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Nessie: Legend of the Loch

By: Sydney Clark

Nessie is the creature of the Loch Ness Lake in Scotland. What does Nessie look like and
how does she move? We have little proof that Nessie is real or is she just a legend, but some
people claim to have seen her. Pictures, videos, and people noticing her are all we have to find
out what Nessie really looks like.
Some say she’s big some say she’s small, one hump or three, fast or slow. What is true?
I have gathered all of my information and here is what I figured out. Nessie is about 15-30 feet
long and 3-5 feet wide. That is about the size of an average dinosaur! She has three humps on
her back, but the middle one is the largest. Nessie also has a neck that is 4-6 feet long, which is
about as long as you! Not only is her neck long, but her tail can go to about 5-7 feet long.
Nessie is a grayish navy blue. It looks a bit like a bottle-nosed dolphin, but a bit grayer. She has
four fins on the bottom of her sides which makes her move swiftly through the Loch.
Animals have many different ways of moving, but how does Nessie move? Nessie can
move as swift and gentle as the water on a silent summer day, but tends to look like an
overturned boat. She can also have a max speed of 20 mph; you might not be able to
outrun/swim that. If you’re lucky, she might take a leap out of the water and land with a belly
flop. She can stay so still you may not even be able to see her. The legend of Nessie can be very
Scientists believe that if Nessie was real, she was a dinosaur that survived. A Plesiosaur
(plee-see-uh-sawr) is a sea monster creature that looks a lot like her. The legend of Nessie has
been going on since 500 A.D! Nessie has a sister! Sylvie, the Silver Lake creature, she and Nessie
are best buds. They both have legends.
As a result to what I have learned, Nessie is a Plesiosaur that lived through the dinosaur
age. She was the size of a Plesiosaur and had a gray navy blue skin. Nessie lived in the Loch Ness
Lake in Scotland, and is loved by everyone there. She may be real or she may not, but I believe
in her. Bibliography- - Thank you for learning about Nessie. If you are
interested in her please feel free to go to these websites. Do you believe in the Nessie, The
legend of the Loch?

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