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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Radio Trailer
The Radio Trailer was interesting to create as I had never produced anything of that format before. It
was a learning curve and in order to make it effective I had to carry out some research into existing
radio adverts and the typical format. Through research I decided that I wanted to have a voiceover
with an American accent and that it should include sound bites from the actual film.

Magazine Article

T4 logo

Producing the magazine was quite productive for me as I had used the programme before (Adobe In
Design) and this would further my design skills. I did some research into magazine articles and the
way that the written information was communicated. This enabled me to create an article with
verisimilitude and I achieved this, using things like the T4 logo and the language used in the article.

Main Product

I feel that my main product ties in very well with the ancillary tasks as it has a continuous font
throughout and the same song in the radio trailer. Continuity is very important when making a
bundle of topics as it shows that you can market a range of products an show a range of skills.

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