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Friedman Family Assessment

Russell R Blair


February 28, 2011

Pamela Smith

Friedman Family Assessment

Identifying Data

The Ross and Jaramillo family reside in "The Neighborhood." Greg Ross and Benito

(Ben) Jaramillo are a gay partnered couple. Greg is a 45-year-old Caucasian male and Ben is a

42-year-old Hispanic male. Greg is a successful sales representative and his income based on

sales that have been high for the past seven years, his earning income has been very high based

on sales. Ben is a financial manager and consultant, also with a very successful career and

good income.

Developmental Stage and History of Family

Greg and Ben have been in a monogamous relationship for 10 years. Ben's parents are

aware that he is gay and refer to Greg as his "special friend." Ben's siblings consider Greg as

part of the family. Greg's parents and siblings have never accepted that he is gay, so

communication with his family has been limited. He communicates with his mother a few times

during the year. Greg has accepted his situation and has gone on to lead his own life.

Environmental Data

Greg and Ben own a very beautiful home in "The Neighborhood." A two story brick and

mortar cape with a two car attached garage, which they share with their two dogs Mitt and Bitt.

The neighborhood is a friendly community located near a beautiful forest along the banks of a

river. The weather is pleasant year-round with the high near 40 and low 25 during February.

The average precipitation during February is 2.1". The total population of the community is

64,200. In the neighborhood 5,100 residents are between 40 and 49. The neighborhood has a

362 inpatient bed hospital with an outpatient surgery center, two urgent care centers, outpatient,

laboratory, and pharmacy services. The community also has a 40 bed inpatient rehabilitation

hospital with outpatient services. The community health department provides immunization

clinics, family planning, and homeless healthcare services. A neighborhood senior center

provides outpatient services, a nursing and convalescent center provides skilled nursing and

nursing home services, along with a 20 bed Alzheimer unit. The community also has a

retirement community with assisted living and nursing home beds. Two additional long- term

care facilities with a total of 335 additional nursing home and specialty care beds is also in the

neighborhood. Providing services for the senior population appears to be a primary concern

within the neighborhood, as the primary population(s) are new borne - 21 and 60 - over 90.

26,800 residents are between the age of 22 and 59.

Greg is frequently out of town on business and Ben takes advantage of this time alone to

do additional training for his upcoming triathlon. Both Greg and Ben enjoy travel and

sometimes coordinate Ben's sporting events with recreational vacations. Ben is involved with

the local cycling club and uses the local gym and swimming facilities for training.

Family Structure

Greg and Ben have a stable relationship and a healthy style of communication. Their

relationship is that of a nurturing couple who can discuss both their emotional and physical

problems. Ben's motto always has been work hard, play hard. He is a very active athlete who

spends several hours weekly training for upcoming events (triathlon). Ben has never been a

smoker and has one alcoholic beverage nightly. Ben's general health is excellent. He maintains

good nutrition, an extensive exercise program and consults a nutritionist. Ben is not on any

prescription medication(s). Greg is in good health with a history of ulcerative colitis. He does

not take any regular medications for his colitis and is treated during exacerbations with

antibiotics, steroids, and Sulfasalazine. Greg was recently diagnosed with hypertension.

Greg discusses the possibility of raising children with Ben. Ben initially showed little

reaction that annoys Greg. Greg communicates his desire in raising a child with Ben. Although

it takes some time for Ben to develop interest. Greg and Ben are both involved in investigating

their possibilities to becoming parents. Greg and Ben share in the decision-making role.

Family Functions

Greg and Ben have no children. As discussed under family structure, Greg, and Ben are

investigating their possibilities of adoption or finding a surrogate. Ben has no medical concerns,

he eats nutritionally sound meals, exercises regularly, and trains long hours for his triathlons.

Ben has also used high protein nutritional supplements to assist with his performance. With the

exception of injuries relate to training, Ben is in good general health. Greg has a history of

colitis and hypertension. He reluctantly seeks medical intervention for this hypertension and is

placed on antihypertensive medication. Greg experiences an exacerbation of this colitis that

causes a hospitalization. Greg and Ben vacation in Hawaii and Spain, they both would call their

travel a vacation, however the trip is generally mixed with Greg's business clients or a

competitive event involving Ben. During these vacations either one of the other has some type

of obligation.

Family Stress and Coping

During this period it is apparent that the stress related to Greg and Ben investigating

surrogacy or adoption has caused them both physical symptoms. Greg experiences an episode of

hypertension, that results in an antihypertensive medication prescription. He also has an

exacerbation of colitis causing hospitalization. Ben sustains an injury to his knee while training

and an episode of a pulled groin muscle while training. Ben is increasingly frustrated with the

injuries he has been sustaining. Both Greg and Ben experience these episodes during periods of

increased stress either related to adoption or when Greg's sexual performance decreases, causing

Ben to worry about their relationship. Greg and Ben are both stressed and acquiring increased

stress as their desire to adopt is road-blocked at every juncture.

Finally Greg and Ben are introduced to a 16-year-old who has agreed to put her baby up

for adoption. They feel a sense of relief only to be notified at the last minute that the parents of

the 16-year-old will not allow the baby to be adopted by a gay couple. This angers Ben and

saddens Greg. Greg and Ben are devastated that the girl's parents are forcing their views of

homosexuality onto their daughter.

Family Nursing Diagnosis

Increased stress related to the process and approval for securing a child through adoption.

The increased stress leading to an exacerbation of physical illness, medication therapy resulting

in decreased sexual performance and additional stress on the relationship. Increase in sustained

injuries in an otherwise healthy fit male.

Nursing Interventions

Provide counseling and support services during the securing of an adoption source and

through the adoption process. Monitor medication regimen for the control of Greg's colitis and

appropriate antihypertensive medication. Adjust medication as necessary to control Greg's

hypertensive, while not inhibiting sexual performance. Provide treatment as needed for erectile

dysfunction. Encourage recreational vacations that do not involve sporting events for Ben or

business clients for Greg. Provide physical therapy or training for Ben to assist in decreasing the

incidents of injuries related to his current training regimen. Coordinate a family home study and

meeting between Greg, Ben, and local social service agencies for possible social service



Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2008). Public Health Nursing (7th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Mosby.

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