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Among disadvantages of living in big cities, air pollution, traffic jam, and the high living cost are three
main disadvantages.
    Most big cities attract a lot of domestic investments as well as foreign investments inside and outside
country, so the number of factories is increasing fast. This makes the air extremely polluted by smoke
from factories, trucks, and motorbikes.
    As a result,there are more and more people get many serious diseases, such as lung cancer,
tuberculosis and so on.
   Another disadvantage is traffic jam. There are a lot of people and transports in big cities, so traffic jam
is an unavoidable problem. People can not go to work on time because they are always stuck for hours
in rush hour.Besides, transport system which is stuck will cause a lot of serious problems. For example,
ambulance and fire engine can not get in time to complete duty, so there is a big loss of humans and
property. It also takes a lot of money of producers when their goods do not get in time.
   the cost of living in big cities is very high.Nowadays, the development of big cites is faster and faster,
so these big cities become big economic centers of country. Because of that, public services such as
health service, postal service, etc cost a lot. It will be difficult for the poor and workers to live in big cities
because they have to pay too much for public services while their salary is too low
   In conclusion, with these main disadvantages, living in big cities needs to be considered carefully.

Bai tho so

Big city is where you can see many vehicles,many skyscrapers, many peple with a hurry pace of life. That
place can fascinate us very much due to its light and luxury.Nowadays, more and more pople want to
live there because they see many advantages. Indeed, in a big city, people can have the best chances to
work as well as can enjoy the best service and entertaiment.

In a big city, people can take the chaces to study and work best. There are many good University for u to
choose in a big city. There you can express your ability to study what you like. Moreover, when you
graduate, you also find it easier to find chances to get a good job with good salary, that is quite difficult
in small cities or countrysides; because there concentrates many big companies and groups. Hence,
many graduate students choose big cities to live and work. In short, it is where you can take advantages
f yourself.

In addition, in a big city you can enjoy the best service and entertainment. Because there are many rich
people here, they can invest much money to get the best for them. Lives in a big city are quite luxurius
but you don't have to be worried when you are sick or suffer a disease because there you can find good
doctors for you, as long as you have muich money. What's more, in a big city you can enjoy new
entertainment such as new games or luxury games.
Many people can argue that living in a big city makes them tired with noise and dash. They like the slow
pace of life in a countryside. But I think that you can live there for a long ime because the young always
like to enjoy new things and want to have much money, which is very difficult to do in a countryside.
However, when you get older, especially when you retire, a countryside wll the best choice to live.

In summary, living in a big city has many advantages. However, you have to try your best to overcome all
difficulties such as hard competition in workplace or polluted environment. you shuold not complain
when face up to disadvantages of it.

Bai da duoc giao vien sua


You make some very good points in your essay! I have just a few editing suggestions for you:

Big cities are where you can see many vehicles, many skyscrapers, and many people with a hurried pace
of life.

Indeed, in a big city, people can have the best opportunities for work, as well as enjoying the best
service and entertainment.

In a big city, people have the best chance to study and work.

There are many good universities to choose from in a big city.

Moreover, when you graduate, you also find it easier to find opportunities to get a good job with a good
salary. That is quite difficult in small cities or countrysides, where there are not as many many big
companies and groups. Hence, many graduate students choose big cities to live and work. In short, it is
where you can take advantage of a city's benefits for yourself.

There are many rich people in cities, because they are a good place to invest money.

Lives in a big city can be quite luxurious and you do not have to be worried when you are sick or suffer a
disease because you can find good doctors there, as long as you have a lot of money.

What's more, in a big city you can enjoy new entertainment such as new games or luxury games. - This is
a little vague; what kinds of games? What do you mean by "luxury games"?

Many people can argue that living in a big city makes them tired with noise and dashing about.

However, when you get older, especially when you retire, the countryside is the best choice of places to

However, you have to try your best to overcome all difficulties such as hard competition in the
workplace or a polluted environment. You should not complain when faced with the disadvantages of it.
- Your conclusion is not the best place to introduce new ideas like competitive workplaces, pollution, or
disadvantages. If you want to mention these things, talk about them in the body of the essay; otherwise,
do not bring them in, for the first time, in the conclusion. Use the conclusion to summarize only what
you have already said.

I hope this helps!



Bai viet tho

Hi! I wrote essay for Toefl exam, can you review it please! thank you!

Compare and contrast the advantages of city living and country living. Defend your preference

Nowadays majority of people prefer living in a city. Also this is the well known fact that there are more
people in cities than in countries. However, both city living and country living have their benefits.
Those who like living in the city believe that it has a large number of advantages. First, the big offer of
the options for spending free time. For instance people can visit various museums, cinemas, and
libraries. Second, there are a lot of working places in the city. The biggest companies are located in the
cities. Therefore, it is easier for people to find suitable job in a city. Also, people have more variants in
choosing career. Third, you can buy whatever you need if you live in a city. In opposite, persons who live
in a country , don't have wide choice of shops. Also people are able to use different kinds of services. For
example a laundry, a car wash, a beauty salon. In the contrast, there is no any variety of services in a
Other people, who live in countries, argue that there are more advantages of living in villages than in
cities. First, it is easy to get from one place to another. Because the distances in countries are not as long
as in towns. As a result, the commuting to the work is not a problem. Second, people, living in a village,
feel themselves in safety. The crime rate in a country is lower than in a city. Third, people, living in a
village are more friendly. For example, my cousin lives in a small village for three years. She claims that
she has a lot of friends there. Therefore she doesn't consider about moving to the city.
In conclusion, personally, I experienced both living in the small country, where I was born, and living in
the big city, where I live now. In my opinion, life in a country is quite and slowly. Therefore, it is more
suitable for children and old people. I prefer living in a big city, where I can have a large number of
Bai duoc sua chua

In opposite, persons who live in a country, don't do not have wide choice of shops.
"Do not" "cannot" are better than "don't" "can't", because they are more formal.

Other people, who live in countries, argue that ...

Ummm...It's not a big deal, but I think some people in countries wants to move to big cities, too. So it
seems that it lacks accuracy. You may use this sentence instead, "Other people, who prefer the

In conclusion, personally...
Where is your conclusion? As you stated about the advantages and disadvantages for living in counties
and large cities, your conclusion should be something like "In conclusion, whether you live in small
countries or large cities, there are merits and drawbacks." Your personal experience cannot conclude
what you demonstrated above. It just let people feel irrelevant.

life in a country is quite quiet and slowly

There are no big problems in your essay. Just pay attention to these small points.

(nowadays) Nowadays, living in large cities has many advantages. (first of all) Firstly, you can have good
(sevices) services such as good hospital,big supermarket,gifted school and so on. (Therefor )Therefore,
you can go to a good school easily. (And)Mình nghĩ văn viết không nên cho And lên đầu (it) It doesn't
take you a lot of time to buy something which you want because supermarkets have (allmost) almost
(thing) things. (secondly) Secondly, in a large city has many kind of entertainments. (instead of) Mình
nghĩ nên bỏ Instead of You can go to coffee (shop) shops or dancing or anyclubs (you like) bỏ you like
(to) in order to relax after (working) working hours. Beside, there are some disadvantages in large cities.
For example, the environment is one of things that people in the large (city) cities have to face up. (in) In
addition, traffic jam is a big problem of (city) cities. (eventhough) Eventhough,( i) I still think that living in
large cities is good.


Thứ sáu, 12/06/2009 21:10

At presents, when society more and more develops, the standard of living is less and less higher.
Most of people have a tendency to like living of a big city because of many reason. In fact, living
in a big city is very convinient and comfortable, especially with younger. In my opinion, living
of a big city has a lot of advantages such as: chances of studying, opportunities of jobs, and many
good services.

First of all, living of a big city has more chances to study. It

is very easy for students to choice a suitable school because
there are a lot of universities such as National university,
Polytechnic college, Economics university, Agriculture and
Forestry college...And universities have many faculties. For
instance, Agriculture and Forestry college has Natural source,
Economics faculty, Accounting faculty,... Thus, students can
choose a suitable school which is reasonable with their ability
easily. Besides, a big city also has many centers of foreign
languages, I.T centers like Outer Space center, Nong Lam of
Center foreign language,... so that students can attend to
improve their skills when they have conditions. In fact, here,
students have conditions to learn better than other places.

Second, it is very easy for many people to find a job. In a big

city, there are many companies, industrial parks. For example, in
Ho Chi Minh city, Song Than industrial park is an big one among
others which has a lot a lot of factories and companies like Duy
Hung shoes company, Thai Binh shoes fatory,... Therefore, there
are many people come here to look for a job. Beside that, this is
also a place for many students who have opportunities to use
their ability better after they graduate. For instance, students
learn about I.T, they can work in Vina games or another company
if they have enough knowledge to employ. In general, with
developing of a big city will supply a lot a lot of jobs for us.

Beside that, having chances of study and job, we also can enjoy
themselves after a day of work or study is tired by good services
or entertainments.

Living of a big city also has many good services, for instance:
health services, supermarkets, restaurants,...There are many good
hospitals in HCM city such as Hoa Hao hospital, 215 hospital,...
We can come there to check our health usually. Here, hospitals
have a lots modern technologies, good doctors. We can sure with .
At weekend, our family can come to restaurants to have diner. Ho
Chi Minh city has a lot of restaurants such as China restaurant,
Seafood, Korean restaurant,... We can eat foods of many
countries, we don't need to come those countries. Sometime we can
go to the supermarket such as Co-op mark, Maximax, Big C
supermarket,... There, we not only buy foods but also play many
games. In my opinion, living of a big city is very convenient
with these services.

In fact, living of a big city has lots benefits. If we live in

the city, we will have conditions to improve more ourselves. We
have chances to approach with modern technologies. On the other
hand, there also has many disadvantages, but if we try, we will
overcome and have a good life.

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Bình luận (5)

Sao B…

10:31 04-05-08

Hi Happy Star,

Your Introduction:

1. Your introduction is good and have the thesis statement.

2. You have problem with the sentence "when society more and more develops, the
standard of living is less and less higher". I think you should write "the standard of living
is more and more higher" will be better.
3. You have something wrong with grammar: "many reason" => "mayny reasons".
"Convinient" => "convenient". "Younger" => "Youth".

Sao B…

10:41 04-05-08

The first paragraph:

4. The paragraph is good in general. The topic sentence is OK.

5. You have some mistakes: "to choice" => "To choose". "Agriculture and Forestry
college" => "Agriculture and Forestry University"
6. Your conclusion sentence is ok

Sao B…

10:54 04-05-08

The second Paragraph:

7. The topic sentence is ok.

8. You should use "and" between 2 nouns => "many companies and industrial parks".
"Fattory" => "Factory"
9. Your conclusion have problems with organization. "In general, with developing of a
big city will supply a lot a lot of jobs for us". It can make readers be confused. You
should change it into "In general, with developing of a big city, people will have chance
to find a lot of good jobs".
10. You should not use the word "we" in the conclusion sentence because in your
paragraph, you were using "people". So you should change it.

Sao B…

11:14 04-05-08
The third paragraph:

11. This paragraph is out of the topic. You can delete it or change it following the second
paragraph's topic and combine them together.

The fourth paragraph:

12. The topic sentence is not good. You should use a period after your topic sentence:
"..good sevices. For instance..".
13. The sentence: "We can sure with" is not good. You can chance it into "So we can sure
with these hospitals' services".
14. You should rewrite the sentence "We can eat foods of many countries, we don't need
to come those countries" into "We can eat foods of many countries but we don't need to
come those countries" is better.
15. You should not use "my opinion" in your conclusion because you were using "we" in
the paragraph. I think you can replace the phrase "in my opinion" by word "So".

Sao B…

11:23 04-05-08

Your conclusion:

16. Your conclusion is not good enough.

17. The sentence "If we live in the city" can make readers confused because your topic is
about a big city. So you should add the word "big" in you sentence.
18. In your whole essay, you did not mention about the disadventeges of a big city but in
your conclusion you did. I think it is out of the topic. You should delete it and add more
about the advantages of a big city.

I am in eng 103 and just wrote a comparison essay on life in a big city to that of life in a small
country town could someone please read it over it is not fully done


When deciding between moving to a country town or a big city, there is much to take into
consideration. It will be helpful to know about career oppritunites, cost of living and the
education system. Although both a city and country town have there advantages and
disadvantages, they greatly differ from one another. When picking between the two it is essential
to choose the one that is most adaptable to ones lifestyle. Knowing there will be jobs open,
having an idea of the cost of living in one of the both and being able to further ones education is
something that needs to be looked into before making a commitment to one or the other.

One of the biggest reasons why some may be put off from moving to a country town, are the
types of careers or sometimes the lack of. In most small towns the job or career oppritunites have
taken a great blow, we can take Quesnel for example. A lot of mills have shut down causing
workers to be laid off, many would not want to be moving into a town where there are already
unemployed individuals looking for jobs. It does not mean there are no job opprotunities at all in
small towns,Sandra Ruiz, who is an event coordinator for region 8 explains that "Job
development opportunities in small towns often exceed expectations if a job developer knows
where and how to look for them." Every small town has some type of uniqueness to it, or
something special that helps people stay employed. Quesnel had its lumber production, other
towns might have oil, wheat or other products which need workers to be able to be taken care of.

The job oppritunites in a big city are abundant, there are jobs in many different types of work.
Many who have all different types of hobbies or passions are able to find just the right jobs for
themselves. Many people beleieve bigger city equals bigger opprotunites, but that is not always
the case. There are jobs open to pretty much everyone in big cities, but what about finding just
the right job. In a bigger city it seems as if there is always someone better and more qualified,
what is one to do if they get passed over for someone with more skill. Some may get stuck at
small retail shops or flipping burgers at their local McDonalds. Just because there is no shortage
of jobs in big cities does not mean each and every person will be greatly successful in finding a
job that pays well and has good benefits. Taking time to make sure a job that is able to pay and
support one is available is an important decision in moving to a big city.

Living in a country town tends to cost a lower amount of money then other bigger places. With it
being a small town getting from point a to point b takes a lot less time, meaning less gas wasted.
Majority of the country towns in BC have a small selection of shopping malls and just shops in
general, so worrying about overspending is something that tends to not be a big issue. For
students attending school in small towns in is often much cheaper, also the cost of housing is a lot
lower then compared to that of big cities. Housing is not just lower for students it is less for
anyone thinking of buying a home. Farming is a major asset to small towns, food is homegrown
for many so buying from the market or grocery stores is a second choice. It is cheaper for farmers
because they have there own food, fire wood and a lot of other helpful items in there backyards.

Big city living costs vary for everyone, it could cost well above what someone is willing to pay or
just make the budget. Depending on the type of job a person has they will feel different about the
cost of living. Someone making a steady income and who has a stable job will be able to live a
quite luxerious life in a big city. On the other hand a person who has picked up there whole life
and decided to move to a big city might have a problem paying for transportation, bills and
sometimes schooling. For a student moving to a big city is may be hard they are paying for
school, transportation which surprisingly costs more then it should in bigger cities and they are
also paying for their living costs. There are the little things such as entertainment that many spend
money on. In the big city entertainment cost a fair amount of money, clubs and bars are not cheap
to get into in a big city. One must have a set mind and goal to make it money wise in a big city,
they must learn to spend wisely and on important items.
Furthering ones education is maybe one of the most important aspects to choosing where to live.
Education in a small country town seems to work great for many and not so great for others.
Families with small children tend to like it because it is quiet and safe for thier children, and they
are with the same children every day and with the same teachers for years sometimes. The
colleges or universities in small towns are made for those who like a lot of one on one time with
teachers and

like smaller settings. Courses that a students is interested in are not always offered in small
towns. The cost of education in smaller towns is alot less then compared to those of a bigger
cities. This year many students from all over the world have chosen CNC Quesnel nursing course
because its affordable and there is enough room for them in classes. Deciding to go to school in a
small town students get a different feel for living, small towns are more close knit, everyone
knows eachother and everyone is friendly to newcomers.

Education in bigger cities is a more wide variety of courses and and majors to choose from,a
student can get into so many different courses.
Putting everything in to consideration about both small country towns and big cities, it is hard to
say which one would really choose. Both are great, and have different job opprotunites. Choosing
to live in a small country town or a big city cost different amounts of money, it all depends on
ones income or what they are willing to pay. Education should play a key part in choosing, being
able to get into courses and the field one wants is a big advantage. It is a tough choice, but with
the right information it is possible to pick the best place for a family to reside in.
Sharon Sian

dumi [Contributor]  Oct 26, 10, 05:03am   #2


Although both a the city and country town have there own advantages and disadvantages, they
greatly differ from one another.

I feel this sentence confuses your idea. I believe what you want to tell is the city and village have
their specific advantages and disadvantages. And also they are different to one another.

I suggest;

The city and village greatly differ from one another in many ways. They have both advantages
and disadvantages unique to them.
De Silva

EF_Kevin [Moderator]  Nov 1, 10, 10:52pm   #3

Knowing there will be jobs open, having an idea of the cost of living, in one of the both and
being able to further one's education is something are some things that need to be looked into
before making a commitment to one or the other.

I think you should add a sentence to the end of the first paragraph, and it should be a sentence
that gives the reader the main idea of the whole essay. Can the main idea be summed up in a


Do not forget the apostrophe:

Furthering one's education is ...

Choosing to live in a small country town or a big city cost different amounts of money. It all
depends on ones income or what they are willing to pay.
You can help a lot of people by visiting the "Unanswered" threads!

prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a large city, which you prefer?

In general, some people prefer living in a small town while others prefer the big cities. Both have
their own advantages and disadvantages. I grew up in a big city. I prefer to live in the big city
because there are advantages in live in a big city such as chance to find transportation, chance to
find a job, and higher quality of education.

First, the advantage in live in a big city is transportation. Live in a big city has more chance to
find a more transportation such as bus, car and train. For example, when I decided to go my
school I used several transports such as bus or taxi. Also, the transportations are very comfortable
in large city because you can go to any places really quickly, and you save money riding on buses
and subways etc. Especially, these are days oil prices are soaring high so it will be very helpful
for you to save money.

Secondly, the advantage in live in a big city is chance to find a job. I think the live in a big city
has more chance to find a job. For example, when was young I graduated from a university, I find
a job in a big city because there are a lot of companies in a big city. In the other hand, many
people were moved from small town to big city to find a good job.

Lastly, the advantage in live in a big city is more chances for high quality of education. There are
various resources and information readily available in the big city. The residents there can easily
acquire books, shows and movies in different fields. On the other hand, those resources might be
difficult to obtain for inhabitants in the country.

In conclusion, I prefer to I prefer to live in the big city because there are advantages in live in a
big city such as chance to find transportation, chance to find a job, and higher quality of
Mishal Ziad

dumi [Contributor]  Jan 21, 11, 03:50am   #2

I prefer to live in the a big city because there are advantages in live in a big city (try to avoid
repetition) such as chance to find transportation, chance to find a job, and higher quality of
education. more job opportunities, quality education and improved transportation facilities etc.

First, the main advantage in of liveing in a big city is transportation. Liveing in a big city has
more chance to find a more transportation such as bus, car and train. ------------ when you repeat
the same idea again and again, the reader would find it boaring. So, limit your idea to one
First, one would be able to commute easily in the city since it provides many transportation
modes which may often not be available in small towns.

For example, when I decided to go my school I used several transportsation modes such as bus,
train, ferry or taxi.
De Silva

candy lovely Edited by: candy lovely  Jan 21, 11, 04:24am   #3

In general, some people prefer living in a small town while others prefer the big cities. I would
suggest you not to repeat the same thesis statement and even if you write,you won't get mark caz
you just copy it.Both have their own advantages and disadvantagesThere are both advantages and
disadvantages of living in city.Since I grew up there I would prefer to live in big city because
there are many benefits in term of transportation, job and education. .I prefer to live in the big
city because there are advantages in live in a big city such as chance to find transportation,
chance to find a job, and higher quality of education.

First, the advantage in live in a big city is transportation.Live in a big city has more chance to
find a more transportation such as bus, car and train.Living in city is more comfortable because
there are many transportations such as bus,car and train so that you can reach to any place in
quick time. For example, when I decided to go my school I used several transports such as bus or
taxi. Also, the transportations are very comfortable in large city because you can go to any places
really quickly, and you save money riding on buses and subways etc. Especially, these are days
oil prices are soaring high so it will be very helpful for you to save moneyFrom example onward
I don't understand..confused @_@..

Secondly, the advantage in live in a big city is chance to find a job. I think the live in a big city
has more chance to find a job.Job is also another reason why I prefer to live in city because there
are more opportunity to get job compare to living in rural area.
For example, when was young I graduated from a university, I find a job in a big city because
there are a lot of companies in a big city. In the other hand, many people were moved from small
town to big city to find a good job.I don't understand since for example

The last body paragraph and conclusion I didn't check caz I'm not sure.And I would
suggest you to read the question properly.For me this essay is too short.In some of you body
paragraph you just give 1-2 reasons.So there should be more and there are many grammar
errors.I believe that you can do better than this...keep practicing
P.S.I'm sorry if I did any mistake...
good luck

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