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Lecturer: Mai Anh Doan

Student: Do Minh Hoang – s3220645
COMM2308 – Specialist Public Relations

The objective of this proposal was to implement a communication plan to raise the target audience’s
awareness and persuade them to vote for the Protection of Vietnamese Homosexuality’s project on Iris’s
website. The aim of Protection of Vietnamese Homosexuality project was to help the homosexual
community by providing needed knowledge about safe sex, free condoms and free HIV tests. Many types
of social networks and social media were used such as social network sites and online forums. A clip,
images and stories were created and posted on social media in order to catch the target audience’s


The purpose of the proposal is to undertake a communication plan in order to catch attention of the target
audience and try to get as many votes as possible from them for the Protection of Vietnamese
Homosexuality’s project on Iris’s website.

The proposal will contain some main ideas such as target audiences, Protection of Vietnamese
Homosexual’s project, goal, communication plan, communication mediums and timeline.


Homosexuality is a controversial issue. Homosexual people have to confront with prejudice and
discrimination from the society. Therefore, some solutions for this issue need to be brought out in order to
improve their lives.

Here are some solutions to help the Vietnamese homosexual community to deal with social
prejudices and discriminations. First, we need to build positive images of Vietnamese gay people
on newspapers and magazines. Second, we need to establish centers that will provide right
information and knowledge about same-sex people.


Demographic Age From 15 to 34 years old

Gender Both male and female
Occupation Students and office workers
Nationality Mainly Vietnam
Geographic Region Mainly HCM and Hanoi

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Population Urban and suburban population.
Psychographic Entertainment People who use internet a lot for entertainment and
and education education such as watching video on Youtube,
preferences chatting, sharing photos, discussing on online
forums and using social network sites.
Interests People who are interested in understanding social
issues such as same-sex orientation.
Attitudes People who are open mind and think positively
about homosexual issues.
Personal values People who believe that everybody need to be treat
(Moral value) equally and have full of human rights.

According to Cimigo (2009), 44% of internet users are from 15 to 24, 32% are from 25 to 34, 24% are
from 35 to 69 years old. Therefore, we decide to choose our target audiences from 15 to 34 ages. Rural
population is not chosen due to lack of internet access in rural areas. The target audience is also selected
based on their entertainment and education preferences, interests, attitudes and personal values.


In order to help Vietnamese homosexual people to know how to protect themselves against STDs
(sexually transmitted diseases), Protection of Vietnamese Homosexual will carry out a project in July
2010 to achieve largest number of votes from the target audience. Hence, PVH can win US$ 1.5 million
to help the gay community to better their lives and protect their health.

Due to lack of knowledge, gay people have acts of unsafe sex for themselves as well as their partners (Vo
An 2005). This will speed up HIV transmittance in the community. As a result, PVH will provide needed
knowledge about safe sex, free condoms and free HIV tests for homosexual people. With this aid, gay
people will know how to take care of their health in order to obtain a better life.


To persuade target audiences to vote on Iris’s website for PVH’s project by conveying the message that
homosexual people need to be taken care and protected away from STDs.

Setting Objectives

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 To create awareness among 80% of the target audiences about the PVH’s project during the
communication strategy time.
 To create interest in the project with 70% of the target audience during the communication
strategy time.
 To gain votes for the project among 60% of the target audience during the voting period.

A video clip, images and stories are posted on social networks and social media in order to persuade the
target audience stronger to vote for the PVH’s project on Iris’s website.

 The clip’s description:


There are more than 1.5% homosexual people are expelled from school after being discovered as gay.

There are more than 4.5% homosexual people are attacked and beaten because of discrimination.

There are more than 15.1% homosexual people are cursed and expelled from home by their parents for
being gay.

The number of homosexual people who are living with HIV is growing rapidly because of lack of care
and education from society.

Protection of Vietnamese Homosexuality needs your support to enhance their lives.

Just a click, you can save their lives. Their future is in your hand. A small action creates a big change.

At the end of video, there is two links appear. One is PVH’s website to have more information and one is
Iris website for voting.

 Images’ description:

At the bottom of every image, there are two phrases ‘A small action for a big change’ and ‘Vote for them
- homosexuality’. There is also two links that help to access to PVH’s website for more information and
Iris’s websites for voting.

First image: In the image, there is a person who sits in a corner alone. There is a group of people who
point their fingers at him and smile cruelly.

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Second image: There is a person who gets on his knees with a piece of hand-luggage in front of a house.

Third image: The image of a person who is crying with a HIV test paper in his hands.

 Stories’ brief:

Three stories describe three images above.

First story: There is a good student who is always helping his friends in class. However, when everybody
realizes that he is gay. He is discriminated against and isolated.

Second story: There is a person who is expelled from home because he is gay although he is dutiful with
his parents.

Third story: There is a person who studies very well and has a scholarship to go oversees to study. He is
gay. However, due to lack of knowledge about safe sex, he is infected by HIV. As a consequence, he is no
longer able to pursue his dream and future.


These communication mediums help to deliver the clip, images and stories to target audiences to
encourage them to vote for the PVH’s project.

 Protection of Vietnamese Homosexual’s website

The clip, images and stories above are posted on the web. A forum is also made for public discussion.
Moreover, there will be a link to connect to Iris’s website in order to vote for PVH project.

 Video online: Youtube and

According to Quang Huy (2009) Youtube is one of top ten popular websites for sharing videos in the
world. is the first and the most famous sharing video website in Vietnam (L.V.T 2008). The clip
will be featured on Youtube and There is also a place for people to comment under the clip. We
also provide links that help people to move to other mediums for more information as well as for voting.

 Sharing images: Flickr and Photobucket

‘Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world’ (Flickr
2010). Flickr and Photobucket are one of the best online sharing photo services in Vietnam (Thanh Truc

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2007) .The images will be uploaded on Flickr and Photobucket. Each of them will have a link to move to
its stories in social network sites including FaceBook, Twitter and Yahoo Plus.

 Social network sites: Facebook and Yahoo 360Plus.

Facebook is gradually developing in Vietnam and tends to be the most popular Vietnamese social
network site (Tuan Nguyen 2010). Yahoo 360plus is a social network site that Yahoo creates for
Vietnamese bloggers and it obtains a lot of Vietnamese users (Hai Nguyen 2008). Social networks can be
seen as the most flexible tool because they have a lot of community services such as sharing photos,
uploading videos, posting stories as well as being a place for discussion. We also can create fan accounts
in order to attract more people to involve.

 Forums of online websites which are relevant to the target public: is one of top three websites which is visited the most for people from 15 to 24 in Vietnam
(Trangnhat 2009). Zing MP3 won the Sao Khue award for the best Vietnamese entertaining website (Zing
2008). Therefore, when we post the clip and images and stories on this website’s forum, we can have a lot
of awareness from the target audience.


Timeline Task
1-31 July 2010 Prepare and create the communication strategy
1 August – 30 November 2010 Start the communication strategy and keep renewing information
1-30 November 2010 Voting period for PVH’s project on Iris’s website


This communication plan does not cost much because of using social networks and social media. We just
need to pay for staffs that create and manage the above websites.


We can open online surveys to measure the effectiveness of the proposal.

Based on statistics after finishing communication plan, we also can measure the effectiveness of the


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Flickr 2010, ‘Sharing your photo – Watch the world’, Flickr, viewed 10th May 2010, <>.

Hai Nguyen 2008, ‘Yahoo 360 plus tieng Viet batngo xuat hien’, Vnexpress, viewed May 2010,

L.V.T 2008, ‘ – Chia se video truc tuyen’, Digilife, viewed 10th May 2010, <>.

Quang Huy 2009, ’10 web chia se video pho bien nhat’, Dantri, viewed 10th May 2010, <>.

Thanh Truc 2007, ‘Nhung dich vu chia se hinh anh tot nhat’, Vietbao, viewed 10th May 2010, <>.

Tuan Nguyen 2010, ‘Nhon nhip ket noi tren Facebook’, Tienphong, viewed 10th May 2010, <>.

Trangnhat 2009, Giai tri – Am Nhac – Xem phim – Tro choi – Hinh anh dep, Trang Nhat, Vetnam,
viewed 6th May 2010, <>.

Vo An 2005, ‘Nguy co lay nhiem HIV cua dong tinh nam rat cao’, Vietbao, viewed 10th May 2010,

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