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Definition : is a delibitating disorder in which people eperience overwhelming waves of

drowsiness that may strike at any hour of the day, putting them to sleep during
conversations, meetings, meals, and other ordinary activities. This disorder affects both
sexes equally.

Causes Of Narcolepsy

Is a chronic central nervous system disorder in which brain does not properly regulate the
daily cycle of sleep and wakefullness.

 Caused by a genetic component,inherited to genetics;having a close relative with

narcolepsy makes a person twenty to fourty times more likely to have it.
 Caused by the lack of the brain chemical called hypocretin also sometimes called
orexin, that helps regulate sleep.

Symptoms Of Narcolepsy

 Excessive daytimes sleepness

o Individual with narcolepsy feel an overwhelming and recurring need to sleep
attimes when they want to be awake. Even if they struggle to fend it off,they
often fall asleep, usually for five to ten minutes.
 Sleep parlysis
o About 50-60% of people with narcolepsy eperience sleep paralysis-being
unable to talk or move for several minutes when falling asleep or waking up.
 Hallucination
o An estimated 50-60 %of narcoleptics experience hypnagogics hallucination-
vivid and often frightening images, sounds, or physicalssenation from dreams
that just ocurs just as they are falling asleep or awakening and that are
difficult to distiguishfrom reality.

Treatmment Of Narcolepsy


 Function-these medicines counteract sleep attack and drowsiness

 Eg. Emphetamines, detroamphetamine and methylphenidate.


 Function-can prevent catalepsy, sleep paralysis, and hypnagogic hallucinations.

 Eg. selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) , tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs).

Alternative treatment

Along with drugs treatment, several elements of sleep hygine may help reduce narcolepsy
symtoms. These include avoiding caffeine, nicotine, and alcohols in the late afternoon or
evening. Excercise regularly, getting enough nighttime sleep. 

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