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What is E commerce

Ecommerce, consists of buying and selling of products or services over electronic

systems such as the internet and other computer network.
•ATM ( one watchman can handle)
•Selling physical goods using web.
•Reserving a hotel room over internet
•A manufacturing plant orders electronic components from another plant within
the company using the company’s intranet.
Business Process

Why Customer relationship

What Redesign business process

How Applying technology

Types of ecommerce

 B2B
Companies doing business with eachother such
as manufactures selling to distributors and
wholesales selling to retailers. Pricing is
based on quantity of order and is often

A consumer posts his project with a set budgt

online and within hours companies review
the consumers requirments and bid on the
project. The consumer reviews the bids and
selects the company that will complete the
project. Elance empowers consumers around
the world by providing the meeting ground
and platform for such transactions.

There are many sites offering free classifieds,

auctions and forums where induviduls can
buy and se;; thanks to onlie payments system
like paypal where people can send and
receive money online with ease.
Ebays auction service is great example of
where person to person transactions take
place everyday since 1995.

 Business selling to the general public typically

through catalogs utilizing shopping cart
software. By dollar volume, however B2C is
really what the average Joe has in mind with
regards to ecommerce as a whole.

Without human interaction

 1990 : Tim banners lee writes the first web browser,
worldwide web using a NeXT computer.
 1994: Pizza Hut offers pizza ordering on its webpage.
The first online bank opens. Attempts to offer flower
delivery and magazine subscriptions online.
 1995: Jeff Bezos launches and the first
commercial free 24hour, eBay is founded.
 1998: Electonic postal stamps can be purchased from
 2008: Ecommerce sales projected to reach $204 billion,
an increase of 17 percent over 2007.
E-commerce in India

 India ranks third biggest e-shopping nation.

 Delhi and Mumbai contribute 30% and 40%.
 Electronic gadgets,railways,air and movie
tickets were most shopped items last year in
Business Applications

 E-mail and messaging

 Documents & database
 Accounting systems
 Order and shipment information
 Enterprise and client information reporting.
 Domestic and international payment system.
 Online shopping.
 Messaging
 Conferencing

 Decrease in cost of ordering and supply

 Better contact between C2S
 Exploration of new markets.
 Easy to use and customer friendly

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