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Name of the Game: Commando Stage: S1

An average sized distance (about 20-30 metres) is marked with markers. Students are arranged into teams of four. The teams stand in
vertical lines (one behind the other) with their legs apart. The person at the end has to commando crawl underneath their team to the front,
and then the next person at the end and so fourth until the line gets to the finish line. The aim is to get to the finish line first.

Why is this game important for this stage?

-Students gain non-locomotor skills of holding their body in place by balancing whilst someone crawls under their legs
-Students gain locomotor skills of crawling
-Students will work as a team, cooperate and encourage each other
-Imaginative game, where students will get to imagine being in the army
What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?
-MOS1.4, Demonstrates maturing performance of basic movement and compositional skills in a variety of predictable situations: repeats
movements in a sequence, maturing performance of basic movements
-INS1.3, Develops positive relationships with peers and other people: listens and responds to others, uses positive talk to encourage others,
observes group rules regarding group conduct
-COS1.1, Communicates appropriately in a variety of ways: expresses appreciation when others give help, expresses themselves though
-GSS1.8, Performs fundamental movement skills with equipment in minor games: participates in a range of minor games and practices that
assist skill development
Equipment and Teaching cues
-Markers to mark distance
-Teachers could give the kids a chance to practise the commando crawl first to give the kids the chance to practise before hand.
- Teachers should encourage teamwork and make sure teams are even in skill levels to give all teams equal chance

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