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Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and

ancillary tasks?
When creating my ancillary tasks I wanted to ensure that there was a consistency running through
all my products, to enable my target audience to instantly recognise my artist, this included having a
fun and quirky feel to everything we created.

We began by creating a wordle to include all the words we

wanted to have relating to our artist.

We also wanted to use a similar colour scheme throughout our

products as this would enable us to have consistency. As we
wanted our atristed to be seen as girly, quirky and fun we used
bright colours and prints which also shows the independent
character we wanted to portray through our artist.

Taking all of this into consideration before making my digi pack, I had already decided on the colours
and pictures I wanted to have on it, a digi pack is important because it shows off the image of your
artist, people will look at the image on the front of an album before looking at the tracks on the back
so you really need to make it appeal to your target audience.

I was influenced by Katy Perry in the making of my digi pack, I liked the
way she used bright colours to show the
representation she wanted to portray of
herself, similarly I wanted to portray a girly
representation in my artist therefore I have
mainly used the colour scheme of Pink,
Black and White, the pink shows her girly
personality and yet contrasts with the title
of the album which is very quirky “Not so
pretty in pink” this contrast shows that the
character is very a strong and independent female which is effective as it
combines the same idea as we have used in our music video we used propaganda posters in the
background of some shots to show her feminist side. In the insde of my digi pack I wanted to use a
picture taken from my music video as this show consistency and the picture I chose is a shot of her
torso which shows our artist to be very famous as she could be recognised without seeing her face,
her costume is bold print which shows the strong independent character we wanted to portray yet
the flower contrasts this showing her girly side.

The picture I chose to use as the back of my digi pack where the track list is, is an image that I have
taken from our music video, and edited black and white to
stay the same colour scheme, so then there is a link
between my ancillary tasks. I didn’t want to create an
image of my artist that is to flashy, I wanted her to come
across as someone the target audience can relate to, I then
added the track list in the same font and colour as the rest
of my text as this keeps consistency.

When I then went on to make my magazine advert I tried

to keep my ideas similar, so as the audience that my artist gains would instantly recognise her
through the consistency in the themes we have been using to promote her. This is my magazine

I decided to use the same font that I had used on my digi

pack, and I also kept her name in the same colour, size and
composition so as her name would instantly stand out to
people who see it and it would be easily recognised. I used
the image from the front of my digi pack which shows our
artist as very quirky and fun as she is seen to have her
tongue out and a strong character as she has her hands on
her hips. I think that the whole idea of the consistency that
we had used has really been effective because it makes our
artist seem easily recognisable to her audience, and also it is
obvious through the image we have created for her through
her promotional video, magazine advertisement and digi
pack what music genre she is from.

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