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c   on wiseGEEK:

~ ¬or this reason, employers tend to keep their eyes p  for   p . This term appears to have
originated in the 1980s, although   p  undoubtedly was occurring long before. It is common
in older employees in middle management, as they plateau p  and find themselves unable to

~ In addition to these methods, it is recommended that you take the basic precautionary methods
to prevent  . Store tools in a toolbox, or a similar container, p  of the elements. Wash and
dry silverware immediately after use to prevent food buildup which may result in a harsh













When someone starts to rust out, he or she loses interest in the workplace and coworkers. The sharp
downturn in work quality tends to bring the attention of management to the issue, but by the time the
employee's work starts to suffer, it may be too late. He or she may also be restless, depressed, or
unhappy, expressing discontent to coworkers and friends. Often, someone rusts out when he or she
feels like no progress is being made.

There are a number of ways to prevent rust out in the workplace. Keeping employees engaged with
interesting and challenging tasks is an excellent way to prevent rust out, as it encourages them to use
their minds while also promoting the idea that they are valued in the company. Matching employees
with the right jobs is also important; talented people should not be shunted off to corners of the office
for menial work, for example, unless it is made clear that there is a possibility for advancement.

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