Student School Board Presentation - Gettysburg Address Podcasts

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Gettysburg Address


Bashir Abdul & Akim Akhmedov

Azia Giles & Julie Wilson
Sixth Grade
Walker Upper Elementary School
1. We learned about the Battle of Gettysburg and
imagined what Abraham Lincoln might have thought
and said at that point in the Civil War.
2. We read and discussed the Gettysburg Address,
which was the speech Lincoln gave to dedicate the
cemetery at the Gettysburg battlefield.
3. We used dictionaries to write “translations”
of the Gettysburg Address in our own words.
4. We divided the speech into ten sections. For
each section, we brainstormed ideas for pictures
to best represent that section’s meaning.
Examples: Bashir and Akim
Lincoln’s Words Students’ Words Picture Choice

“…we can never Memorial Day

forget what
they did here…”

“…unfinished house being

work…” rebuilt
Examples: Azia and Julie
Lincoln’s Words Students’ Words Picture Choice

“…we cannot church

consecrate, we
cannot hallow
this ground…”

“…a new birth baby

of freedom…”
5. We used GarageBand to record the speech. As
we listened to the recording, we added a picture to
match each section.

6. Our last step was to choose music to fit the

mood of the speech.
Purposes of Activity
• Deepen understanding of content:
Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War

• Use high-level thinking skills (Bloom’s Taxonomy):

Beyond comprehension to the higher levels of
application, analysis, and synthesis

• Make history relevant: Students “step into history”

when they read Lincoln’s speech. They bring history
to the present when they search for modern
pictures to represent historical concepts.

• Appeal to students with multiple intelligences:

Verbal, Visual, Musical, Interpersonal

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