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Feb 2011

Social performance culture. p. 3
The Social Super Ego. p. 4

Observing the Social Super Ego in action. p. 7

The arts and crafts of image management. p. 10
Lifecasting: updating existence. p. 15
The many shapes of digital endorsement. p. 19
The rush of personal branding. p. 21

The brand reactions so far. p. 25

Boosting the Social Super Ego. p. 26
The Social Super Ego as part of the brand story. p. 28
Giving the Social Super Ego a purpose. p. 30
Playing with the Social Super Ego. p. 34

3 steps to seduce the Social Super Ego. p. 39

Conclusion. p. 45

Bibliography. p. 46

Acknowledgements. p. 47

Links. p. 48

Today, admitting to a digital native and a whole set of survival tactics to

that you are not present on a social be heard, to be seen, to BE.
network such as Facebook or Twitter
is somewhat of a social ‘faux pas’. It is questionable whether today we
It gets them wondering, have you really understand the true impact
nothing to say? Have you no friends? of social media on consumer
Perhaps you are social outcast, psychology, nor the extent of ‘self
or just totally uncool? It’s as if there promotion’ mania driven by our need
is a whole part missing from you, to broadcast our uniqueness to the
a sense of ‘you don’t exist until you world. So far brands have been in
are there’. One could easily say that such a blind race for fans,
social networks have become such in such fear of not getting a word in,
a natural mode of self-expression that they have been neglecting the
that they are now seen to be the tool motivations of the social individuals
for defining who you are. they are targeting. The ‘social’
contract established with consumers
While on the outside much of social can consequently feel very contrived,
networking looks like a seamless based on conversations such as
extension of real life, the context for “If You LIKE me, you could win a...”.
creating our identity is clearly not the Empty promises that certainly drive
same as in the real world. The digital a few ‘likes’, but do not address the
environment is an unpredictable, social persona in its totality.
evolving territory. A ubiquitous
‘nervous system’ that is transparent, The idea is that by understanding
fluid, public, and permanently on. how consumers create their identity
We are experiencing a turning point in the social space we can move
in history, where our psychological beyond a defensive strategy
reflexes are learning to adapt of mirroring basic narcissistic desires.
rapidly to a series of very unusual This will ultimately help us create
challenges. How to express yourself long-term relationships, and get
when you don’t know who might a deeper sense of ourselves in our
be reading you? How to give a real quest to build inspiring digital brand
sense of your personality in 3 images identities.
and a list of film preferences?
How to say you are ‘in love’ to your
friends, without all your colleagues
at work knowing? Defining ourselves
in this public networked universe
demands a whole new approach,
Karaoke Revolution, © 2011 Konami
Digital Entertainment.


It was a current belief in the age of What emerges with Twitter and
the avatar and social phenomena Facebook users is a clear tendency
like Second Life, that having a digital to use social media instrumentally for
identity was a thoroughly liberating self-conscious commodification. In
affair. You could prance around as an other words they create their online
oversized rabbit or a Celtic warlord identities for the purpose of being
and say what you liked to anyone. consumed by others.
There were no limits; people could Some even argue that it’s all
safely hide behind the imagination becoming a rather addictive and
of their fantasy selves. Yet with pathological reflex (see MIT author
the advent of the ‘nanonymous’ Sherry Turkle). Researchers in
networks and public rating systems, Stanford University are suggesting
all this has changed. Social media that our social performances are so
tools have become part of real life, augmented that they are having a
not just for meeting fellow wizards, negative effect on their audiences,
but finding a job, seducing a wife, fuelling deep dissatisfaction as they
or even couch surfing. compare Facebook profiles with the
As a result identity creation has reality of their own lives.
become quite a serious matter,
requiring a considerable amount
of conscious thought to represent
ourselves in a way we feel happy
with. And as the goals of these
networks become more precise,
the pressure becomes more elevated
to perfect our role.

Role-playing and the notion of

‘performance’ is nothing new to
identity creation. Erving Goffman,
the famous American sociologist
demonstrated that identity is a
continual performance that we adapt,
mostly unconsciously,
in function of our social situations,
to fit into societal norms. Yet in
the digital world this performance
culture has taken on a life of its own,
becoming a very conscious activity.
2 3
The Social Super

The point of this article is not to say In this paradoxical, pressured Either way the specifics of the
that Facebook is the evil of mankind, universe, it is no wonder that our digital social stage have given
labelling all social media users as minds have to do some significant birth to a new kind of performer
pathological narcissists. But rather mental acrobatics to readjust. that is an augmented version of
to acknowledge, that in this very Possibly the most simple and his Freudian cousin. We call it the
transparent, ‘public’ environment, interesting way to understand this Social Super Ego. Constantly on a
most of us will show a tendency to mental shift is through the prism high from making new connections,
perform for an audience with varying of psychoanalysis. This is not a and obsessed with nourishing its
degrees of awareness and intention. neuroscientific explanation, but infinite audience, it always presents
Whether you are a professional rather a metaphoric one, that helps itself in the best light possible.
anarchist, Italian food lover, or proud frame the issue within the context of It is highly creative, and often goes
new mum, the pressure is ON to get performance and every day life. On to great lengths to produce an
your performance in shape. While a basic level Freud tells us that the ideal model of itself with whatever
the lack of identifiable audience is a mind is structured with the three media there is to play with (images,
major factor in this pressure, infamous actors: the id, ego and text bites or video). Hyper alert
(it could be your mum looking at the super ego, each with their own and hypersensitive, it censors and
your profile, or a boy you secretly role, making it possible for us to filters anything that threatens its
fancied for years), there are other function and fit in to society. The ego reputation.
elements that exacerbate it. Social is the peacekeeper, surrounded by While all this seems rather
platforms are imbued with their own an instinctive Id, constantly seeking unnerving, there comes a point
linguistic culture that promotes the pleasure, and a very socially aware where we can no longer ignore,
limelight gaze. Whether it revolves Super Ego, striving for perfection or label it as an anomaly of digital
around ‘likes’, ‘fans’, ‘followers’, and acceptance. With the advent the media. It does not take much
‘diggs’, we are tacitly reminded of the social media, it seems that the Super reflection to notice that the impulse
high expectations we have to live up Ego, is becomingly increasingly is so strong in each one of us.
to, of what others want to see and dominant and conscious in this The Social Super Ego should be
hear from us, and not just twice a threesome, to the point where it named and recognized,
week. Mobile social connectivity and hogs the entire stage. While Freud if we are to ever get to grips
geo-location services now mean we and Dr. Elias Aboujaoude (Stanford with understanding how to
are increasingly expected to be here, Researcher) would regard this a communicate and impact our
there and everywhere, in real time, highly dysfunctional dynamic, one consumers online.
simultaneously. could argue that such hyper activity
has evolved into a radically new
psychological asset. For the first
time ever, within hours, anyone can
envisage becoming a contagious
Internet meme, and even start a

4 5
Cosmic 140, © 2010 iA Inc.

the Social
Super Ego
in action
There is no better way to understand
this psychological phenomenon than
to observe it in its natural habitat.
To give you the best possible
insight, we have explored a range
of social behaviour that show the
different levels of Social Super Ego
expression. From simple acts of
photo management on Facebook
right through to fictive self promotion
streams on Twitter, we can see
that unless people have made
a deliberate choice to remain off
the grid, the rest of us are always
conscious of the audience gaze.

6 7
Social Super Ego exposed
The arts and crafts
of image management

It’s the first step, what will Image obsession

represent you in the digital space,
your first introduction to the world. Contrary to the early-web era,
It’s your profile picture; profile pictures are nowadays
your idealized mirror image. a living, breathing part of our
Whether you prefer to change online life and no longer mere
photos everyday or stay with the representations of our virtual persona.
same forever, profile pictures are With the introduction of profile
never picked at random, because albums, Facebook has intensified
even saying, “I don’t care” takes the need to play around with the
some thinking. way we decide to portray ourselves,
encouraging users to display
ever-changing depictions of their
moods through time. And of
course, this also means paying
acute attention to the way your
image is being displayed by others.
Monitoring party pictures and
past-bedtime updates has become
more than a necessary evil. Tag-
management is a skill, mastered
by even the lightest users who
painstakingly remove tags from
embarrassing or unflattering pictures
or even add them to pictures that do
them more justice.

10 11
Design by Alexandre Oudin

A transformative art Something of a science

People employ a surprising amount Ultimately, profile pictures are

of creative energy to create their the perfect means to become as
ideal image. The recent Facebook attractive as possible for friends and
profile page re-design provides potential love interests alike.
even more opportunities to get an As such it is, and will always be a
original profile. Numerous services serious matter. Shooting yourself
outside Facebook offer solutions for in the best light possible is such a
users to play with their own image. precise craft that rules and guidelines
Photofunia for example allows you have been conceived, discussed and
to integrate your own picture into a challenged. Among the infamous
specific scene without any editing tricks, the ‘Myspace angles’ (placing
skills needed. the camera above the face, cropping
A sign of evolution, profile pictures most of the body) have even become
can now even serve as a media a staple of profile-picture-shooting
to express political opinions or trickery… and ultimately one of the
belonging to a certain cause. thousands of Internet memes out
This practice, more often seen on there.
Twitter, was popularized by Twibbon,
a service that allows you to enhance The number of profile-tweaking
your photos with specific banners, addicts is reaching such height that
frames or symbols of social causes, shooting the perfect profile picture 2
movements of all sorts… has even been broken down into
or just-for-fun extravaganzas. somewhat of an art form. It has
been rigorously made fun of by
Fastcompany’s hilarious chart and
very seriously studied by dating
website Okcupid, which revealed
the key components for taking
the perfect eye-catching profile
pic. Apparently using a flash will
add seven years to your face and a
shallow depth of field will make you
more appealing.

12 13 1. , © 2009 Storm Ideas
© 2007-2011 PhotoFunia 2. A graphic guide to Facebook portraits, Designed and written by Doogie Horner ,
Lifecasting: updating

Social networking and its From reflecting to broadcasting

A bittersweet necessity transformation into mobile
applications have accustomed It is no longer about reflecting back
Whether it is a full-on approach users to openly promote every on your day and writing down
or a damage-control habit, aspect of their lives. A bad mood, your emotions (as people did with
visual management is now a new job, a spiritual reflection, blogs or personal diaries) but rather,
an essential part of digital a sudden rant… anything is good commenting on your own life as it
life. The risks of losing control for sharing and everything is done happens, to an audience that is not
are well anticipated, from to encourage this update frenzy. clearly known. The developments
employees google-searching of micro-blogging services have
candidates or mothers encouraged people to be more
monitoring an unsuspecting instantaneous and have normalized
son’s photos. Perhaps the short-easily-digested updates.
most vibrant example of image As a result, social networks
and reputation manipulation are buzzing with hundreds and
skills is that of a young girl who thousands of individual streams vying
managed to take revenge on for attention (it’s been determined
her ex-boyfriend by turning him that 95% of updates go un-noticed).
into an Internet meme.
Using a meme-generator
website, she flooded Google
images with dozens of classic
‘lolcat’-like pictures of the
unfortunate fellow. Not that he
could really have prevented
such an attack (apart from
being a better boyfriend).

14 15
© 2011 Go try it on
From ‘taking’ pictures to ‘making’

Visual life-casting is fuelled by the

rise of mobile usage and accelerated
by the simplification of picture/ video
taking and sharing. Forget digital
cameras: smartphones, devices such
as Flip, and apps such as Instagram
greatly facilitate and encourage
on-the-go shooting and sharing.
For regular to heavy users of social
networks, debating what to share
online as they experience life has
become a natural reflex.
Taking that blurry picture of Prince
on your way to his exclusive concert
is less about pleasing you, but more
about the kudos from showing it off
to your Facebook audience.

Interestingly, new platforms are

emerging that key into both of the
previously explored trends, mixing
the desire to broadcast daily life with
acute Super Social Ego-building
needs. Sites like Go Try It On or the
hill-inspired Fashism enable users
to share full-body photos in order to
receive advice on their looks before
trying them out in real-life.
An endorsement that’s not so much
about fashion than self-actualization.

16 17
© 2011 Twitpic Inc.
The many shapes of digital

Showing what we enjoy evidently So what if I LIKE

says a lot about us. In the past
few months, social networks have The first landmark of this era,
dramatically shifted the way we the expansion of ‘likes’ outside
express our passions. It used to Facebook, established a standard
be a question of filling the details in content endorsement. It also
on your profile, depending on your ironically diluted the meaning of the
own motivation to do so. action itself, making it a banal and You could appear edgy by putting forgettable part of online usage.
© 2010 ŠKODA AUTO a.s.
a quote from an obscure 1930’s Things have changed since the
Finnish book but chances are, infamous ‘fan page’ era. Now,
nobody would really pay that a ‘like’ on or outside of Facebook is
much attention to it. Nowadays, for most people a mix of support and
broadcasting your tastes is self-expression that’s easy to display
paramount to a successful social but ultimately doesn’t imply much.
presence. In an effort to reframe value of
the ‘like’, brands have even tried
to monetize it. One of the most
blatant examples is the campaign
launched by Skoda on Facebook
that transformed likes into euros in
an inverted bidding system. Anyway,
it is now impossible to access any
brand page’s content without ‘paying’
with your ‘like’.

Advocacy becomes play

The highest level of endorsement is

however what we decide to actively
share by making an actual effort
to copy/ paste a link or click on a
share button. Videos, articles and
other links to content that interest us
become the staple of our personal
culture and vision when displayed on
our wall and our feed. An exercise
rendered difficult by the sheer volume
18 19
© 2011 Polyvore
© 2011 Foursquare
of information, creating a need to
browse more efficiently through the
cluster. Social relevance seems to be
The rush of personal
the hottest trend, with services such
as enabling users to share
streams of archived information
based on topics they feel expert in.
Others can then follow such a user For most people, social networks Influence as a mass product
based on his ability to select relevant present formidable opportunities
content. to become more than just a Because social networks make
number in the crowd, which they sharing and consuming content
Increasingly referred to as ‘curation’, will gladly indulge. For most dramatically easier, the notion of
information filtering to spread regular social network users, the influence is becoming mainstream.
the best picks to our network is digital realm can quickly become If your eye is trained enough and
facilitated even by major websites. a racetrack to popularity. you share content that’s relevant to
Mashable just launched the “follow” many people, you don’t even need
feature making curating, sharing and a blog anymore to build a following.
connecting easier… and rewarding Young networks such as Twitter
since the site also gives badges encourage the concept of ‘everyone
depending on user activities. Content as influencer’ by pushing semantics
even curates itself with applications like ‘followers’, ‘followings’. There
like flipboard, postpost or is a real feeling that when someone, transforming the most subscribes to your account, they
popular content form your network somehow pledge allegiance to you.
into a beautiful magazine. Each If you have a Twitter account, you
edition of or pospost can be know how great it feels when you
shared as is by users, contributing to reach 100, 500 or even a 1000
their reputation as keen selectors. followers… and you also know how serious this seems to everyone.
© 2011 Smallrivers SA
This personal content-centric trend Twitter has fuelled an addictive need
materializes best through recent to pay attention to your audience and
websites that encourage curating, calculate your influence scores.
remixing and sharing a unique Services such as Klout have emerged
patchwork of existing content. to calculate influence scores based
Polyvore is a great example. on an algorithmic breakdown of a
The shopping website doubles as a user Twitter activity and responses.
collective fashion trend exploration
tool where users can compose their
own ‘lookboards’ from selected
shop items. The boards are then
shared, rated and discussed; the
most popular being featured on the
homepage. You can shape yourself
as a fashion expert, depending on
the popularity and relevance of your
creativity and choice.

20 21, created by André Peniche
(photographer / filmmaker)
© 2011 smartup ltd

Mainstream expertise Routine brand management

The development of common Even if everyone is not so involved

knowledge mines and social in turning themselves into brands;
networks has enabled anybody it is paramount to understand the
to claim expertise over any topic. position social networks are putting
In a world where facts are easily people in.
accessed and researched, opinions By pressuring them to be better
are more easily expressed and than the next person, by giving them
spread… and users claim the right to new tools to easily broadcast and
be heard. promote themselves, they have
Remember the pioneers of Youtube trained people in the arts of PR,
broadcasting? branding, SEO and CRM, producing
So many are now considered a Social Super Ego that less and
stars of their own little niche that it less inclined to trust or even consider
has become nearly impossible for many brands as necessary.
newcomers to access that same
level of attention, never mind brands. Creating your own website
That doesn’t prevent them from doesn’t imply spending long hours
trying, though: platforms like Vyou developing a unique platform, but
give you the opportunity to advertise only registering to design services
your knowledge by posting video such as that showcase
replies to community questions. the totality of a digital presence.
This form of amateur expertise mixes The result is a tastefully arranged
the need to show off with the need design, topped with a nice vanity
to express every opinion whatever URL ensuring maximum google
the topic, popularized by Q&A impressions.
platforms such as Ask or the recently
hyped Quora. Extreme examples of personal
branding include that of Brian; a
young boy freshly arrived in NYC
who created to find
love. Everyday he encouraged his
community to give him looks, dating
suggestions, and broadcasted every
step of his journey to love.

22 23
In a valiant effort to embrace the social media craze, many brands have
inadvertently spotted the Social Super Ego and opportunities to exploit it.
We have seen a host of creative tactics emerging, ranging from seemin-
gly gimmicky Social Super Ego traps, like fan showcasing, to more long-
term engagement programs integrating it into the very heart of the brand
narrative. While some have been quite effective at collecting ‘fans’, it all
seems rather random, with no clear strategy. It still feels as if brands are
constantly in catch up mode, trying their best to anticipate and respond
to the whims of a hyper confident social animal.

24 25
© 2011 Dr. Ing. h.c.f. Porsche AG.
One million Heineken hug
© 2011 Heineken USA Inc.

Boosting the
Social Super Ego

Undoubtedly, people enjoy the Caring for people, one at a time

digital world because it gives
them many opportunities to be A people centric approach needs
someone they are not. They to be as authentic and driven as
mould their identity by racing possible. Forget gimmicks such as
after tokens of difference and Oreo’s World’s Fan Of The Week,
privilege. In an age where users which features a fan photograph
can make and break brands, many in the profile image of the brand’s
companies have decided to give international fan-page. We are more
back by flattering the Social Super interested in campaigns such as
Ego. They sense the consumer Old Spice’s video responses that
desire, to be valued, and personally addressed consumers
recognized for what they really are. almost in real time. Even though
The occasional ‘superstaring’ is the example has been used to
always nice, but simplicity seems death, we feel it truly created a rare
more in order. sense of proximity and an emotional
connection that many try to replicate.
Take an extreme case such
as Benetton’s It’s : my : Time
campaign, a worldwide online Showing random acts of
amateur casting for Bennetton kindness
brand lovers. People were put
in the limelight for their unique We feel the most interesting
qualities as individuals, and examples of Social Super Ego Being grateful for love print-ad to its 100’000th fan.
not transformed into glittering boosting are those initiating from Beware though, it is not long
überhuman models. a desire to surprise consumers With so many brands reaching high before such efforts will become
when they least expect it. We are ‘likes’ numbers on Facebook, it’s no mere gimmicks and the positive
notably thinking of Burger King’s surprise that so many feel like giving empowering effect of brand love
Whopperface where clients were love back to their ‘fans’. vanishes.
served burgers with their face printed The best examples include
on the packaging. It was such a Heineken’s PR stunt where girls
intimate surprise that many felt sporting Heineken branded ‘like’
motivated to take a picture and share logos raided nearby bars to hug
amongst their social networks. Heineken drinkers. Or there is
Porsche’s impressive GT, flocked
with the names of all its Facebook
likers. We also like the effort of
French Sports magazine L’Equipe
who personally dedicated a national
26 27
The Social Super Ego
as part of the brand story

Photographer David Ken and his LOL Each fan cover, each admirable
We have seen how the Social Designing people to design the Project. A valiant attempt to promote tweet became part of a wider ode to
Super Ego can be materialized story French ‘joie de vivre’ as well as his fandom and stardom.
into a story-telling experience, own work by casting hundreds of 2010 Cannes Direct Grand Prix
but it can also be taken a step Uniqlo’s Uniqlooks is the perfect real people from across France and Winner Orcon crowd-sourced fan
further, allowing users to feel example of such an approach. The shooting them all in laughter. covers from Iggy Pop’s greatest hits
even more integrated, while still micro-site displays dozens of street in order to cast an amateur band
catering to their basic narcissistic pictures of real people sporting one Curating and managing content with members across New Zealand.
needs. or several Uniqlo items. Facebook The band then proceeded to record
and Twitter profile info are attached The 2010 Grammy Awards a whole new version of Passenger
to each amateur model, giving them campaign We’re All Fans is another with Iggy himself over the Internet.
maximum micro-fame exposure. great example of Social Super The talent of each member and
Their collection of images, tells the Ego narrative. The micro-site spectacular result concurred to prove
story of fashion as Uniqlo sees it. reconstituted mosaic images of Orcon’s network reliability.
Other creative usages of such various pop stars by feeding Youtube
insights include one from French and Twitter content from the crowds., © UNIQLO Co, Ltd., © 2003-2009 GRAMMYS Inc.

28 29
Giving the Social Super
Ego a purpose

In light of the Social Super Ego, Making people work with you
crowd sourcing is the strongest
promise of self-actualization, Remember the 2009 Vitamin Water
enabling each consumer to feel Facebook application that let users
part of a rewarding community design and vote for the next flavor of
where individual ideas and beliefs the brand. A campaign that found
can contribute to the construction its relevance in its brilliant use of
of the future of brand identity and the social context, allowing users to
image. easily share and discuss design and
taste ideas. While some time has
passed, great campaigns still emerge
from the same basic idea. Look
at Toronto Tiff Museum and Tim
Burton’s Cadavre Exquis. A Twitter
campaign that prompted users to
create their own chapter of the story
in 140 characters. Each selected
sequence was integrated to the final
story and of course referred back to
its author.

Crowdsourcing efforts don’t have

to be product-driven and can
take a very inspiring form when
mixed with the vivid passion of
the super ego for a specific topic.
Foot Locker is launching the first
wiki dedicated to sneakers of all
kinds in an effort to seduce the
die-hard sneakerholic community.
Sneakerpedia encourages every
enthousiast to subscribe to the beta
and enrich its database. In doing so,
Foot Locker aims at becoming the
prime destination for sports shoes
resources while flattering the ego
of the most knowledgable sneaker

30 31
© 2010 Foot Locker
© 2011 Pepsico Inc.

Giving people a chance to matters. Take the My Starbucks Idea

change the world platform: launched a few years ago it
enables anyone to suggest changes
Changing the world, what could be to the chain. Ideas are divided
a greater and purer aspiration? between products, experience and
And what better way for the Social involvement related topics meaning
Super Ego to feel unique and consumers get a chance to suggest
important? Motivating people to act even the boldest ideas. It is a great
for a greater cause is a perfect route way to nurture and reward the Social
to self-fulfilment, especially if they Super Ego, especially thanks to
share and believe in your vision and a community that stays engaged
values. outside of the platform through other
social networks such as Twitter.
Pepsi’s Refresh Project is probably
the most vibrant example of a brand
taking real action to set a whole
community in motion towards a
truly socially beneficial goal. The
brand invested millions of Super
Bowl spending in a crowdsourcing
platform enabling users to design
and submit a project, which is then
rated by the community. Each
validated project receives part of
the 20 million invested by the brand.
A win/win campaign, where the
Social Super Ego can grow and be
rewarded while creating lasting value
for the brand.

Of course, world-changing causes

aren’t so easy to stumble upon or
even create. But each brand has
something in its DNA or primal
motivation that can lead to an
opportunity to activate user’s taste
for philanthropic endeavours. It’s
not the size of the revolution but
the emotional implication that
32 33
© 2010 Sony Electronics Inc.

Playing with the Social

Super Ego

The Social Super Ego is a Playing with your image Poking fun at each other’s self-
peculiar thing. It prays on consciousness
people’s attention to details and Applications such as Mad Men
exhibitionism, yet people enjoy Yourself have been a raving success People often enjoy taking a few steps
having fun with it. This heightened for years; allowing users to transform back and laughing at their own self-
sense of self-consciousness themselves into illustrated personas. indulgent actions. The French fashion
combined with a playful need Also extremely popular, the Yearbook retailer La Redoute (via Proximity
to self-deprecate have inspired Yourself website inspired thousands BBDO Paris) recently launched a
brands to produce some really of users to transform their face into Facebook App in which users could
surprising content. vintage versions of their college-self. join the ‘style police’ and post “bad
One could say they are the new taste fines” on their friends’ walls. In
avatars, except they can be made a similar fashion, Diesel is currently
to resemble their owner to the tiniest urging its Facebook fans to report
level of detail. Most recently, Android their friend’s exhibitionist picture
launched an application that lets taking habits and to share their own.
you create your own version of the
Android mascot with very precise
personalization features. If you own Putting influence to the test
any recent video game system, then
you are no stranger to the pleasures Many brands have found ways to key
of creating your own ‘Mii’ or Xbox into the increasing obsession with
Live persona and having fun with digital influence scores.
your own Social Super Ego. The Sony Vaio facebook app Media
Monster War presented users with a
Schweppes having a great eye for challenging and creative opportunity
opportunity, quickly identified how to gauge their influence by trying
to maximize a new image based to take on Justin Timberlake in a
trend. They created the first branded virtual monster bash. Each monster
Facebook App dedicated to creating was generated from the user’s
a neat full-page profile picture, letting volume of shared content and, more
© 2010 Jostens Inc
you make the most of Facebook’s importantly, the number of likes
new profile design without any image and comments published by others
editing skills. on his wall. The more activity and
popularity you had, the bigger the
monster, and higher chances of

34 35
© 2010 KDDI Corporation

Other brands propose using one’s

influence capabilities for a certain
goal. Disney for example, created a
Facebook app to promote the new
Pirates Of The Caribbean movie on
Facebook. The app allows users to
try and convince as many friends
as possible to join a virtual pirate
crew under their captainship. The
more crewmembers, the higher
the chances of winning a special
premiere screening of the movie.

Eternalizing your social life

Ultimately, what better way to

marvel at what you’ve become,
than by giving the Social Super
Ego a tangible form, especially for
the heavy users. French telecom
operator Bouygues Telecom offered
the possibility to transform the whole
of a Facebook wall history into a
beautiful hardcover book.

More simplistic but efficient

nonetheless, KDDI Japan’s ISparade
transformed logged-in Twitter users
into leaders of a huge virtual parade
composed of all their followers.
The Social Super Ego can also
materialize as a story. Japanese
music band Sour Mirror recently
created an interactive website
that integrated user Twitter and
Facebook info as well as webcam
feed into a personalized video clip.
Every side of the user’s digital life
were transformed to create a unique

36 37
«The Social Super SUPER EGO
Ego is not a monster,
it just needs to be

38 39
Empathise Action points:

with the 1. Entering into the mindset of the

social super ego requires seeing
pressure digital life through its very eyes.

to perform
It is imperative to sign up to as
many social network platforms
as possible, from Twitter, Digg,
Farmville, Foursquare etc. Learn
While there are many consumers
to experiment, create your own
who act like professional PR agents,
networks, and understand the
for a lot of people the social pressure
thrill of being ‘followed’ from the
to perform online can be quite
overwhelming. Think of smart ways,
to boost idealized personas and help
2. Learn the ‘languages’ of digital
people rise to the occasion.
ecosystems so you can connect
On the other hand acknowledge
emotionally and deeply with their
performance anxiety, by thinking of
concerns, for more visibility or less.
ways to ease the pressure of being
perfect, and keeping reputations
3. Educate community managers
safe from the hungry gaze of the
on the Social Super Ego as a real
social public. Find the right balance
character to confront, so they can
for your branded community spaces;
respond with more impact.
maybe they should be tilted towards
havens of peace rather than dens of
pure fan competition.

40 41
The need to be acknowledged and
referred to as a unique personality with
talent, opinion or expertise.

Embrace all Maximizing your online presence

through personal blogs, vlogs, websites,

aspects of The path

branding yourself.

the social to Social Super Ego

The need to asses the reactions of our

super ego audiences and our relevance to improve

our global online reputation.
Qualifying and quantifying the reactions
to your posts, likes, comments,
Survival in the digital world is no assessing your influence score, Googling
different than in the real. There is yourself.
a set of basic needs that must be
met for people to feel fulfilled and 3 - BROADCASTING
happy. The Social Super Ego is The need to perform to feel accepted
no different in that it has complex and appreciated by our online
levels of desires to be satisfied. communities.
Instead of just appealing to the most Showing both who we are and what we
superficial, start thinking on how to stand for in descriptions, conversations,
cater for your digital consumers on profile pictures, albums, check-ins,
3 fundamental levels. How to make advocacies, updates, blog posts.
them feel loved and give them a
sense of belonging? 2 - CONFIDENTIALITY
How to nurture their self-esteem? The need to feel in control of one’s
How to help them actualise their identity, personal data and information.
dreams? Responding to all these Picking and changing passwords,
needs will help establish the adapting privacy settings to specific
foundations for more meaningful networks and audience, managing how
long-term relationships. one’s image and reputation is displayed
by others in pictures, conversations,
We have used the framework of the updates.
Maslow Pyramid to help you identify
the different levels of the Social 1 - ACCESSIBILITY
Super Ego, and what motivates The need to acquire the basic set of
it in its quest for happiness and skills and markers, indispensable to start
acceptance in the digital world. existing and interacting in the digital
Submitting to networks, picking a
screen name and an avatar, learning
the language and etiquette of a specific

42 43
Identify the Action Points:

real origins 1. Do not rely on ready-made

directories to identify influencers
of influence such as bloggers.
So far the industry has been telling While social networks have
us frantically to join the conversation, undoubtedly given us endless
2. Use proved tools such as SM2
otherwise we have no chance of possibilities to make connections
to identify the volume and sources
Forget the misconceptions about becoming a ‘social’ success. As with people we never would have
of noise around your brand,
influence: it’s now everywhere, good students we have been taking dreamt of, the rules for friendship
whatever the network.
anytime and can emanate from this very seriously, setting up fan never change.
anybody. Learn to distinguish the pages, Twitter accounts and doing It happens out of a real sense
3. Do some hands-on research on
different levels of influence: someone as much as possible to make new of complicity, and the desire to
selected networks, experience will
with a 500K uv/ month and 10’000 FRIENDS and FOLLOWERS. While explore the other in all his/ her
tell you who’s a reference in such
followers might be a social outcast in we can commend some of these different dimensions. The next
or such domain.
real life, and real life influencers might creative efforts, many clearly have no exciting challenge will be to look
not even have a Facebook account. rhyme or reason for their existence. inside ourselves as brands and see
Don’t be afraid to look beyond blogs Sure, they may have been created whether the role we have chosen
and Twitter. Other platforms such on the back of a great instinct, and to play online is sufficiently in sync
as foursquare, social shopping sites, accumulated some 10’000 fans, but and attractive enough for the Social
and even casual social games can to what end? Super Ego…
all contain influencers with massive Can we really guarantee that our
reach. new friends are more loyal than our
real life consumers? Or that they
won’t be easily deterred by other
brand attempts at ego boosting
digital candy. The real challenge in
social media is not about emerging
in the ocean of babble, but about
seducing the Social Super Ego. As
we have seen for the last 20 pages,
this is not a random psychological
phenomenon, but a real character
that comes to the fore in our online
lives, with survival mechanics and
complex needs of its own.

44 45
Bibliography Acknowledgements
«Your life torn Open, Essay 2: Identity Construction and Self Authors:
Zukerberg’s next move» Representation on Facebook. Sarah Jane Blackman is a Senior
Steven Johnson - feb 3, 2011. Renee Estoisia, Neema Pithia, Digital Planner at Proximity Paris, Claudia Rodriquez, Teresa Yu. with a passion for big questions and
Anthropology 128C digital creativity.
«Facebook, Le Reseau Antisocial» Professor T. D. Boellstorff
Libby Copeland - jan 26, 2011. - March 19, 2009. Pierre-Jean Choquelle is a
«I tweet therefore I am» Generation Y certified digital planner
Why youth love social Network Peggy Orenstein - july 30, 2010. at Proximity Paris.
sites: The Role of Networked You can check out his geeky stream
Publics in Teenage social life. of consciousness at
Dana Boyd The presentation of self in every
University of California, Berkeley, School day life. Design:
of Information. Erving Goffman, 1959. Nicolas Baumgartner at Proximity
User descriptions Alone Together. Why we expect
and Interpretations of more from technology and less
self-presentation through from eachother. A big thankyou to:
Facebook profile images. Sherry Turkle - jan 11, 2011 Reza Ghaem-Maghami,
Michele M. Strano Basics Books and the Paris planning team for their
Bridgewater College, Virginia. encouragement and support during
Virtually You: The Dangerous this project.
Self-presentation 2.0: Narcissism Powers of the E-Personality.
and self esteem on Facebook. Elias Aboujaoude - 2011
Soraya Mehdizadeh- B. Sc.
York University Toronto Canada.

I tweet honestly, I tweet

passionately: Twitter users,
context collapse, and the
imagined audience.
Alice E. Marwick
New York University

46 47
We’ve tried hard to describe our diferent examples in the simplest way as • Postpost
possible but here is a list of links that’ll feed your apetite for details, neatly
arranged for your delight. •
• 10 creative uses of the new Facebook profile • Polyvore
• photofunia • klout
• twibbon • epenis
• myspace angles, know your meme • Youtube sensation Blair Fowler aka Juicystar07
• Don’t be ugly by accident, Ok Trends • vyou
• A graphic guide to Facebook Portrait, Fastcompany • quora
• instagram •
• go try it on • dating brian
• fashism • Céline Cavaillero’s Resume
• Skoda, The more you like, the less you pay • yearbook yourself
• Foursquare • Mad men yourself
• Getglue • Androidify
• • Schweppes profile maker
• Introducing Mashable follow • La redoute PDS
• Flipboard • Diesel I have never

48 49
• Vaio Media Monsters War • Gorillaz The Evangelist
• Pirates des Caraibes : capitaine ! • Pepsi Refresh project
• Facebook book Bouygues Telecom • My Starbucks idea
• Twitter parade
• Sour Mirror interactive music video
• Benetton it’s : my : time
• Oreo itl fan of the week
• Top 10 Old Spice video response
• BK Whopperface case study
• Klm surprise case study
• One Million Heineken hugs
• Porsche, Thank You a million times
• Uniqlooks
• LOL project
• Grammy’s we’re all fans
• Together Incredible : Orcon case study
• Burton’s Cadavre Exquis

50 51


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