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Variations within Species

Mutations and Selective Advantage

How is Variation Obtained?

 As we have seen, genetic variation occurs in numerous ways

 Through the random assortment of paternal and maternal chromosomes (meiosis)

 The crossing over of the homologous chromosomes

 And the fusion of the male and female gametes

 All variation originally derived from mutations


 Mutations are changes in the genetic material

 The only source of new genetic variation

 DNA Replication errors occur every

 1:105 (1:100,000)

 Reduced to approximately 1:108 (1:100,000,000) through proofreading mechanisms

 Mutations are permanent and heritable

 Essential for the evolution of all organisms

 Mutagens are environmental agents that can cause mutations in DNA

 Cells can die from mutations, malfunction, etc.

 Mutagens are often forms of ionizing radiation, such as gamma rays, or chemicals

 These mainly modify the base pairs, or cause nucleotides to be added or taken away

 If mutations take place in the somatic cells, then they will not be passed on

Beneficial Mutations

 Most new mutations are not beneficial to the organism

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