Assessment of Computing Project in Module PHYS2551: Name: Marker's Name

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Assessment of Computing Project in module PHYS2551

Marker’s name:

Results and Correctness (marked automatically)

Does the module import correctly?
Does the module produce correct results for the various stages of the project? /30
Efficiency (marked automatically)
Has the module been written efficiently?
How quickly does it run? /20
Features and Techniques Used (marked manually)
Has the student used appropriate features of the Python language?
Are the techniques used appropriate to the problem?
Have attempts have been made to catch errors that might occur? /25
Style (marked manually)
Is the module well structured?
Were function and variable names clear and well chosen?
Is the program clearly documented through the use of Python document strings and
in-line comments? /25

Total (integer) /100

The marker’s comments (required) are given on the reverse of this sheet.

This document is not an official statement of performance. All marks are provisional until confirmed by
the Board of Examiners. Staff are reminded that, under the terms of the Data Protection Act,
completed assessment pro formas may be made available to students.
Assessment of Skills Report in module PHYS2551

Lab group:
Marker’s name:

Clarity of scientific presentation

Organisation into sections
Written style
Figure and table captions
Quality of figures
Labelling of graphs
Format of the bibliography/references /100
Introduction and theory
Introduction sets the scene for the investigation
Introduction outlines the scope of the report
Theory includes the key physics for the investigation (key physics and important
Physics in the theory section is correct and appropriate
The theory section is properly supported by the bibliography/references /100
States what was measured
States how the measurements were done
States what apparatus was used (possibly including a sketch)
The account is concise /50
Results and data analysis
Was an appropriate number of data collected?
Is the quality of the data good?
Are the data complete?
Were the uncertainties properly assessed and quantified?
Were the uncertainties correctly interpreted? /125
Interpretation (discussion and conclusions)
Were the data correctly interpreted?
Does the work explain the physical meaning of the data?
Does the work show an understanding of the limitations of the experiment?
Do the conclusions accurately reflect the data and their physical interpretation? /125

Lab mark
Evidence of good laboratory practice /50

Total /550
Mark returned (integer) /100

The marker’s comments (required) are given on the reverse of this sheet.

This document is not an official statement of performance. All marks are provisional until confirmed by
the Board of Examiners. Staff are reminded that, under the terms of the Data Protection Act,
completed assessment pro formas may be made available to students.
Assessment of Long Experiment in modules PHYS2551 and PHYS2571

Lab group:
Experiment title:
Marker’s name:

Clarity of scientific presentation

Organisation into sections
Written style
Figure and table captions
Quality of figures
Labelling of graphs
Format of the bibliography/references /100
Introduction and theory
Introduction sets the scene for the investigation
Introduction outlines the scope of the report
Theory includes the key physics for the investigation (key physics and important
Physics in the theory section is correct and appropriate
The theory section is properly supported by the bibliography/references /100
States what was measured
States how the measurements were done
States what apparatus was used (possibly including a sketch)
The account is concise /50
Results and data analysis
Was an appropriate number of data collected?
Is the quality of the data good?
Are the data complete?
Were the uncertainties properly assessed and quantified?
Were the uncertainties correctly interpreted? /125
Interpretation (discussion and conclusions)
Were the data correctly interpreted?
Does the work explain the physical meaning of the data?
Does the work show an understanding of the limitations of the experiment?
Do the conclusions accurately reflect the data and their physical interpretation? /125

Lab mark
Marked by template at milestone points during the project /50

Total /550

Mark returned (integer) /100

The marker’s comments (required) are given on the reverse of this sheet.

This document is not an official statement of performance. All marks are provisional until confirmed by
the Board of Examiners. Staff are reminded that, under the terms of the Data Protection Act,
completed assessment pro formas may be made available to students.
Assessment of Essay and Presentation in module PHYS2551

Tutor’s name:

Essay: English
Is the report written in good English (fluency, grammar, punctuation, spelling) and
in an appropriate style?
Is the text free of typographical errors? /25
Essay: Physics Content
Is the physics content high?
Is the physics suitably advanced?
Is there evidence of wide reading?
Does the writer demonstrate a thorough grasp of the subject?
Does the writer offer a distinctive approach to writing about the subject? /25

Essay: Structure and Presentation

Does the essay have a title and authorship details?
Is the content properly supported by an appropriate list of references or
Is the subject matter introduced and concluded in a suitable manner?
Does the essay cover the material implied by the title and the introduction, and in a
logical order and coherent manner?
Is the text supported by figures, tables and equations when appropriate and are these
properly referred to in the text?
Are the layout and general presentation of high quality and is the length of the essay
satisfactory? /25

Sub-Total /75

Talk: Physics Content

Were the physics content and the technical level appropriate?
Did the speaker demonstrate a thorough grasp of the subject during the talk and in
answering questions? /15

Talk: Presentation Skills

Were the title and an outline of the talk given at the start?
Did the overheads/slides contain an appropriate amount of relevant information, and
were they easy to read?
Did the speaker present the material in a logical order, making good use of the
overheads/slides and other visual aids?
Was the talk confidently presented with the speaker facing the audience, engaging it
with eye contact, and avoiding over-reliance on notes?
Was the talk lively and interesting?
Did the speaker keep to time having concluded suitably? /10

Total (integer) /100

The marker’s comments (required) are given on the reverse of this sheet.

This document is not an official statement of performance. All marks are provisional until confirmed by
the Board of Examiners. Staff are reminded that, under the terms of the Data Protection Act,
completed assessment pro formas may be made available to students.

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