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Parameters Xi

  Male Female Male Female Mal Female Mal Female Mal Female
e e e
Price 27 16 41 23 18 5 9 4 4 3 150
Mileage 41 16 43 24 8 5 4 5 3 1 150
Technical 57 22 25 16 13 11 3 0 1 2 150
Appearance 29 12 31 19 27 13 11 3 1 4 150
Popularity 18 5 33 16 33 17 11 11 4 2 150

Brand 27 10 37 26 19 9 12 4 4 2 150
Comfort 53 25 36 17 8 6 1 1 1 2 150
Xj 252 106 246 141 126 66 51 28 18 16 1050

A. H0: Parameter wise there are no differences.

H1: Parameter wise there are differences.
B. H0: Gender wise there are no differences.
H1: Gender wise there are differences.

Steps for Two Way ANOVA Test:

1. T = ∑∑ x ij = 1050
2. Correction Factor = T2/n = 10502/70 = 15750
3. Total Sum of Squares(TSS) = ∑∑x2ij – Correction factor =
+12+12+12+22) – 15750 = 12656
4. Sum of Squares between Columns(SSBC) = (∑x2j/ nj) – Correction Factor = (2522/7+
1062/7 + 2462/7+ 1412/7 + 1262/7+ 662/7 + 512/7+ 282/7 + 182/7+ 162/7 ) – 15750 =
5. Sum of Squares between Rows(SSBR) = (∑x2i/ ni) – Correction Factor = (7*1502) –
15750 = -14175
6. Sum of Squares within- Residual Error(SSW) = TSS-SSBC-SSBR = 12656-797.14-(-
14175) = 26034
Serial No. Source of Sum of Degree of Mean Sum F Ratio
Variation Squares Freedom of Squares
1 Between SSBC = k-1 = 9 SSBC/k-1 MSS1/MSS3
Samples(Columns) 797.14 = 88.572 =
= 0.34
2 Between SSBR = r-1 = 6 SSBR/r-1 = MSS2/MSS3
Samples(Rows) -14175 -2362.5 =
= 9 (F26,69))
3 Within Samples SSW = n-k-r+1= 6 SSW/n-k-r
26034 +1 = 262.5
4 Total Sum of TSS = 70-1 = 69
Squares 12656

7. F1(table)(9,69) at 5% level of significance = 1.96

8. F2(table)(6,69) at 5% level of significance = 2.17
9. F1(9,69) < F1(table)(9,69). Therefore, we conclude that the difference is not significant hence we
reject H1 and accept H0. Hence, we can conclude that there are differences Parameter
10. F2(3,6)> F2(table)(3,6). Therefore, we conclude that the difference is insignificant hence we
accept H1 and reject H0. Hence, we can conclude that there are no Gender wise
differences in the opinions.

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