Real Estate Mortgage2

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I, ______________________________, Filipino, of legal age, married to

______________________________, and with residence and post office address at
______________________________ (hereinafter called the mortgagor), for and in
consideration of a loan in the sum of ____________________ PESOS (P__________),
Philippine currency, to me in hand paid by ______________________________,
Filipino, of legal age, single/married to ______________________________, and with
residence and post office address at ______________________________ hereinafter
referred to as the mortgagee, do hereby convey, by way of MORTGAGE, unto the said
mortgagee, his/her heirs and assigns, that certain parcel of land, together with all the
buildings and improvements thereon, situated in ______________________________,
particularly described as follows:
of which real property I am the registered owner in accordance with the provisions of the
Land Registration act, my title thereto being evidenced by Original/Transfer Certificate
of Title No. __________ of Land Registry of ______________________________.
Provided, however, that if I, the said mortgagor shall pay or cause to be paid to said
mortgagee, his heirs or assigns, the said sum of ________________________ Pesos
(P __________), within the period of this mortgage together with the interest thereon at
the rate of _____ per centum (____%) per annum, then this mortgage shall be
discharged and of no effect, otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect and shall
be enforceable in the manner provided by law.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _____ day of

__________, 20___ in ______________________________, Philippines.

Signed in the presence of



With my consent:

(Spouse of Mortgagor)

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