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c c c c c c c Lailaa McKinney


Technology Narritave

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Ôver since I was younger, I always loved to stare at my grandmotherǯs photo

albums. I was so fascinated to see what life and people were like in the past. Flipping

page after page, eyes taking in all that they could as they swept across each page. I

could spend hours at a time looking at all the pictures, and hearing the stories

behind the images. It always amazes me that a piece of paper can hold moments in

time that can last forever.

¦s I was growing, my love for pictures grew as well. I found a new love in

being inside the frames, and capturing the moments of my life that Iheld dear. There

is something about going through a stack of pictures and reliving those moments all

over again. I can look at a picture and recall the exact emotions and thoughts that

were running through my mind. I love the feeling of past emotions, whether good or

bad, swirling around me as I look into my own eyes. I can remember many times

when my mother caught me staring at the same stack of pictures everyday. DzThe

image on the pictures never change Lailaa,dz I can hear her say. My reply would

always be a simple and happy, DzI know.dz

With the collection of pictures that I had in my room, I became a bit of a

Dzclutter bug,dz as my mom would call it. She insisted that I find a reasonable place to

store them. This sparked my love of making photo albums and scrapbooks. My mom

took me out to the local Wal-Mart and bought me all the things that I would need to

make the family, and my own personal albums. I came home with three shopping

bags bursting with supplies to organize my paper loves. It took me three days to

finish my first photo album. The pictures included our family trip to Florida, the

summer of my sixth grade year. That summer was our first real family vacation, and

was a week so full of smiles that the album was literally bursting with sunshine! I

was so excited to show the rest of my family my new creation. We all sat around in

our living room on the loveseat, crowing around in a tight circle to flip through my

project. Turning page after page, we laughed till we cried, and retold the stories that

had taken place on those pages. It was like my early dreams had come through, and I

was rereading one of the most special times of my life with the very people that
made it that way. Though I loved to look, share, and organize pictures, I never had

the desire to take them. I satisfied myself with being in them, and knowing that no

matter what, I would never forget these times because they were frozen and could

be held in the palm of my hand.

I will forever be thankful for the technology to capture these moments and

bring smiles to my face. In my younger years, I had stacks and stacks of Polaroid

pictures and now those stacks have turned into massive amounts of digital storage

to my laptop. I can capture moments, and the same day and have prints, or sharing

them with all my friends on Facebook. Itǯs amazing how the technology of picture

taking, and sharing those pictures has grown over time. I hope to be apart of that

change for the rest of my life. ¦s of now, I cannot imagine not having pictures that

tell the story of how I grew old, how my children grew.

Pictures tell the stories of ones life. Pictures tell the story my life. ¦nd

without them, I would miss the opportunity to tell my story in a very special way.

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