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Liberal Arts Essay

I feel this photograph captures the essence of freedom in a special
way. A dead dandelion does not really say freedom to me. First off, a
dandelion is thought o be a weed and secondly dying does not say
anything about freedom. However, from this I see that the little seeds are
now set free. The whole life of the dandelion the seeds have been stuck on
to this weed yet now when the dandelion has died they are set free. The
seeds are now free to go wherever the wind takes them. In life, we will be
set free and be able to go wherever our hearts desire.
Freedom and many symbolisms are really shown
in this painting. First off, there are tons of flowers
just growing and soaking up the sun. The flowers are
growing freely and gathering in happiness. More so,
the dove is up in the air and flying with no care in
the world. Lastly, the sun is shining and hanging up
high in the sky. All of these good signs are effects
from freedom which they are all granted.
This sculpture represents freedom in the fact that it
had so much life to it. The sculpture is a flower which
represents life and growth in itself. More so, the
sculpture is many different colors. Along each pedal are
dots of different sizes. The sculptor was given artistic
freedom in the way he created this piece.
The Kite and it's String
By John Newton
Author of Amazing Grace
Once on a time a paper kite Deprived at once of all its stay,
Was mounted to a wondrous height, In vain it tried to soar away;
Where, giddy with its elevation, Unable its own weight to bear,
“The Kite and it’s String” by
It thus expressed self-admiration: John Newton
It fluttered downwardhas athrough
kite the air;
symbolize the life of a sinner. It talks about how too much
"See how yon crowds
freedom of gazing
can notpeople UnableThe
be good for a person. its own
kitecourse to guide,
is so beautiful
Admire my flight andabove the steeple;
everyone Theinwinds
loves it how it is up soonand
the sky plunged in the tide.
How would they wonder if they knew
However, the kite thinks that if itAh! didfoolish
not havekite, thou hadst no wing,
its string then
All that a kite like me can do! How could'st thou fly without a string!
the kite could fly much higher and go much further. The kite
Were I but free,wishes
I'd takeso badly that he could be My
a flight, set heart
free. replied,
However, everyone
"O Lord, I see
And pierce the knows that if the
clouds beyond theirkite did not have
sight, Howits much
would beme!
But, ah! like a poor at all.
pris'ner In the same sense,Forgetful
bound, some peoplethat bywant
thee to sin and
I stand,
not follow
My string confines me nearGod. They think that they
the ground; are better
Impatient off without
of thy ruling hand;
God. However, without God weHow oft I've wished
are nothing just liketo break the lines
the kite
I'd brave the eagle's towering
is nothing wing, its string.
without Thy wisdom for my lot assigns?
Might I but fly without a string."
It tugged and pull, while thus it spoke, How oft indulged a vain desire
To break the string--at last it broke. For something more, or something higher?
And, but for grace and love divine,
A fall thus dreadful had been mine."
This whole song by Regina Spektor talks about wanting freedom.
One line in the song is "tell all the people to be like the water“. I
think this line means that she wants to remind people that they
are like water, free. People are the water under their own boat and
they control their own destiny. She also talks about how the
people around her do not believe that they are free and are
granted freedom. Regina tries to keep telling them but they do
not listen to her or hear her message. The song has a very hopeful
tune to it. It sounds as if she keeps hoping that someday she’ll
find her freedom and so will the others around her.
I really enjoyed making this liberal arts essay.
My favorite part of it was the song because I can
really connect with music. It was so hard to pick just
one of each. I had so many pictures that I wanted to
use, so many ideas for this. The poem I picked really
made me think, I had never really thought that too
much freedom could be distributed but it made sense
to me.

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