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JABALPUR - 482001
The Billing and Customer Care System (B&CCS) is an integrated
customer care, billing and accounting platform and supports flexible billing for wide range of
GSM services, viz. Tele-services, Bearer services, Supplementary services, GPRS, WAP and IN
services etc. It is primarily responsible for activation, deactivation suspension of subscribers,
provisioning / de-provisioning of various services to the subscribers and billing for the various
services used by the subscribers. In BSNL, at present, there are 4 B&CCS networks one at each
zone serving for EAST (6/8 LSA), NORTH (7/8 LSA), WEST (3 LSA), & SOUTH (5 LSA)”.

The major functions of B&CCS are:
1. Inventory and SIM management.
2. Activation / deactivation of mobile numbers.
3. Provisioning / de-provisioning of various services to the subscribers.
4. Handling of requests from customer care centers regarding telephony services and billing
5. Swapping of SIM and MSISDN.
6. Collecting, processing and storing of CDRs (Call Detail Records) from the Network
7. Rating the CDRs and Billing.
8. Payment and Collection
9. Billing for Inter connect Usage Charges
10. Provision for testing new products / services before commercial launching.
11. Threshold monitoring.
12. Intrusion detection and Fire wall functions.
13. Trouble Ticket (Remedy) system.
14. Handling of TAPIN & TAPOUT for Revenue settlement with roaming partners.


a) Functional components: Function wise, there are two major
components in the B&CCS system. They are Mediation device and
Billing and customer care module.
b) Physical components:
1. Servers of various capacities for Mediation, OM, Billing,
Customer services, Test & Development, ICB, Remedy and
Backup etc.
2. High capacity and high performance storage devices.
3. LAN / WAN switches.
4. Central Router, MSC Routers, Level I, II, III Routers.
5. Work stations and printers.
6. Network Elements like MSC, IN, SMS server, WAP server etc.

The B&CCS network at one station is connected to a system at a geographically distant location
for Disaster Management purpose. (e.g. In south zone, the B&CCS n/w at Trichy is connected to
disaster recovery system at Hyderabad ).


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III. The general network diagram of B&CCS is shown below.


Servers &
Storage devices

Level I Router
Central Router
E1 Link

Level II CCN N/W

MSC Router

Level II Router



Level III Router

Printer Recovery
Workstation System



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IV. Brief description about connectivity:
MSC connectivity: MSC and other value added services (VAS) servers are
connected to MSC router that is available at each MSC location. MSC routers are, in turn,
connected to Central Router at B&CCS site through E1 links. The Central Router acts as an
aggregator for all the links from the MSCs. The Central Router is connected to LAN switch of
the B&CCS network.
CCN connectivity: The CCN (Customer Care Node) network is designed in 3-
tier architecture. Level III terminal locations, i.e. Level III Routers, are connected to Level II
CCN location Router (i.e. Level II Routers) through ISDN dialup connection. The Level II LAN
locations are connected to Level I Router, Which is provided at B&CCS site, over LAN or
WAN. The Level I Router is connected to LAN switch and thus forms part of the B&CCS
network. The CCNs are equipped with Workstations and printers as per requirement
Servers and Storage devices: The servers for Customer Services, Order
Management & Billing Process, Mediation, Testing & Development, Trouble Ticket, Backup,
Inter Connect Billing and Data warehousing, storage devices and other miscellaneous
equipments like Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Firewall all are connected to LAN switch
and thus form integral part of the B&CCS network.

V. Brief description about functions of B&CCS:

1. A subscriber can just walk into any of the CCN locations (CSR) and request for any
GSM service. The requests may be for activation, deactivation, suspension or change of services
etc. These requests reach the Order Management (OM) module of the B&CCS network and
they are processed and executed by it. A new account is created in case of new connection. This
is updated in the Billing system (BP) for billing the subscribers. The same request is processed
by the Mediation system and converted into appropriate switch commands. This command is
then fired to the corresponding Network Element / Network Elements, viz, MSC, IN, WAP
server, SMS server etc. for activation / deactivation / suspension / provisioning / deprovisioning
of the requested service. The Network Elements execute the commands and also update the
Mediation and Billing systems by way of acknowledgement. Thus the requested service is
extended to the subscribers. The servers called Customer Service (CS) servers in B&CCS
network handle the CCNs.
2. The MSCs or other NEs generate a record called Call Detail Record (CDR) for each
call or any activity made by the subscribers. These CDRs are stored in the NEs. The mediation
device or pre-mediation device, as the case may be, picks up these CDR files periodically
through the WAN, which comprises of MSC Router and central router.
3. The CDR files reach the Mediation server. The Mediation System does the following
actions on the CDRs. They are Collection, Filtering, Conversion, Aggregation and Dumping.
The CDRs are collected by the Mediation Server from all the
NEs and are checked for the proper format. Duplicate check is also carried out. The records that
are not in the required format are rejected out and not processed further. The error CDRs are put
into a log file (bad directory). The CDRs in the proper format are pushed to next stage of process
called Conversion wherein they undergo different activities like Elimination, Filtration of
unwanted CDRs, Aggregation of the partial CDRs, Streaming, Correlation and Sequence
validation and Conversion to required out put format that can be further handled by Billing and
ICB systems The converted files are finally stored in Dumpers for end application.


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4. The converted CDR files are pushed to Billing Server (BP). BP runs processes like
COM, MCAP and CAP wherein the records are separated according to subscribers and are
Rated as per the applicable Tariff plan. The tariff table is flexible and user friendly that can be
modified as and when the tariff is revised. The rated CDRs are then stored in cdr data file. The
in-roamers CDRs are also rated as per configuration & TAPOUT files are generated for different
roaming partners. The out roamer CDRs pre rated at VPLMN are received as TAPIN files. Such
TAPOUT/TAPIN files are nothing but Invoices raised between roaming partners. Inter zonal
TAP files are exchanged between four zonal B&CCS of BSNL. For MTNL & International
partners it is via third party clearing houses. On the 1st of day of each month Bill run (process
like BIP& BIF) is being done i.e. preparation of Invoice / Bill for individual subscriber.
Besides preparation of Bills, the BP carries out other
miscellaneous functions like Collection, Adjustment and Payment. It can also perform Threshold
monitoring function, where it checks the subscribers exceeding the allowed credit limit and
raises alarm. When subscriber does not pay Bills, it can initiate actions for sending SMS, barring
of o/g, i/c calls etc.and restoration of services once the bill is paid.

5. Another important component in B&CCS network is Inter Connect Bill (ICB)

server. Like BP this is not directly associated with subscriber billing. It generates Bill / Invoice
for other operators who use our (BSNL) network. The Interconnect Usage Charges (IUC)
calculation is done here. The CDRs, i.e. converted files, from Mediation system are pushed to
ICB server. The CDRs are processed and Rated in the ICB system. Here also the records that are
not in the required format are not processed. Invoice is generated for O/G and I/C calls
separately. The Invoice for I/C calls is used for Billing the other operator. The Invoice of O/G
calls is used for Reconciliation of other operator Bills raised against BSNL. The system is so
flexible that invoices can be prepared Trunk group wise, Operator wise, Circle wise etc. It can
also generate invoices at required periods, viz, daily, weekly monthly etc.
6. Before introducing any new product or service to subscribers, first they can be tested
in Test & Development (T&D) server and then it can be launched commercially.

7. Trouble Ticket (Remedy) server takes care of complaints booking. This server
processes any complaint in respect of GSM service booked from any customer care centre. The
details of the complaint are sent to respective sections, viz, MSC, IN, OM, and BP etc. for
further action. The subscriber is given a complaint Id. No. (i.e. docket) for reference. The status
of the complaint is also updated in the system as and when it is attended and data is input to the
system. The same can be queried and viewed from any CCN terminal. It should be capable
of generating required types of reports.

8. In order not to loose any data from the B&CCS system, in case of crash, the whole
data in the network is backed up in tape storage devices through a system called Back up server.
A tape library is connected to the
Back up server. This server controls the tape library, client backups and schedules. This server
stores the data from the nodes on to the tapes. The present system takes Full back up on weekly
basis and Incremental back up daily.

9. Data warehouse system: As the CDRs of Prepaid services need not be rated in the
BP, instead of just discarding them, these CDRs are stored in Data warehouse system for future


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reference, if needed. CDRs of Postpaid services are also stored in this system for applications
other than Billing. For example, Decision Support System (DSS), Fraud Management Service,
Police verification are the few services, which may require CDR reference. The CDRs in the
Data warehouse system can be directly handled for any such services, even in future, without
disturbing the online activities in the B&CCS network.
10. IDS & FIREWALL SYSTEM: Security and data integrity are very much essential
for any network. In our B&CCS network, Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Firewall are
deployed. The firewall acts as a security gateway between our network and the external world
(Internet). It prevents attacks from untrusted networks and protects data integrity of critical
information. Firewall tracks and controls network communications. It decides whether to pass,
reject, encrypt or log communications (Access control). IDS keeps a log of IP addresses who
have entered the network.

VI. Testing of B&CCS network: The tests on B&CCS equipments can be broadly classified
into two categories. They are: Tests on Hardware and that on Software (i.e. functionality tests).
1. Hardware tests:
1.1 Pre switch on tests: The pre switch on tests like the ones given below are carried out as
usual for any other system.
- Check of Earthing System and its Distribution
- Check of Air Conditioning
- Check of Fire Alarm System
- Check of False Flooring / Antistatic Flooring / False Ceiling
- Check of Engine Alternator
- Check of Power Plant / Battery including UPS with battery backup
- Check of Lighting and Power Outlets
- Check of Cable Laying and Termination
- Approved Lay out, LAR, Approved IP allotment & General Inspection
- Hardware Conformity Test including racks, Lap Top Computers, spares & etc.
- Check of Ethernet Cabling
- QA Certificate for the indigenous Equipments

- Check of Documentation for

a. Interconnectivity diagram of all the equipments with existing Servers.

b. Hardware configuration for each Server.
c. System check from administrative point of view.
d. Maintenance Procedure & checks.


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e. Backup & Restoration procedure.
f. Document for Application
- Standard operating procedures
- Configuration
- Installation
- Maintenance
g. Archiving & restoration procedure
- Billing & Customer Care System Architecture, indicating various components of
the system
- Detailed Network configuration & connecting diagram
- Application software version details, operating software & various modules
- Verification of software license of various applications / system software in the
name of BSNL
1.2 Post switch on tests for hardware components:
1.2.1. The LAN SWITCH has to be tested for the following
1. Hardware check as per Bill of Material
2. Check for redundancy
a. Power Supply
b. Hard disk
c. Processor
3. Software conformity
a. Record boot procedure
b. Check for additional software and updation of patches.
4. Check for proper working of all peripherals.
5. Check for connected networks and redundancy, if any.
6. Check for backup and restore through Network (if available).
7. Extension of alarms
8. Network Management in terms of viewing the health of all Managed devices.

1.2.2. SERVER:
The following are the Hardware tests for Servers.

-H/W & S/W Check (as per BOM)

- Boot up & Shutdown process
Cluster fail over to be checked for all the servers with the application is


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- System health diagnostics and performance monitoring
-Redundancy check for the following
1. Processors
2. Ports/Networks
3. Power Supply
4. Fan assembly
- Hot Swapping of
1. Processor
2. Hard disk
3. PCI Cards
- On lines S/W patches update
- Configuration/Partitioning (O/S)
- Backup/Restoration of
- O/S
- Application and Database
- User authority/ Administration Management
- Log / Audit
Hardware tests on Storage systems are:
- BOM Verification (Hardware & Software)
-Connectivity diagram between Servers and Storage units : Physical checks &
Redundancy for all units individually: -
a. Power supply.
b. Fan assembly.
c. Fibre cables.
- Configuration:
a. Hard disks
b. LUNs
c. Spare Disks
- Error log
- User Management
- Check Redundant hot swap power supplies.
- Check redundant Power Dist unit
- On line historical logs for backup & restoration


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- Check LAN Backup
- Check of Split mirror Backup & restoration
- Media check utility: Online read write verification
- Media management library:
a. Locations/Security/Access mechanism
b. Frequency of backup/ Routine check
c. No. of read/write cycle on same for faithful restoration
2. Functional (Software) tests:
After completing the hardware tests, The following functional tests are to be
carried out to ensure proper working of the system.
2.1 Tests w.r.t. Mediation system:
- Verification of Collection of CDRs from different Network
- After collection of CDRs , the following checks are to be done.
- Check for comparison of CDRs
- Check of CDR format translation
- Check for Consolidation of partial CDRs
- Sample verification to merge a number of CDR files from a single source or
multiple sources into a larger output file.
- Transformation of incoming CDR formats to an outgoing format required by the
downstream applications.
- Check of Disk cleanup.
- Verifying partition of data received from the switch into different streams based
on the type of the generating network elements or CDR record flag.
- Sample check for Scheduling of collection process and distribution process by
weekly, daily or at an absolute time.
- Verification of all Logs & Reports
(Logs like Error logs, Data Base audit logs, transmission logs, collection
logs and reports like collection report, transmission A/C & processing report,
error report).
- Backup & Restoration.
- Password management including idle time-out feature.
- Verifying Storage of data in compressed mode.
- Check deletion of files after the files are collected in the Network element after a
pre defined programmable time.


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- Verification of CDR file Sequence number during collection so that no files are
lost or duplicated.
- Generation of alarm for duplicate file detection and missing sequence number and
auto repolling.
- Check for ability to configure new elements like MSC/SMSC into mediation
- Check for ability to configure new level codes for fixing appropriate type IDs
for down stream application.
- Configuration of all existing codes to be checked
2.2 INVENTORY management:
- Loading of inventory from GUI or using Inventory Bulk Loader. Load MSISDN,
SIM and IMSI in Bulk (via batch program).
- SIM REPLENISHMENT job – for Postpaid & Prepaid (During this process IMSI,
SIM and MSISDN are automatically containerized. IMSI, SIM and MSISDN
status is changed to Available.
- Search Functionality by
- Availability
- External_id (IMSI, SIM)
- Golden Category, Silver category wise availability and utilization
- Inventory Search/View Details/Assigned to an account from CC
- View inventory assigned to a subscriber and the details of that inventory from CC.
- SIM/MSISDN SWAP for Prepaid and Postpaid accounts.
- Inventory History of an account.
- Check for SIM order file generation for procurement of SIMs. It should keep
track of previously generated files to avoid giving same data for different
vendors.ÆIt should check for Vendor ID, Track ID, and Circle ID along with
ICCID&IMSI details required for manufacturing SIM.
- Check for SIM loading tool for loading the OUT file received from SIM
- Discrete number Bulk provisioning, utility
2.3 Tests for Customer Care Center:
- Search functionality using

- Customer name

- Account number
- Service type
- External id and company name
All of these criteria shall support wildcard searches.


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- Search functionality
- CSR Segment Wise
- Verify GUI access when link failure (password not to be displayed).
- Create New Customer Acquisition (NCA) for Prepaid, Postpaid, VPN, CUG.

- Verify Friends & Family provision

- Verify corridor plan attachment

- Verify Corridor plan restrictions i.e. up to 2 numbers.

- Search, View and Print Invoices from CC:

- View Itemized/Summary Invoice.

- View Details of an account

- Open an existing account:
- "Account Summary" Section
- "Service" section
- "Invoices" Section
- "Hierarchy" Section
- "Collections" Section.

- Changing Account.

- Changing Service.

- Transfer of Service.

- Cancel /Disconnect a service.

- Delete Account.

- Assign Credit Limit to the customer through GUI with some restrictions.

- Order Creation: Eg Account Creation, Account Change.

- View Order Details

- Modify/Cancel Existing Order

- Verify order modification after finish order

- View/Modify Milestones of a Workflow belonging to an order: WFM GUI.


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- Change Tariff/ Plan
- Verify Plan change with no barring(OG,IC) for SI
- Tariff plan change without disconnection in HLR

- Customer centre GUI should be able to indicate installed version of GUI.

And it should be able to prompt CSR if latest version is installed.


- Creation of new account in bulk

- Bulk provisioning for Pre-Paid and Post Paid
- Bulk addition of Mobile Numbers
- Bulk addition of Package and Component
- Bulk deletion of account
- Bulk deletion of Mobile Numbers
- Bulk deletion of Package and Component
- Bulk provisioning and deletion test for discrete MSISDN
- Bulk provisioning for CUG/VPN


- Create & Manage CSR User account
- Search CSR based on User(s), Role(s), Resource(s) and Policy Rule(s)
- Allow or Restrict access to functionality at CSR level
- Add Rules to existing Resources and Roles
- Create / Manage access level referred to as role.
- Login Audit Management
Login with invalid password for CSR account. Repeat this action more than 3
- View audit logsÆ The System should be able to show failed attempts to login in
audit logs from GUI
- System should able to create a circle level user who can create users but not able
to modify the roles.
- Module based user access


- Configurator for package configuration
- Verify Pkg. Configuration replication on all DBs.
- Check of Usage Handling and tracking from end-to-end, including re-rating and
error usage utilitiesÆ Valid usage should get rated as per customers profile. Error
record should get into error usage table.
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- Verify rating of local usage by billing systemÆ System should rate calls as per
customer profile.
- Store the associated usage and rate information in the database
- Enable the processed usage records to be reviewed and corrected (if processing
errors occur)
- Rating according to the service class
- Verify capability to support tariff plans based on the usage
- Check for Special Tariff Plans.
- Verify start and stop date for Tariff Package and Tariff Plan
- Verification of rating based on duration, distance, time of the day etcÆ System
should rate calls as per configuration
- Testing the capability of billing system to rectify unbilled error call records
- Recalculate rates for unbilled usage that has already been guided and rated
- Check for tariff’s based on the geographical dependence such as destination and
- Verify rate plans for usage charges supporting different rates for different parts of
callÆ Calls should get splitted and each leg should get rated as per the tariff
- Rating of calls with old and new rates based on effective dateÆ Calls should get
rated differently as per the effective dates configuration
- Duplicate CDR check for CDRs processed in last 90 daysÆ Duplicate CDRs
should get rejected
- Reconciliation of CDR count during MPS processesÆ No CDR should get
- Report is to be verified, how many CDRs received, processed, Rejected due to
- Verify Operation Center features for backend operation processes like BIP, BIF,
MPS, and TOP etc.

- Verify bulk and incremental discounts and taxation methodologies.
- BIP discount prorating when change in discount rate during bill cycle.
- Verify special balance-due amounts to exclude
- Disputed amounts
- Amounts in collections
- Amounts on invoices whose payment date has not yet been passed
- Check different discount Rates & special rates based on customer category
- Verify special rate, discount or both with customizable plan Id
- Verify special rate, discount or both - Demonstrate Cross product discount
- Check Friends & Family using Corridor plan feature
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- Verify invoice cycle including annual, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, weekly
and even daily cycles.
- Various options with regard to the timing within each bill cycle when the
customer receives an invoice
- Testing for Interim Bills/ Proforma and hot bill
- Hot invoice generation
- Verify Invoice timing enabling customers to change invoice cycles.
- Easy introduction of new billing cycles.
- Restrict discount to specific account category
- Verification of Discount based on the accumulated gross amount of qualifying
usage charges during a specified periodÆ Discount should get applied only on
usage that falls between bill period
- Flexible formatting of InvoicesÆ Bill message flexibility should be there
- Preparation of detailed bill based on type of usage like Local, STD, ISD
- Bill split / refinance optionÆ Customer should be allowed to pay dues in
installments of equal amount
- Real time and batch invoice calculation
- Support for Tax & exemptions
- Separate taxes to both products and services
- Verification of tax in a flexible manner, either in the form of a fixed amount, a
percentage or combination of bot
- Verify localized printing facility including bar-code printing
- Verify Rating and Billing of existing RC'sÆ Rating and Billing should be done as
per tariff
- Verify Rating and Billing of existing NRC'sÆ Rating and Billing should be done
as per tariff
- Verify Rating and Billing of existing Usage TypesÆ Rating and Billing Should
be done as per tariff
- Incremental discount functionality & complex discount functionality
- Verify BIP Back out functionality
- Verify if BIP supports -ve new charges
- Rollover unit credit functionalityÆ Rollover unit credit should be applied first
- Check new discount restrictions based usage guided to one or more product
- Daily unit creditsÆ Customer should get discounted charges
- BIP Supports embedded Bit Map graphics
- Display of Tax in flexible manner i.e. different components like education cess,
higher education cess should be displayed separately and accordingly
reports should be generated
- Bill cycle change and reflection on BIF
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- Reconciliation of loaded charge matrix with Corporate Charge matrix


- Check whether CSR is able to capture payment information using payment entry
interface. The system should support Bar-Code readerÆ Payment should be
successfully applied
- Verifying support for cash, cheque and credit card payment entries through GUI
- Verifying support for ECS, Credit Card & LBX payment entries
- Check whether CSR is able to create Payment entry for a specific invoice
- Verifying multiple payments creation
- Verifying generation of receipt by CSR after accepting any payment/reversal
- Check reversal of payment by CSR
- Check deposit entry by CSR. (Deposit should be Account wise)Æ Deposit should
be successfully get entered in DEPOSIT table
- Verifying an item level adjustment against an invoice by CSR
- Check of miscellaneous credit adjustment against an invoice by CSR
- Check of reversal of an adjustment against an invoice by CSR
- Check of modification of an adjustment against an invoice by CSR
- Check of modification of an adjustment with supervisor approval by CSR
- Check whether CSR is able to return a deposit as a payment
- Check of generation of refund order by CSR
- Entry of deposit in bulk from back date (Deposits received at offline counter and
later updated in system)
- Adjustment with and without service tax
- Check of daily account reconciliation ( both cash and all instruments ) CSR wise
- Threshold should have facility to set credit limit account number wise.
- Verification of OG barring when crossing threshold limit
- Check of configuration of different Account Profiles
- Verifying configuration alarms for different threshold limits & automatic sending
of SMS
- Checking alarm when client configured threshold limit is exceeded
- Threshold should handle interim bill / Proforma BillÆ Threshold amount should
get reset to zero with new threshold entry and final bill must take care of interim
- Automatic disconnection after certain grace period on crossing credit limit.
(Integration of THS with Collection module)
- Restoration after payment even made as deposits or payment against interim bill.
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- Setting of credit limit as per Corporate license i.e. based on account category,
security deposit and trend of last six month bill
- It should be possible to assign and change lower balance due for entering in
collection, customer account category and plan wise Æ System should store lower
balance due of customer, plan and a/c category
- Check for calculating out standing debt for customers for call charges as well as
non-usage charges, as per account category
- Check for reports with the list of customers exceeding their limit during Credit
Limit Check
- Customers assigned refinance plan should not enter collections
- Account category wise collection scenario
- Remove account from collection processes. After receipt of payment
Assertive cure
- Check write off module without outstanding limit
- Auto reconnection should happen taking into Account balance.
- Check for Circle wise collection reconciliation
2.12 Tests on Roaming scenario:
- Creation of local and remote operator
- Creation of partnership between local operator and remote operator
- Creation of agreement for partners
- Check for sending / receiving files from clearing house
- Application of rate, tax & surcharge for in-roamer usage records
- Check of record types for MOC, MTC, and GPRS type of usage for in-roamers.
- Check of record types for MOC, MTC, GPRS & SMS type of usage for out-
- TAPOUT Process: Usage records of in-roamers should be sent to the Roaming
partner/Clearing house in relevant TAP format.
- TAPIN Process: Usage records of out-roamers should be received from the
Roaming partner/Clearing house and should be processed by MPSÆ TAP-In file
must be generated in BP format
- High Usage Report generation for In – Roamers
- Rejection of TAP IN file in case of errors
- Rejection in case of Duplicate file / CDR record
- Generation of Report for Missing TAPIN Files


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- Roaming system supports different rates for different operators.
- Roaming system supports MMS, SMS type records also for in roamers and out
- Roaming system should generate various reports as prescribed by Corporate
office or for operational requirement
3. Various types of reports: The B&CCS system should be capable of generating
the following reports.
3.1 CDR related reports:
- Number of CDR files collected from each Network element by Mediation
- Number of CDR records delivered to downstream by Mediation device
- LSA-wise CDR reports received, processed, sent to Error
(Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly)
- Network Element wise CDR reports received, processed, sent to Error
(Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly)
3.2 Revenue Generation related Reports:
- List of refunds effected
- Summary of New Mobile activated
- Monthly summary of refunds made
- Plan wise Revenue
- Monthly list of bills cancelled
- Monthly list of bills written off
- Operator wise list for TAPIN & TAPOUT call charges from/to other operators
- Circle wise list for TAPIN & TAPOUT call charges for Inter circle roaming
- VAS charge report e.g. call waiting, SMS, voice mail etc
- Roaming subscription charge report for National & international roaming
- Report for payment collected by CSRs SSA/Circle wise on daily basis / weekly /
monthly etc
- CSR wise adjustments posted for each circle
- Write off details of invoice for particular account in a CSR of each SSA/Circle.
- Prepayments of past excess payments that are being adjusted in the current
- The payment reversals for pre-payment and deposit payments
- The daily payment collected for the CSRs toward the initial payments
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- Daily payment collected for the CSRs against the invoices
- Details of the cheque payment received containing cheque No., date of issue,
bank details and the amount for a particular account number
- Report of cheque dishonor with details
- Summary of all the outstanding accounts for which the bill have been issued at the
end of the month
- Summary of deposits that are not refunded by the user
- Monthly billing details for the various accounts categories
- Report of payments transferred from one account to another
- Report for re-finance plan
- Report generation for raw CDRs and rated CDRs from mediation, billing system,
inter-connection billing, accounting system, data ware house, data mining server,
fraud management server, coverage area network and offline storage
- Report of no. of outgoing and incoming SMS/MMS in each category of local,
national and international for both P2P and non P2P, each content category wise
for each LSA for both prepaid and post paid category network wise and network
element wise
- Report of subscriber for various post paid plans indifferent range of revenues
generated due to both recurring and non-recurring charges
- Report for analysis of VPN and CUG customers with revenue indifferent group
sizes in various post paid plans
- Report for bill registers summary/ outstanding summary (SSA, Revenue district
wise, subscriber profile identities, MSISDN level wise) for Æ customers with
international roaming facility
- heavy callers
- low callers
- customers with ISD facility
- VPN/CUG customers
3.3 Ledger and Sub-ledger related reports:
- Ledger review in respect of cellular phones
- Details of disconnection/ reconnection/ closure
- Details of discounts and commission
- Details of aging outstanding details
- Details of unadjusted credits
- Details of surcharge
- Details of service tax


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- Reports for customer statistics
- Reports for fault booking statistics
4. Tests on Trouble Ticket (Remedy) system:
- Call Center and all CSR should have access to this system. Trouble ticket system
should interface with B&CC system to fetch customer address and services of
customer.Æ When mobile number is entered, all the details of subscriber are to be
displayed on screen.
- Different roles and user names must be available in the system. Users for booking
complaints, Separate users for resolving the complaint and close it.
- Unique docket is to be generated by the system for every complaint and same has
to be sent to Subscriber by SMS
- All complaints booked by Trouble Ticket system should be routed to different
sections for taking action.
- Single closing of complaint and Bulk closing of similar complaints. SMS should
be sent to subscriber when complaint is closed along with docket number.Æ This
feature is required for cases like BSC failure, BTS failure, when systems are
restored all complaints can be closed in single instance.
- Summary reports should be available to agents who are booking and for
administrator who is centrally monitoringÆ Check for daily/weekly and monthly
Conclusion: On completion of phase 4, the B&CCS networks have been upgraded to
cater to new value added services like Location based services (LBA), Push to talk
(PTT) etc. For LBA services like RTMS, Advertisements etc the billing system is
configured to guide CDRs based on the company account numbers & generate
invoices for that companies. For PTT, the billing system is made to support rating of
CDRs of talk & listen time for the same call. With FX software up gradation in
B&CCS, there are changes in Customer care GUI & it has become more users
friendly. So also direct access to the database is avoided by introduction of Texido
software & users are authenticated by the Security servers. The roaming module is
made easy to configure the roaming partners. As such, the B&CCS is operational for
all 2.5 G services & let us hope, the system will be enhanced to support 3 G services
as well in the days to come.


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