Sales Training Programme Outline

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Course Contents

Number of
S.No. Contents

1. Resume Building 2

2. Group Discussion 3

3. Telephonic interview 5

4. Face to face interview 1

5. Handling Job offers

6. Mock Interviews 4


(Each session is for 2 hours)

Each session is of 2 hours duration

Detailed Course Outline

Session 1
Resume building
 Knowledge Download
1. Resume Building Tips
2. Use of action power verbs
3. Common mistakes
4. Important Tips
5. What recruiters don’t like to see
 Project Work as home assignment

Session 2
Resume building
 Project Review

Session 3
Group Discussion
 Knowledge Download
1. Introduction and types of GD
2. Parameters for evaluation of a GD
3. Want to be a GD expert?
4. Do’s and Don’ts
5. Scenarios

Session 4
Group Discussion
 Mock GDs
Session 5
Group Discussion
 Mock GDs

Session 6
Telephonic Interviews
 Knowledge Download
1. Important Points
2. The Seven Model

Session 7
Telephonic Interviews
 Mock Calls

Session 8
Telephonic Interviews
 Mock Calls

Session 9
Telephonic Interviews
 Mock Calls

Session 10
Telephonic Interviews
 Mock Calls
Session 11
Face to Face interview
 Knowledge Download
1. Introduction
2. Body language – Entry to Exit queue
3. Grooming Introduction
4. Men Grooming Tips
5. Women Grooming Tips

Session 12
Handling Job offers
 Knowledge Download
1. To accept or not to accept
2. Salary basics
3. While accepting an offer

Session 13
Mock Interviews
 Practice Mock interviews

Session 14
Mock Interviews
 Practice Mock interviews

Session 15
Mock Interviews
 Practice Mock interviews

Session 16
Mock Interviews
 Practice Mock interviews

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