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(wolSfata soos CORTE SUMMONS (CITACION JUDICIAL) NOTICE TO DEFENDAN’ GER FUNBOP YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: (LOESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): jarry S. Faganea TATDW IDAL [-WOTIGET You Rave beer aed. The ut ray decks agai you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days: Read the information bow ‘ew yave 30 CALENDAR DAYS after tis surmons and legal papers are served on youto fe a writen response at this court and have @ copy cence othe pti h ter or pone cal wl rot protect you. Your writen response must ben proper legal form ifyou vent the cout to hear your Sen ie scour frm that you oan use fer your reeponea. You can nd these cour forms and more Information a the California Courts carer ra Conte (mrcourrfe ca gowseho), your count aw ibrar, or the courthouse nearest you I you cannot pay the ling fee, as a Seer bra fee wale: fom: Ifyou do na fle your response on tim, you ray lose the case by cefelt, and your wages, mney, and property may be taken without further weming fom the court ate hor lgelrqurements, You ray wantto call an eforney fight away. Iyou donot know an attorney, you may went to call an atorney refaral sence. fyoucannotaford an atiorney, you may be elle fr fae legal services trom e nonproftlegal services rogramn. You can locate eS onnomt grdupe alte Calfomia Legal Services Web ste (wn Jevhelpcelfori or), the Calforia Coutts Onine Sell Help Center Cae nerPint ox gowsehep, or by contacing your loca court or county bar assocaion, NOTE: The court has a stator fen for waved fees and ee aos cotter or arbeton avaré of $10,000 or more ina civk case, The cout’ len must be pald before the court wil dismiss the case. Gauisol ce han danandade. Sino respande dentro de 20 das, le cate puede decid an su contra sin escuchar su veri, Lea la iformacion 2 ‘onda at DIAS DE CALENDARIO después de que le entroguen asta ctacién y papees legsles para presenta una respueste por escrito on esta coneynacer queso ntegue une copa a! demendanta. Una cate o una ered felefnica nol preteen. Surespueste por esr ene que estar aoe ee sr crecta a Casea que procesen su caso onl core. Es posible que haya un formula que usted pueda Usa para su respuesta, deere sedan cues fornderios dela corte y née nformacién on el Canto de Ayu de las Cotes de Calforna (a., en fe Fa cesen cis apoe de vv condads a en ls corte que le quede més cerca. Sino puede pager ia cuote de presentacisn, pido ol secretaio dela corte aoe Gaus formula ce exenctn de pago de cules iro presona su respuesta 2 Yompe, puede perder el caso porincumpimient la cort le ‘Pods guitars sued, dinero y Bienes sin mis edvertence Drograma de soracios legals sin nes de luc, Puede encontrar estos grupos sin res d luero an ol sto web de Prec alpealtoria.or), en al Gantro de Ayuda 40 as Corts de Calfomia, ( gov) 0 ponéndase i ait apogaces osu. AUISO: Parley le corte Yene derecho a reclamarls cites Ios costos exents par Imponer un gravamen sobve coe oe sousertlon de $10,000 6 més do valor reablga medtante un acuerdo una concestén de erirae ¢n un oss de derecho cil. Tene que pagarel gravamen dea corte antes de quo la corte pueda desechar el caso. ‘The name and address of the courtis: [asenase (Elnombre y direccién de la corte 68): 1725 Main Street Santa Monica CA 90401|™™=""# | ‘The name, address, and telephone number of plants attomey, or plaintif without an attomey, is: (Einombro, a dreccion y ol numero de teléforo del abogado def demandlante, o del demandart que no tiene abogado, es): DATE: 03/31/2011 Clerk, by , Deputy (Fecha) (Secretaria) (Adjunto) (For proof of service of this summons, use Proof of Seryios of Summons (form POS-070),) (Para prueba de entrega de esta citation use ef formulario Proof of Service of Summons, (POS-010)) (es NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: You are served Ge! 4. [) as an individual defendant. 2 [= asthe person sued under the fictitious name of (specify) 3, 1 on behalf of (specify): COP 416.10 (corporation) cop 418.60 (minor) [cee 416.20 (defunct corporation) [2] COP 416.70 (conservatee) [1 cer 416-40 (association or partnership) [—] CCP 416.90 (authorized person) [other (specity: 4, (1 by personal delivery on (date: under Paget rT _ SUM.200(A) SHORT TITLE: cascniese |_Banry S. Fagan vs. Wells Fargo Bank et al INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE 2} This form may be used as an attachment to any summons f space does not pert the listing ofall partes on the summons. > Ittnis attachment is used, inser the folowing statement in the plaintiff or defendant box on the summons: “Additional Partles ‘Attachment form is attached" List additional parties (Check anly one bor. Use a separate page for each type of part.) 1 Prainsit Defendant [] Cross-Complainant_ [—] Cross-Defendant ‘WELLS FARGO BANK, a national banking association;. AMERICAN SECURITIES COMPANY; a Califomia Corporation; T.D. Service Company; A. California Corporation; EBERT APPRAISAL SERVICE, INC. a California corporation; 20475 ROCA CHICA DR., MALIBU, CALIFORNIA 90625, real property, in rem, and DOES 1 to 50, INCLUSIVE. Page 2 of 2 eeeTonmeteare ‘ADDITIONAL PARTIES ATTACHMENT sua sey 2M ‘Attachment to Summons ‘Bary 8, Fagan PO BOX 1213, Malibu, CA 90265-1213 ‘euspriene no: 310-717-1790 paxno: 310-4566447 sromey FoR karcnon court oF qluFoRa coumrvor LOS Angeles ‘strecr avoress 1725 Main Street | FySGzrcooe Santa Monica CA 90401 omen uae, Santa Monica a Barry S. Fagan vs. Wells Fargo Bank et al. oe CASE oi SHEET ‘Complex Case Designation samen Z) United Limited a hoa [counter (I soinder fomenced (amet sie | Fed ith fect appearance by defendant | “8 demandes ooo) SeeooDerless)| "(Cal Rules foun re 3402) | c= terms 1-6 below must be completed (see instructions on page 2). Fi Gheck one box belaw Tor the case type that best describes this case: Auto Tort ‘Contract Provisionaly Complex Civil Ligation ee Fey Srecch of contactvarrarty (06) (Gal: Rul of Cour, rules 3400-8403) ‘Uninsured motorist (48) (1 Rute 3.740 cotections (09) (1 Antirustrrade reguition (03) Other PUPDIWD (Personal njuryiProperty _] ther cotietons (08) [E cnstruction detect (10) Damage/Wrongful Death) Tort [1 insurance coverage (18) [ET mass tort 40) este (0 [El onereonaten TS seawites gation 2) Ey Preductiabity (24) Real Property [1 environmental Toxte tort (20) Media malpractice (46) [1 Eminent domeininverse [7 inaurance coverage claims ang tom tte | (J other puPomn (2a) ‘condemnation (14) above listed provisionally complex caee Non-PUPDIVID (Other) Tort [1 wrongtu eveton (33) types (at) Business totnter business practice (07) LZ] Otter ea propery 25) Enforcement of Judgment Givieights (08) ‘Unlawful Detainer 7 ( entoroement judgment (20) Defamation (13) LJ commercial 31) Miscellaneous Civil Complaint | Fraud(t6) TET Resident 22) 1 roan Intelectual propery (19) 1 ons a) other complaint (not spocted above) (42) Professions ngtgence (25) “lela Review eres tye pon PUPOAND tot (35) [J eet rear 09) Parnership and corporate governance (2) ployment [Paton ve ataton ward) =} eer peucn atepoato abo) (2) ‘Wrongful termination (36) 1 wit otmandate (02) & other employment 15) (ter judicial evew (38) 2 Thiscase [lis [x] isnot complex under rule 3.400 of the California Rules of Court. Ifthe case is complex, mark the fasts requiig excoptonal jude! management ALT targe numer ofeeparately represented partes CJ Large number of witnesses § EE] exerowe motion praciosrishg feu or novel e. =] Coordination vith rtd actons pending in one or mor cous issues that wl be time-consuming to eso in ote counts, sats, or cours, ora federal cout [Co Stostantalamountorcocumentary evidence ¢ (] Subetanta postjudgment usc supervision Remedies sought (chook all hat apply): ‘Number of causes of action (specify): 6 This case [lis isnot a class action suit If there are any known related cases, fle and serve a notice of related case. (You. Date: 03/31/2011 Barry S. Fagan > TaN, WOTICE ~ Pt nut acon sae tha pepe dine sen or ocedng (enna an ass orcas td nor the Probate Cod, Family Code, or Welare and instutons Code). (Cal. Rules of Cour, rule 3.220 ) Failure to fle may result in sanctions, | «+ FISTS overshot in adltion to any cover shest required by loca cout rule ‘Hrtnis case's complex under rule &400 et seq ofthe Calforia Rules of Cour, you must serve a copy ofthis cover sheet on all ‘ther pets tothe action or proceeding « Unless this se collections case under rule 3.740 ofa complex case, thls cover sheet willbe used for statistical purposes only. monetary.) nonmonetary; deciaratory or injunctive relief & Care OR ORE, API) Fomnaapad Wann TAM PAGE PAVED CHEST Ta Reso ar TS SDT BT ——-

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