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General Information

1. Name:

2. Sex: ( ) Male ( ) Female

3. Age: ( ) 18-24 ( ) 25-34 ( ) 35-44 ( ) 45-59 ( ) Over 59

4. Education Background

( ) University degree and above ( ) High School ( ) Elementary

5. Income:

( ) Under 20,000 ( ) 20,000 – 40,000 ( ) 40,000 – 60,000 ( ) Above 60,000

Questionnaire :-
1. How frequently do you visit your bank’s branch per month?

a) Never b) 1 - 4 times c) 5 - 8 times d) 9 – 12 times

e) Over 12 times

2. What is the main reason for which you visit your branch?

a) Deposit b) Withdrawal c) Balance Enquiry d) Advices e) Other

3. Will you open an online bank account within next 12 months?

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

4. How often do you use online banking services?

a) Never b) Rarely c) Sometimes d) Often e) Very Often

5. What bank services do you use which your internet bank offers?

a) Personal bank transaction activity b) Online bill payments

c) Inter account transfers d) Product and rate information e) Others

6. Do you made regular purchases from online vendors?

a) Never b) Rarely c) Sometimes d) Often e)Very Often

7. Are you well informed about the benefits of online banking?

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

8. There is no security risk in using online banking services?

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

9. Using online banking allows you to use your time more efficiently?

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

10. Is your bank’s Internet site is easy and quick to navigate?

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

11. Online banking allows you to access your account whenever and wherever you
need it?

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

12. Do you feel that using online banking requires too much effort?

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

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