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1. Identify the concept that best captures the social reality of: the family name and the inheritance of
property passing along the female line.
(a) Androlineal
(b) Afrolineal
(c) Monolineal
(d) Matrilineal

2. Language, race, religion, music dress, food, customs are all indicators of
(a) Ethnicity
(b) Non-material culture
(c) Ethnicity
(d) Social participation

3. Education was seen a major social institution used to give rise to:
(a) Political parties
(b) Modernization
(c) Political independence
(d) Black superiority

4. Comte, Locke and Bacon advocate which of the following sociological traditions?
(a) Empiricism
(b) Symbolism
(c) Interpretivism
(d) Conflict studies

5. A marriage may be understood as:

(a) The mutual love between a man and a woman
(b) The ultimate goal of all social beings
(c) A cultural practice that all adults must be imitated into at least one in their lifetime
(d) A legally or social sanctioned relationship between two individuals

6. Identify the most appropriate context to use qualitative research

(a) Identifying homes with both parents resident
(b) Organizing a sub-urban community sponsored marathon to raise funds for a dilapidated
(c) Tabulating the number of missing persons from a particular region
(d) First time mothers impressions of a new baby formula, being promoted by a major
commercial enterprise

7. Marx posited that class consciousness grows as people being to realize they have a
(a) Secure footing
(b) Common interest
(c) Log history of hard work
(d) Lost the zeal to labour

8. Choose the item that best expresses the Neo-Marxist perspective on Education.
(a) Education reproduces the existing social structure through the hidden curriculum
(b) Lower band students display behaviour that rejects the values of the upper classes
(c) Education provides an important link between the individual and society
(d) Higher levels of education are awarded higher income and prestige.
9. The sociological term used to describe the values and norms of behaviour of a cultural group, that
goes against those of the social mainstream of the day is a
(a) Revisionist culture
(b) Subculture
(c) Counter-culture
(d) Adhoc culture

10. Which term describes the process whereby religion loses it influence over various spheres of
social life?
(a) Evangelicalism
(b) Fundamentalism
(c) Secularization
(d) Alienation

11. What is the focus of cultural relativism?

(a) Linking the relationship between cultures
(b) Defining the socio-economic context of social actors
(c) Understanding a culture on its own terms
(d) Positioning cultures within different stratas based on society of origin and its general

12. Social order may be defined as

(a) Free will and enterprise
(b) The normal arrangement of society
(c) Re-organization of institutions
(d) A classless society

13. All of the following are advantages of unstructured interviews EXCEPT

(a) Researcher can detect lies
(b) Invalidation of data by various factors
(c) May be used for research on specific issues
(d) It challenges existing theories

14. Rewards and penalties used by a group’s members to regulate an individual’s behaviour.
(Tischler 2002) this statement refers to which of the following?
(a) Conflict
(b) Examples
(c) Consensus
(d) Sanctions

15. “Social inequality is an unconsciously evolved device by which societies insure that the most
important positions are filled by the most qualified persons.” Identify the theorist who made this
(a) Anthony Giddens
(b) Talcott Parsons
(c) Ann Oakley
(d) Wilbert Moore
16. The following excerpt refers to which group of people in the Caribbean? “As a class of people
[they] have no knowledge or experience of the productive forces of the country. This stands out
painfully in everything they do and everything they do not do”. C.L.R James 1962.
(a) Former White Planters
(b) Educated Blacks
(c) Colonial Administrators
(d) Small Scale Farmers

17. Which of the following statements refer to the Plantation Society model?
(a) People’s culture formed the basis of their social structure
(b) Acculturation led to the emergence of new social patterns.
(c) Little control of pricing on the international market
(d) Basic institutions are not shared

18. Define the term structural universal

(a) The values and norms found in all known societies
(b) Organization of the social system in the world
(c) Issues that must be resolved for the continued survival of society
(d) Learnt patterns of behaviour, by most societies

19. By which of the following means does Edward Kamau Brathwaithe (1971) contend that
creolization is taking place in the Caribbean?
(a) Globalization and transmission
(b) Acculturation and interculturation
(c) Diffusion and participation
(d) Endogamy and exogamy

20. Research methods are describe as reliable when:

(a) They accurately represent the truth
(b) The researcher rely on correct information
(c) A variety of theoretical perspective are used
(d) It is re-testable

21. A meritocracy is a system in which

(a) Status is based on ethnicity
(b) Social mobility is influenced by nepotism
(c) Social ranking/opportunities is based upon achievement
(d) Stratification is equal at all levels

22. Any social movement that is characterized by loose associations and a short life-span of existence
is known as
(a) Counter-culture
(b) Sect
(c) Minority
(d) Cult

23. Which of the following refer to horizontal mobility?

(a) Executive lawyer  Politician
(b) Subsistence farmer  Commodity Wholesaler
(c) Sanitation worker  Health Inspector
(d) Ex-convict  Businessman
24. Plural society theory was developed by
(a) Kamau Brawaithe
(b) M.G Smith
(c) Selwyn Ryan
(d) J.S Furnivall

25. Emile Durkheim was the first sociologist to conduct a scientific study of?
(a) Social change
(b) Positivism
(c) Society
(d) Revolutions

26. Feminist research methodology emphasizes which of the following?

(a) Overthrowing universal male dominance
(b) Concrete theories
(c) Humanness and inclusion
(d) All of the above

27. Zena’s husband Seth has been missing for the past eight years. They have two children. Paul and
Zwena are expecting their first child. The family of four live at Clever Heights Grove. Identify
the family type describe above:
(a) Visiting Union
(b) Separated
(c) Reconstituted
(d) Legally married

28. What does the statement sociology is a positive science mean?

(a) Sociology investigates the goods and bad elements of societies
(b) Sociology may research methods a in the natural sciences
(c) Sociology creates generalized useful theories to explain social life
(d) Sociology is becoming the number discipline in the social research disciplines.

29. Which of the following is NOT true of the interactionist school of thought?
(a) Society is understood in terms of symbols
(b) Verstehen is a primary concept of this perspective
(c) Empiricism is emphasized in research
(d) Social reality is influenced by people’s perceptions

30. Identify the religious organization described below:

Has inclusive membership, supports the status quo, paid officials manage the affairs.
(a) Spiritual Political Party
(b) Sect
(c) Revivalism
(d) Church

31. According to Durkheim any social phenomena, e.g. birth, death, marriage.. can be classified as:
(a) Social fact
(b) Objective data
(c) Empiricism
(d) Causal factors
32. In what way has Caribbean stratification changed in the last one hundred years?
(a) East Indian culture has become dominant
(b) East Indian culture has become dominant
(c) Social inequality has almost disappeared
(d) Opportunities for female employment have increased over those

33. A society may be defined as:

(a) A variety of values and norms shared by people of a similar social status
(b) Indigenous peoples, both past and present and their agricultural practices
(c) The collection of individuals who share similar culture, ideology and territory
(d) Norms and values of people who share common interests

34. Race and Colour are examples of the sociological concept of

(a) Open stratification
(b) Classless society
(c) Ascribed status
(d) Achieved status

35. Seth is conduction research on the incidence of marijuana use amongst youths (12-25) in the
district of Cato Town. Cato Town is a small sub-urban area, with a population of approximately
3000. It is located 3 kilometres from the Capital. Which of the following methods of research is
most plausible for him to use in this context?
(a) Longitudinal panel studies, participant observation, questionnaires
(b) Official statistics, interviews and questionnaires
(c) Cross sectional studies
(d) None of the above

36. All of the following are ethical issues in research with the exception of
(a) Anonymity
(b) Poor funding
(c) Researcher/ participant safety
(d) Adversity

37. Choose the most appropriate explanation of the term sample

(a) Each individual selected to represent the population
(b) Selected individuals who share social class, background and educational attainment
(c) All individuals who make up a particular society
(d) A group of people selected from the population who are deemed representative

38. Phenomenology is a school of thought that attempts to explain

(a) Social action, by studying human experience
(b) How people make sense of their social world
(c) The roles people play I their daily social life
(d) Meaning attached to common symbols
39. Traditional explanations of societies structure, operations, characteristics, as explained from one
perspective and ignoring the accomplishments and dynamics as well as the interpretations of life
from another perspective known as:
(a) Colonialism
(b) Multicultarism
(c) Ethnocentrism
(d) Negotiation

40. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of questionnaires?

(a) Can be used to reach large numbers of people
(b) Is not costly to produce in large quantities
(c) Data is cumulative
(d) Respondents may lack information

41. Although women are the main propagators of religion, and many religions emphasize gender
equality, women are still subject to subordinate roles. Which schools of thought are more likely to
make this assertion?
(a) Functionalist and Ethno methodologists
(b) Interactionist and Postmodernists
(c) Phenomenology and Dramturgists
(d) Marxist and Feminist

42. Kumina, Santeria, Vodun and Myalism are all example of

(a) Sacred religions
(b) Syncretic religions
(c) Supernatural religions
(d) Secular religions

43. Which of the following authors claims that the growth of the matrifocal family was influenced by
economic factors?
(a) Christine Barrow
(b) Oscar Lewis
(c) Franklyn Frazier
(d) Melville Herskovits

44. Which of the following is not considered to be a role

(a) Garbage collector
(b) Sanctioned Programs
(c) Geriatric nursing
(d) Writing programs

45. Edith Clarke authored the work entitled

(a) Caribbean Sociology
(b) My Mother Who Fathered Me
(c) The Dynamics of Caribbean Family Life
(d) Families in Perspective
46. Which of the following is an Asian derived religion that has become part of Caribbean religious
(a) Myalism
(b) Shintoism
(c) Hinduism
(d) Judaism

47. Which of the following are factors that influence a researcher’s choice of research method?
(i) Amount of time available
(ii) Availability of funds
(iii) Researchers expertise
(iv) Theoretical background

(a) I and II only

(b) II and III only
(c) III and IV only
(d) I, II, III and IV

48. The interaction between a baby and society is known as what?

(a) Communication
(b) Understanding
(c) Learning
(d) Socializing

49. Value consensus refer to:

(a) The theoretical understanding of what is right and wrong in society
(b) The collective beliefs held by a society
(c) Consenting to the worth of a people, territory, productive capacity… of a society
(d) Understanding the social dynamics of a society

50. The fact that the Caribbean has been modernizing more quickly than its ability to modify
traditional ways of thinking and behaving is an example of which of the following?
(a) Ruralism
(b) Subcultures
(c) Poor education
(d) Culture Lag

51. Which group of theorists lobby for the remuneration of housework?

(a) Trade Union theorists
(b) Feminists
(c) Functionalists
(d) Conflict theorists

52. Define the concept of cultural rights

(a) Rights to learn of the behaviour in specific cultures
(b) Rights that are universal, individual and unalienable
(c) Rights to preserve knowledge, language and economic base
(d) Rights to use one’s own tradition to judge people from another society.
53. A social group characterized by common habitation, biological production and financial sharing
is known as
(a) Formal institution
(b) Society
(c) Family
(d) Nation

54. Anthony Gidden’s work is an example of

(a) Therapeutic theory
(b) Structural functionalism
(c) Conflict theory
(d) Symbolic Interactionism

55. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of culture:

(a) It is adaptive
(b) Transmittable
(c) Symbolic
(d) Instinctive

56. During the post-emancipation era there emerged a more distinct hierarchical structure, linked to
race and colour. Which theory best explains this scenario?
(a) Syncretic society
(b) Plural society
(c) Plantation society
(d) Creole society

57. Reggae, Soca, Kreyol, Conga lines and indigenous Comedy Festivals are example of
(a) Music Genres
(b) Non-material culture
(c) Caribbeaness
(d) Social consensus

58. Name ONE type of probability sampling:

(a) Quota
(b) Snowballing
(c) Multistage
(d) Non-representative

59. Identify the groups of items that refer to Caribbean popular culture
(a) Carnival, reggae, folklore
(b) Vodun, beaches, steel pan
(c) Literature, choka, abeng
(d) Marron communities, uprisings, independence

60. Hargreaves and Lacet content that streaming

(a) Helps to identify the strengths and weakness in students
(b) Has an adverse effect on both male and female students
(c) Underestimates the influences of the formal curriculum
(d) Encourages healthy competition, and make for an efficient education system

1. D 31. A
2. B 32. B
3. A 33. C
4. A 34. C
5. D 35. B
6. D 36. B
7. B 37. D
8. A 38. A
9. B 39. C
10. C 40. D
11. C 41. D
12. B 42. B
13. B 43. D
14. D 44. B
15. B 45. B
16. B 46. C
17. C 47. D
18. A 48. D
19. B 49. B
20. D 50. D
21. D 51. B
22. D 52. C
23. A 53. C
24. D 54. D
25. C 55. D
26. D 56. C
27. C 57. B
28. C 58. C
29. C 59. A
30. D 60. B

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