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In Re:-
Devendranath Hurnam also know as Dev Hurnam, a British Qualified Barrister,
[UK and Wales], Chief Executive of Human Rights [Action Group] of 22
Bourbon Street, Port Louis Applicant

K P Matadeen, SPJ c/o Supreme Court, Port Louis

Motion Paper

Applicant moves the above Court for an Order:-

A. Declaring and decreeing that Respondent has committed a

contempt of Court by refusing Leave to Applicant to proceed with a
Motion for Contempt against Navinchandra Ramgoolam, the Prime
Minister in the presence of the Attorney-General [Unreturned] on 02
May 2011 whereby he interfered with the course of justice and
influenced the conduct of Applicant as Litigant In Person and
barred timely access to Court in a matter of urgency;

B. Declaring and decreeing that Respondent’s Oral Ruling/ Order

refusing Applicant Leave to appear as Litigant In Person in the
matter set out supra is clearly in contempt of Respondent’s own
previous decisions in Re D Hurnam v Yeung Kam John Yeung Sik
Yuen SCR 104492; DPP v D Hurnam SCR 104493 wherein he
granted Applicant leave to appear in person and in which
proceedings Applicant had specifically made the same
averments as in the matter under A above in that “ That my
name was outrageously struck off the Roll of Law Practitioners”
to which he took exception and which matter he ordered Applicant
to amend and strike out on 02 May 2011 before he could grant
Applicant Leave to appear and move in terms of the motion;

C. Declaring and decreeing that Respondent is in clear contempt of

the Judicial Committee’s Judgment in D Hurnam v Paratian 2 WLR
790 and in contempt of the Constitution;

D. Committing Respondent to jail for contempt and or he be dealt with for

contempt as the Supreme Court may deem fit in the particular
circumstances of the case and

E. And make any other order as the justice of the case may require.
AND this for the reasons fully set forth in the hereto annexed affidavit.

Under all legal reservations

Dated this 02nd day of May 2011

D Hurnam/Applicant In Person
Of 22 Bourbon Street, Port Louis.

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