Graphing Linear Equations - CAT

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Etch – A – Sketch:

Graphing Linear Equations

1. Draw the x- and y-axes on a sheet of graphing paper with domain of at least -10 <
x < 10 and range -10 < y < 10.
2. Then plot each of the lines below for the domain specified.
3. The result should be a picture. What picture do you see?

Hint: On a scrap sheet of paper, construct a t-chart to organize your points. Be

consistent with choosing values.
The learning goals that are associated with this activity are:
• Students will graph lines and other objects using a t – chart and
• Students will be able to graph the equation of a line in slope –
intercept form.
• Students will graph parallel lines.
• Students will graph perpendicular lines.
• Students will plot various points on large grid sheets to ultimately
create pictures.

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