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Meditation and Liberation

What is Liberation?

Liberation is getting freedom from the cycle of birth and death. We are born again and
again, taking a human body, just to sort out the karma of the previous births.

Why should I get liberated? Eventhough we get so much adjusted in this physical plane, it
has to be understood that, we are spiritual beings in the form of humans, limiting our
ultimate potentials. A liberated or Self Relized being would know all the potentials of the
Self, being in this physical body.

Why birth and death?

There is birth and death to sort out some specific karma (the fruits of action that we have
done). Each time, we take birth, in a specific circumstance, in an apt family, where we
could dissolve our karma. Even though we forget this after our birth, that is what really
happens, as claimed my of the many masters of the East.

How to attain liberation?

To attain liberation, it is necessary that we dissolve all our karma, good or bad, through the
powerful practice of meditation that would pave way to liberation.

The Great benefits

You could realize the benefits of meditation in this same life. It would bring a new life to
the individual, giving the right perspective of the life. It would help one to act at all
circumstances, rather react. It would make the life on this world a pleasure, knowing the
reality of our existence.

About the Author: Jeyaprakash is an explorer and practitioner of yogic practices that would
help in transcending the mind. To read more of his writings, you may visit

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