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Words meanings

Abend abnormal end of task

Bread crumbs A type of navigation that lets users navigate back through the pages of a Web
Bezier In graphic files, curved lines defined by a mathematical formula
Cron A Unix command for scheduling jobs to be executed
CSV (Comma Separated Format that separates pieces of information with commas
Dithering A technique for creating the appearance of a particular color by arranging
pixels of different colors.
e-zine A digital magazine
Feathering Using a computer algorithm to arrange pixels to apparently soften the edges
of an image
Easter egg A secret message, credit or screen buried in an application
interstitial ‘in between’, an Web advertisement that appears in a separate browser
window while you wait for a Web page to load
jaggies Stair-like lines that occur in graphics that aren’t of a high enough resolution
or are not vector based
Acquaintances Personal knowledge as a result of study, experience. A person known to
one, but usually not a close friend.
Leverages power or ability to act or to influence people, events, decisions
Augment To make larger
Hinges a natural anatomical joint at which motion occurs around a transverse axis
Rendering Translation
Adjudicate Bring to an end; settle conclusively.
SYNONYMS: resolve, settle, decide.
ROLLICKING Carefree and high-spirited; boisterous.
SYNONYMS: coltish, frolicky, frolicsome, sportive
DRUB Beat thoroughly and conclusively in a competition or fight.
SYNONYMS: bat, clobber, cream, lick, thrash.
CHOPFALLEN (adjective) Brought low in spirit.
SYNONYMS: crestfallen, deflated.
NASCENCE (noun) A coming into being; birth.
SYNONYMS: birth, nativity.

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