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Nicholas Jones 10LH

Multi Stage Fitness Test

The Multi stage fitness test is a test of your cardio vascular endurance. Cardio
vascular endurance is a health related component of fitness. Cardio vascular
endurance is the “ability to work the cardio vascular system”. The cardio vascular
endurance test (the bleep test) is set up with a line of cones on one side and on the
other side it’s the same but the cones where 20m apart from each other then Mr. Davis
started the bleep test. At first it starts of slow then gradually the bleeps got faster as
the levels got higher. Cardio vascular endurance is needed in most jobs e.g. police like
if you are chasing a suspect for long periods of time. And some runners e.g. Paula
Radcliffe as she is a marathon runner and has to run for long periods of time.

• Cones
• CD player
• The multi stage fitness CD
• Hall to do test

In this test you’ll have to warm before you start by raising your blood temperature
while we were doing that our teacher set up the cones (20m apart) and then sir started
the CD and then the test began. The bleeps started of at a slow pace then the bleeps
get faster and faster as you progressed through the higher stages of the test.

AO3 page 3
Nicholas Jones 10LH

I got 10.3 in the multi stage fitness test

Subject 1 got 8.1

Subject 2 got 12.2
Subject 3 got 7.6
Subject 4 got 7.9

I got 10.3 I am pleased with my self because I got asthma.


AO3 page 3

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