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Christopher Alarcon
Michael Baeza
Krank Krankemann
Professor Nichols
December 15, 2010

1.There author from G  2.The author¶s position on this
    issue is he is against capital

 G seems punishment, in the article
to support neither side. He Citing, Cost, State consider
explains how many physicians End to Death Penalty the
approve or disapprove a author Ian Urbina states ³we
person¶s death if they are in can¶t afford that , ³when there
trial. On the other hand, are better and cheaper ways to
Christian people disapprove reduce crime´
saying that only God has the
right to determine one¶s right to
1.Michael Keane explains 2.The support the
how physicians determine author is using in the
the death or life of the article is Authority. The
accused victim. For author only states
example Keane stated, democrats in the
³Maybe because the word article. For example,
injustice has not been the Ian Urbina states
medically codified, the Mr. Richardson, a
psychological harm it Democrat, has said he
causes is often completely may sign a bill
removed from the harm repealing capital
benefit equation when punishment that passed
physicians attempt to halt the House last week
or prevent an execution´ and is pending in a
³Many Physicians Senate committee.
may have an underlying
view that the death
penalty is appropriate.´

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