To Stop The Heart Beating (Killer Cocktail) : Belthazor

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To Stop The Heart Beating (killer cocktail) Edit


A pinch of oleander
A pinch of Jimson weed
A pinch of blood root
A pinch of hollyhock seeds

Grind to a fine powder and take with the juice of cranberries. Whoever takes it can be revived by
C.P.R. but it has to be done within four minutes to avoid brain damage.

Love Potion Edit

Two mandrake roots,
cup betel nuts,
lock lover's hair.
Boil in red wine.
To be used with Love Spell
To vanquish Belthazor Edit

Pig's Feet
A dash of cardamom
A pinch of carrot seeds
Elm bark
Billings Root
Slice of demons flesh (In this case Belthazor)

Mix the ingredients in a pot over fire with boiling water. Then add the demons flesh

 This potion can be adapted to work for all upper level demons as long as you add a piece of
flesh of the respective demon. Also used in Season 5.
 Note: Leo vanquishes a Grimlock by the potion despite Whitelighters being believed to be
pacifists. He may have made an exception as he and Darryl were in danger and the Charmed
Ones weren't there

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