamed. Receive His promises because He is

Weekly Schedule

Worship Service:
Sundays: 8:00am & 10:00am.
Starmall Cinema 2
Prayer Meeting:
Tuesdays: 7:00pm
2nd Floor –Upper Room

3rd Level Starmall Las Piňas City CP #: 09235001616 Join us @ Facebook:

NewDay Christian Church

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