Exerciţii: A) Forma Afirmativă

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I. Completaţi spaţiile goale cu forma corectă a verbului TO BE:

a) Forma afirmativă:
I _______ in the classroom.
He _______ in the garden.
They _______ in the house
b) Forma negativă:
You _______ in the office.
She _______ in the bathroom.
We _______ in the restaurant.

II. Traduceţi în limba engleză:

1. Eu am 12 ani.
2. Tu eşti în casă cu tatăl tău.
3. Noi avem 2 buchete de flori.
4. Voi sunteţi în clasa a patra.
5 El are un măr şi două portocale.
6. Ea este în curtea şcolii cu prietena ei.

III. Alegeţi varianta corectă la Prezentul Continuu:

1. We ............................ basketball in the schoolyard.
a) play; b) prepare; c) ski
2. They .......................... a movie in the dining-room.
a) watch; b) play; c) eat
3. My friends and I ........................................ some flowers in the garden.
a) read; b) water; c) travel
4. I ..................................... my homeworks at Maths.
a) do; b) make; c) give
5. You ............................... a novel to your little brother.
a) read; b) create; c) put
6. The poet ......................... a poem about love at this moment.
a) create; b) give; c) look
7. I ...................................... after my lost cat.
a) look; b) search; c) spend
8. ........ we ............................ to the cinema tonight?
a) go; b) watch; c) eat
9. The sun .............................. brightly.
a) show; b) shine; c) rain
10. My friends ........................ on a picnic without me.
a) go; b) play; c) read

IV. Scrieţi forma interogativă a următoarelor propoziţii:

I am having lunch at this moment. Am I having lunch at this moment?

1. We are playing cards.

2. Mother is washing dishes.
3. My brother is reading a newspaper.
4. We are serving breakfast.
5. They are decorating the Christmas tree.
6. My family is planning a trip to Maldive Islands these days.
7. Father is sleeping in the bedroom.
8. You are watching a horror movie.
9. Your sister is doing her homeworks.
10. I am sending a postcard in France now.

V. Puneţi verbele din paranteză la Prezentul Perfect Simplu, ca în exemplul de mai jos:
Tom .......... (write) .......... his homework. Tom has just written his homework.

1. I .......... (fix) .......... my car.

2. Father .......... (leave) .......... home.
3. They .......... (arrive) .......... to the theatre.
4. We .......... (see) .......... our Math teacher.
5. He .......... (begin) .......... to cry.

VI. Completaţi următoarele propoziţii ca în exemplul de mai jos, folosind timpul Prezent Perfect Simplu:
This is the most beautiful girl I .......... (see). This is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

1. That is the most interesting movie he .......... (see)

2. This is the best book she .......... (read)
3. This is the biggest mall they .......... (visit)
4. These are the most attractive souvenirs they .......... (buy)
5. Those are the most wonderful monuments they .......... (see)

VII. Puneţi verbele din paranteză la timpul Prezentul Perfect Continuu, ca în exemplul de mai jos:
I (travel) abroad for 2 weeks. I have been travelling abroad for 2 weeks.

1. He (write) poems since 1997.

2. The children (draw) this map for half an hour.
3. The pupil (recite) the poem for ten minutes.
4. I (study) English for 4 years.
5. Sarah (do) her homework for 2 hours.

VIII. Completaţi spaţiile goale cu "FOR" şi "SINCE". Puneţi verbele din paranteză la Prezentul Perfect
Helen (study) English .......... last summer. Heleng has been studying English since last summer.

1. We (talk) about that horrible accident .......... half an hour.

2. She (cook) a chicken soup .......... 1 hour.
3. They (phone) the manager .......... the last five minutes.
4. Mary (live) in Manhattan .......... June 1998.
5. It (rain) .......... morning.

IX. Puneţi verbele din următoarele propoziţii (Present Simple) la interogativ şi negativ:
Nota: Verbul „to have", atunci când nu înseamnă „a avea, a poseda", ci este parte dintr-o expresie (to have
breakfast, to have a shower, to have a party), formează negativul şi interogativul cu ajutorul auxiliarului „to do".
1.      I love my brother.
2.      She talks too much.
3.      I understand you.
4.      You play the piano very well.
5.      I always believe you.
6.      He remembers my phone number.
7.      They live in Bucharest.
8.      He has a hot bath every day.
9.      I trust my friend.
10.  I have lunch at one o’clock.

Puneti verbele din urmatoarele propozitii (Present Continuous) la negativ si interogativ:

1. It is raining.
2. I am having a walk.
3. He is telling the truth.
4. You are typing a letter.
5. They are swimming in the river.
6. My friend is wearing a new dress.
7. My mother is resting.
8. We are studying English.
9. Ann is knitting.
10. The child is learning to play the piano.
Puneţi verbele din paranteze la Present Simple sau la Present Continuous:
I (not go) shopping because it (rain).
What you (do) on Sundays?
He usually (drink) coffee but now he (drink) tea.
In England it often (rain).
I (not like) that boy.
He usually (speak) so quickly that I (not understand) him.
You (like) this book?
You (dream) at night?
I can’t answer the phone now because I (cook).
How you usually (get) to work? I usually (go) by bus, but now I (take) a taxi because I am late.
The manager can’t receive you now as he (have) an interview.
You (write) to John now? Yes, I (be). I always (write) to him on his birthday.
Where you (hurry)? To the theatre, as I (not want) to miss the first act.
She always (borrow) books from me and never (remember) to give them back.
You (go) to work every day? Yes, of course, except Saturdays and Sundays.
Why you (smoke) so much?
Who you (wait) for? I (wait) for John, but he is late, as usual.
I always (have) a rest after lunch.
What you (think) of? I (think) of my mother just now.
You (know) what time is it?

X. Traduceţi în limba engleză:

1. Iarna ninge.
2. Duminica el nu se scoală devreme.
3. Eu nu studiez seara.
4. Ce faci? Citeşti sau priveşti la televizor?
5. Secretara tocmai bate la maşină un referat.
6. Ea merge la cumpărături sâmbăta.
7. Acum îmi fac temele la engleza.
8. Nu-mi place cafeaua.
9. Ce carte citeşti?
10. La ce ora se scoală John dimineaţa?
11. Ce faci tu în zilele libere?
12. Cui ii telefonezi?
13. El nu merge la şcoală cu metroul, merge pe jos.
14. De ce deschizi fereastra?
15. Adesea citesc cărţi englezeşti.
16. Ea îşi face bagajul.
17. Cât de des le scrii părinţilor tăi?
18. Când merg la mare îmi place sa înot mult.
19. Clientul tocmai işi alege o pereche de pantofi.

Medical interview

General health questions:

Ce greutate aveţi? Aţi luat în greutate? Aţi slăbit? Câte kilograme? În cât timp? Greutatea Dvs. este stabilă?
Vă simţiţi lipsit de energie?
Aveţi temperatură? Ce temperatură aveţi? De când?
Transpiraţi? Aveţi frisoane?
De cât timp nu mâncaţi?

Past medical history:

Aţi avut toate bolile copilăriei?
Aţi suferit vreo intervenţie chirurgicală? Când?
Pentru ce aţi suferit intervenţia? (apendice, amigdale, hernie, tumoare, altele)
Aţi suferit/suferiţi de diabet zaharat/ hipertensiune arterială/ reumatism articular/ gută/ astm/ BTS/ tuberculoza?
Aţi călătorit în străinătate? Când? Unde?
Suferiţi de boli tropicale?
Sângeraţi uşor?
Ce grupă sangvină aveţi?

Family history
Părinţii Dvs. trăiesc?
Dacă nu, la ce vârstă au decedat?
Din ce cauză au decedat? (accident, probleme cardiace, cancer, boli infecţioase, boli ereditare: care anume?)
Aveţi copii? Câţi? Ce vârstă au? Sunt sănătoşi?
Aveţi fraţi/surori? Trăiesc? Sunt sănătoşi? Dacă nu, la ce vârstă au decedat? Din ce cauză?

Fumaţi? Câte ţigări/trabucuri/pipe pe zi?
Consumaţi băuturi alcoolice? Câte pahare pe zi de vin/bere/whisky sau băuturi spirtoase?
De când?
Dacă nu beţi acum, aţi băut vreodată?
Sunteţi dependent de droguri uşoare/heroină? De când?
Dacă nu sunteţi dependent de droguri acum, aţi fost vreodată?

Drug history
Urmaţi vreun tratament? (tablete/injecţii)
Arătaţi-mi cutiile de medicamente (antibiotice/insulină/antidiabetice orale/antihipertensive/diuretice/steroizi/
anticoagulante/pilule contraceptive)
Sunteţi alergic la vreun medicament?
Sunteţi la zi cu vaccinarea contra difteriei/ tetanosului/ tusei convulsive/ poliomielitei/ febrei tifoide/ variolei/
tuberculozei (BCG)/ hepatitei?
I. The cartoon above illustrates the English idiom “couch potato”. Look at it carefully and, with your partner,
list some of the factors that are liable to affect the health of a person whose way of life is similar to that of a
“couch potato”.

II. Some illnesses are real, others can be faked. Read about a case of the latter and fill each empty space in the
text below with one suitable word from the list:
• face • get • voice • rather • sure • luck • away • fill • white • look • spots • while • yellow • almost •

If you want to stay ... (1) from school for a few days or if there’s an exam that you’d ... (2) not sit for, here’s a
useful guide on how to do it. First, ... (3) a hot water bottle and put it in your bed. Second, get a piece of raw
fish from the fridge. Third, dust your ... (4) with flour to make it very pale. Fourth, ... (5) hold of one of your
mum’s red lipsticks and draw red ... (6) all over your face. Fifth, suck some yellow candy. Finally, get into your
bed, ... (7) as miserable as you can and call to your mum or dad in a tiny ... (8). “Please, I don’t feel very well...”
When your mum or dad comes into the room, they’ll be ... (9) to see how ill you look - ... (10) face, red spots, ...
(11) tongue and they’ll run and get the thermometer. But when they start to take your temperature, ask them for
a glass of water. ...(12) they’re out of the room, put the thermometer on the hot water bottle. When they
discover that your temperature is ... (13) 100 centigrade your parents will have a fit! When they try to hold your
hand under the bedclothes, make ... (14) they grab the piece of raw fish. With a bit of ... (15) they’ll keep you at
home for a week!

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