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Assignment #4 Winter 2011 Page 1 of 8

WebAssign s9867
Assignment #4 Winter 2011 (Homework) PCS125 W2011, section JC, Spring 2011
Instructor: Juliana Carvalho
Current Score : 34 / 36 Due : Sunday, March 27, 2011 11:59 PM EDT

1. 2/2 points Question: SerPSE8 23.P.002.WI.

(a) Calculate the number of electrons in a small, electrically neutral silver pin that has a mass
of 7.0 g. Silver has 47 electrons per atom, and its molar mass is 107.87 g/mol.

(b) Imagine adding electrons to the pin until the negative charge has the very large value 2.00
mC. How many electrons are added for every 109 electrons already present?

2. 2/2 points Question: SerPSE8 23.P.009.

Three point charges are arranged as shown in the figure below. (Take q1 = 6.36 nC, q2 = 5.25
nC, and q3 = -3.21 nC.)

(a) Find the magnitude of the electric force on the particle at the origin.
1.553e-05 N

(b) Find the direction of the electric force on the particle at the origin.
257.58 ° (counter-clockwise from the +x-axis)

3. 2/2 points Question: SerPSE8 23.P.013.MI.

Three charged particles are located at the corners of an equilateral triangle as shown in the
figure below (let q = 3.00 µC, and L = 0.850 m). Calculate the total electric force on the 7.00-
µC charge. 27/03/2011
Assignment #4 Winter 2011 Page 2 of 8

magnitude .3144 N

direction 346.11 ° (counterclockwise from the +x axis)

4. 5/5 points Question: SerPSE8 23.P.044.WI.

A proton is projected in the positive x direction into a region of uniform electric field = (-6.50
10 ) N/C at t = 0. The proton travels 6.50 cm as it comes to rest.

(a) Determine the acceleration of the proton.

magnitude 6.224e13 m/s
direction −x

(b) Determine the initial speed of the proton.

magnitude 2.84e6 m/s
direction +x

(c) Determine the time interval over which the proton comes to rest.
4.56e-8 s

5. 7/7 points Question: SerPSE8 23.P.048.

6. 4/4 points Question: SerPSE8 23.P.049.MI.

A proton moves at 5.40 10 m/s in the horizontal direction. It enters a uniform vertical
electric field with a magnitude of 7.80 10 N/C. Ignore any gravitational effects. 27/03/2011
Assignment #4 Winter 2011 Page 3 of 8

Protons are projected with an initial speed vi = 9.98 km/s from a field-free region through a

plane and into a region where a uniform electric field = −720 N/C is present above the plane
as shown in in the figure below. The initial velocity vector of the protons makes an angle θ with
the plane. The protons are to hit a target that lies at a horizontal distance of R = 1.15 mm from
the point where the protons cross the plane and enter the electric field. We wish to find the
angle θ at which the protons must pass through the plane to strike the target.

(a) What analysis model describes the horizontal motion of the protons above the

particle under constant velocity

particle under constant acceleration

particle in uniform circular motion

particle in simple harmonic motion

(b) What analysis model describes the vertical motion of the protons above the plane?

particle under constant velocity

particle under constant acceleration

particle in uniform circular motion

particle in simple harmonic motion 27/03/2011
Assignment #4 Winter 2011 Page 4 of 8

(c) Argue that R = vi sin 2θi would be applicable to the protons in this situation. (Do
this on paper. Your instructor may ask you to turn in this work.)

(d) Use R = vi sin 2θi to write an expression for R in terms of vi, E, the charge and
mass of the proton, and the angle θ. (Use the following as necessary: vi, e, E, θ, and
mp for the mass of proton.)


(e) Find the two possible values of the angle θ. (Enter your answers from smallest to
26.38 °

63.62 °

(f) Find the time interval during which the proton is above the plane in the figure above
for each of the two possible values of θ. (Enter your answers from smallest to largest.)
129.32 ns

259.34 ns

(a) Find the time interval required for the proton to travel 6.00 cm horizontally.
111.11 ns

(b) Find its vertical displacement during the time interval in which it travels 6.00 cm
horizontally. (Indicate direction with the sign of your answer.)
4.61 mm

(c) Find the horizontal and vertical components of its velocity after it has traveled 6.00
cm horizontally.
= 5.40e2 + 82.90 km/s

7. 1/1 points Question: SerPSE8 25.P.003.WI. 27/03/2011
Assignment #4 Winter 2011 Page 5 of 8

A uniform electric field of magnitude 300 V/m is directed in the negative y direction as shown in
the figure below. The coordinates of point are (-0.900, -0.250) m, and those of point are
(0.200, 0.350) m. Calculate the electric potential difference VB − VA using the dashed-line path.
180 V

8. 2/2 points Question: SerPSE8 25.P.005.MI.

An electron moving parallel to the x axis has an initial speed of 4.28 10 m/s at the origin. Its
speed is reduced to 1.30 10 m/s at the point x = 2.00 cm.

(a) Calculate the electric potential difference between the origin and that point.
-52.03 Volts

(b) Which point is at the higher potential?

the point x = 2.00 cm

the origin

both have the same potential

9. 6/7 points Question: SerPSE8 25.P.008.

10. 1/2 points Question: SerPSE8 27.P.002.

A copper wire has a circular cross section with a radius of 3.00 mm. 27/03/2011
Assignment #4 Winter 2011 Page 6 of 8

A block having mass m and charge +Q is connected to an insulating spring having a force
constant k. The block lies on a frictionless, insulating, horizontal track, and the system is
immersed in a uniform electric field of magnitude E directed as shown in the figure below. The
block is released from rest when the spring is unstretched (at x = 0). We wish to show that the
ensuing motion of the block is simple harmonic.

(a) Consider the system of the block, the spring, and the electric field. Is this system
isolated or nonisolated?



(b) What kinds of potential energy exist within this system? (Select all that apply.)

gravitational potential energy

electrical potential energy

kinetic energy

elastic potential energy

(c) Consider the instant the block is released from rest to be the initial configuration of
the system. The final configuration is when the block momentarily comes to rest again.
What is the value of x when the block comes to rest momentarily? (Use any variable or
symbol stated above along with the following as necessary: π.)


(d) At some value of x we will call x = x0, the block has zero net force on it. What
analysis model describes the particle in this situation? 27/03/2011
Assignment #4 Winter 2011 Page 7 of 8

particle in uniform circular motion

particle under constant acceleration

particle in equilibrium

(e) What is the value of x0? (Use any variable or symbol stated above along with the
following as necessary: π.)

x0 =

(f) Define a new coordinate system x' such that x' = x − x0. Show that x' satisfies a
differential equation for simple harmonic motion. (Do this on paper. Your instructor may
ask you to turn in this work.)

(g) Find the period of the simple harmonic motion. (Use any variable or symbol stated
above along with the following as necessary: π.)


(h) How does the period depend on the electric field magnitude?

11. 2/2 points Question: SerPSE8 25.P.012.

The two charges in the figure below are separated by d = 4.00 cm. (Let q1 = -16 nC and q2 =
26.0 nC.) 27/03/2011
Assignment #4 Winter 2011 Page 8 of 8

(a) If the wire carries a current of 3.60 A, find the drift speed of the electrons in the
wire. (Assume the density of charge carriers (electrons) in a copper wire is n =
28 3
8.46 10 electrons/m .)
9.39e-6 m/s

(b) All other things being equal, what happens to the drift speed in wires made of metal
having a larger number of conduction electrons per atom than copper? Explain.

(a) Find the electric potential at point A.

2.25 kV

(b) Find the electric potential at point B, which is halfway between the charges.
4.5 kV 27/03/2011

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