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Name of the Game: Hot Potato Stage: S2

Students are in groups of about 4-6 and stand in a square or circle. Using volleyball, they have to throw the ball upwards around the
formation in one direction. Students count the number of times they the ball is caught, unless it is dropped then they have to start the count
again. Students are encouraged to do this as fast as they can. The teacher can also throw in a second ball or sand sack to make it more

Why is this game important for this stage?

-Students work together in teams and cooperate
-Students develop their throwing and catching skills from different heights and with different sized objects
-Students can communicate to encourage, in order to help each other and therefore the team

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

-MOS2.4, Displays a focus on quality of movement in applying movement skills to a variety of familiar and new situations: practises
manipulative skills such as throwing and catching
-DMS2.2, Makes decisions as an individual an as a group member: considers individual strengths and limitations in order to throw the ball
in a certain way to help the team
-INS2.3, Makes positive contributions in group activities: helps others to achieve set tasks, develops friendships and support networks with a
range of people, displays tolerance in relation to individual difference, works independently or in a group
-GSS2.8, Participates and uses equipment in a variety of games and modified sports: demonstrates fun ways of practising skills, practises
and refines movement skills in a variety of games
Equipment and Teaching cues
-Volleyballs and sand sacks
-Teachers could call out the instruction to change direction to make game more challenging, or if they can see it may help a struggling team
out, for various skill levels in catching or throwing between the students in the group

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